Sensitivity of Chest CT for COVID-19: Comparison to RT-PCR. Berenguer J, Ryan P, Rodrguez-Bao J, Jarrn I, Carratal J, Pachn J, Yllescas M, Arribas JR, Group C-SS. Res. McHugh, M. L. (2013). All meta-analytic efforts prescribe to a similar workflow, outlined as follows: Define primary and secondary objectives, Construct search strategy: rapid or systematic search, Screen studies and determine eligibility, 3) Extract and consolidate study-level data, Collect relevant study-level characteristics and experi-mental covariates, Estimate model parameters for complex relation-ships (optional), Evaluate extent of between-study inconsistency (heterogeneity), 5) Synthesize study-level data into summary measure, Pool data and calculate summary measure and confidence interval, Explore potential sources of heterogeneity (ex. The patient, diagnostic, and treatment intervals in adult patients with cancer from high- and lower-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis; Favipiravir, lopinavir-ritonavir, or combination therapy (FLARE): A randomised, double-blind, 2 2 factorial placebo-controlled trial of early antiviral therapy in COVID-19 This is particularly important for economic decision modeling evaluating future health technologies/treatments not just in DMD but also as a framework for other rare diseases.26 Natural history models rely on reliable estimates of mortality throughout the disease pathway, and while the analysis is not without limitation, the only previous meta-analytic work of this nature provides a median estimate of survival,8 which, while useful, is not sufficiently granular for natural history modeling. Alternatively, hypothesis-driven studies build upon what is known or strongly suggested by earlier work. Efficacy and Safety of Different The meta-regression interstudy coefficient inter and the overall intrastudy-regression coefficient intra can then be compared in terms of magnitude and sign. Age was chosen as the timescale because this provided clinically meaningful survival estimates and, for example, did not require knowledge of age at diagnosis. 6:e1000097. The impact of this is probably minimal because studies that did report average ages at recruitment generally reported fairly young (<10 years of age) recruitment ages, but it is difficult to assess what impact, if any, this possible bias may have on the final results. (B) Subgroup analysis of OB [ATP]ic data by differentiation status (immature 0 to 3 day osteoblasts vs. mature 4 to 28 day osteoblasts). Lisinopril was associated with higher all-cause mortality compared with placebo (OR 65.9, 95%CrI 1.91 to 239.6) or ramipril (14.65, 1.23 to 49.5). (A,B) Reliability of study-level error measures. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript. Assess. Analysis J. Broomfield and M. Hill received funding from Project HERCULES. 2020;108:154262. 4. Digitization of curves was also conducted by 2 authors, with summary statistics (medians or earlier quantiles if not reached and survival probabilities) and reproduced graphs being compared to the original study graph to ensure a suitable degree of accuracy. Figure 7. To begin with, we used Stata software (version 12.0, StataCorp, College Station, TX) to make pairwise meta-analyses. More guidelines and information on Disputes & Debates, Patient-Centered Treatment of Chronic Migraine With Medication Overuse: A Prospective, Randomized, Pragmatic Clinical Trial, Neurology | Print ISSN:0028-3878 Replicates and repeatswhat is the difference and is it significant? More than 75 percent decline over 27 years in total flying - PLOS Reference 1 must be the article on which you are commenting. Systematic reviews involve comprehensive search strategies that enable reviewers to identify all relevant studies on a defined topic (DeLuca et al., 2008). However, the use of absolute effect size requires authors to report on a common scale or provide conversion parameters. Conclusion: SSRN Electron J. Systematic review was registered with PROSPERO and performed using PRISMA guidelines. Lloyd, S. (1982). Such inconsistencies are known as aggregation bias and in the context of meta-analyses can arise from excess heterogeneity or from confounding factors at the level of the study. At last, the robustness of the model was detected with R (version 3.1.1, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) through computing the posterior mean residual deviance. Overall, sensitivity analyses showed that the results were stable. K. Abrams has received grants from British Heart Foundation, Health Data Research UK, Medical Research Council, and National Institute for Health Research during the course of the study. This model assumes that the rate of death of patients is the same for all ages within a time period while allowing rates of death to differ across time periods. Figure 5. Funnel plots were not performed because the number of included studies in 1 comparison was <10. JASP Team (2018). The weighting scheme thus significantly influences the outcome of meta-analysis, and if poorly chosen, potentially risks over-weighing less precise studies and generating a less valid, non-generalizable outcome. Search strategies are constructed by increasing search specificity, thus reducing the number of irrelevant studies identified by the search at the expense of search comprehensiveness (Haby et al., 2016). If the distribution is found deviate from normality, the most common explanations are that (i) the distribution is skewed due to inconsistencies between studies, (ii) subpopulations exist within the dataset giving rise to multimodal distributions or (iii) the studied phenomenon is not normally distributed. 2020;15(5):e0233147. The study populations vary globally and ethnically, with studies from North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help We used odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence interval (CI) for direct evidences or 95% credible intervals (CrI) for indirect evidences to report dichotomous data. Values of I2 at 25, 50, and 75% are generally graded as low, moderate and high heterogeneity, respectively (Higgins and Thompson, 2002; Pathak et al., 2017). However, there are so many ACE inhibitors that doctors are uncertain, which is the most effective and should be chosen first. 2020;395(10223):497506. 'MacMoody'. After many iterations of resampling and fitting, a distribution of parameter estimates N(,sd()2) is obtained, from which the parameter means and variances sd()2 can be estimated (Figures 5C,D). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. This age-related reduction in T cells and B cells clonal diversity is associated with impaired responses to viral infections such as influenza [76] and the excess production of type 2 cytokines could lead to prolonged pro-inflammatory immune responses and therefore perhaps contribute to poor outcomes [62]. J. Med. The study sample size ranged from 16 to 287. Since meta-analytic methods typically assume normality, the log transformation is a useful tool used to normalize skewed distributions (Figures 6CF). We emphasize the need for mortality collection to be considered in the design stage, especially in natural history/registry studies. Meta-analyses are believed to have higher statistical power than the underlying primary studies, however this is not always true (Hedges and Pigott, 2001; Jackson and Turner, 2017). Once duplicates were removed, the initial search results were screened for relevance by titles and abstracts by both authors. Submitted comments are subject to editing and editor review prior to posting. To begin with, we used Stata software (version 12.0, StataCorp, College Station, TX) to make pairwise meta-analyses. Its emphasis is on identifying various manifestations of SEM models and interpreting the output rather than a thorough mathematical treatment or a comprehensive list of syntax options in lavaan.Since SEM is a broad topic, only the most Furthermore, risk of mortality among hospitalized COVID-19 patients is highly influenced by patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD), Cardiovascular Disease(CVD), diabetes, hypertension, obese, cancer, acute kidney injury and increase D-dimer. Critical values drawn from a t-distribution, known as t-scores (t), also assume data are normally-distributed, however, are used when there are fewer available studies (<30) because the t-distribution tails are heavier. No significant differences were found among the 4 interventions. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. 2006;295(6):67680. If study-level regression coefficients can be computed for several studies (Figure 10A, red lines), they can be pooled to estimate an overall effect intra. Diabetes Metab Syndr: Clin Res Rev. Identifying and removing duplicate records from systematic review searches. Meta-analysis | Stata Parohan M, Yaghoubi S, Seraji A, Javanbakht MH, Sarraf P, Djalali M. Risk factors for mortality in patients with Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Although this systematic review presented pooled estimatefrom 42 studies across 13 geographical locations and may be considered broadly representative of the pandemic, our study has a few limitations. The resulting global nonfiber recycling rate increased at a constant 0.7% per annum (p.a.) EMBO Rep. 13, 291296. The term "meta-analysis" was coined in 1976 by the statistician Gene V. Glass, who stated "my major interest currently is in what we have come to call the meta-analysis of research. GUID:5B48B7C7-88F2-4758-8703-FA592C8846C0. Global declines in insects have sparked wide interest among scientists, politicians, and the general public. Meta-analyses can be a challenging undertaking, requiring tedious screening and statistical understanding. Another dimension to the validity of evidence in the basic sciences is the selection of experimental model. Before study screening, the inclusion and exclusion criteria must be defined to ensure consistency in study identification and retrieval, especially when multiple reviewers are involved. 2020;52(7):35460. JAMA Internal Med. Earlier identification can Morbid obesity as an independent risk factor for COVID-19 mortality in hospitalized patients younger than 50. Black bars: 2 test p-values for each covariate-cluster dependence test. The standard error se(i) is required to compute inverse variance weights, however, primary literature as well as meta-analysis reviewers often confuse standard errors with standard deviations sd(i) (Altman and Bland, 2005). Purpose. And the rest three studies provided crude hazard and odds ratios [53,54,55] (Table 1). CLS - University College London This information is valuable in subsequent exploratory analyses and can provide insight into influential factors through between-study comparison. Objectives Timely diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (AF) is essential to reduce complications from this increasingly common condition. Libr. Haffner CA, Kendall MJ, Struthers AD, et al. Submissions should not have more than 5 authors. 2021;37(3):e3388. Williams NP, Ostridge K, Devaster J-M, Kim V, Coombs NA, Bourne S, Clarke SC, Harden S, Abbas A, Aris E. Impact of radiologically stratified exacerbations: insights into pneumonia aetiology in COPD. (CF) Validation of MetaLab data-extraction module. The full reconstructed dataset is available on request. 2020;217:108509. Lancet. 210, 659667. Regalado-Artamendi I, Jimnez-Ubieto A, Hernndez-Rivas J, Navarro B, Nez L, Alaez C, Crdoba R, Pealver FJ, Cannata J, Estival P. Risk factors and mortality of COVID-19 in patients with lymphoma: a multicenter study. Jaillon S, Berthenet K, Garlanda C. Sexual dimorphism in innate immunity. Article Characteristics and predictors of death among 4,035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain. The meta-analysis of currently available regional and national reports of patients with coronavirus infection highlights the effect of complications, comorbidities, and demographic variables on mortality of coronavirus. China (2/24/2020). The following search terms were used: (1) Duchenne muscular dystrophy or DMD; (2) survival or mortality or death or life expectancy; and (3) 1 and 2. Read any comments already posted on the article prior to submission. Literature search strategies for conducting knowledge-building and theory-generating qualitative systematic reviews. Its emphasis is on understanding the concepts of CFA and interpreting the output rather than a thorough mathematical treatment or a comprehensive list of syntax options in lavaan.For exploratory factor analysis (EFA), please refer to A Practical The PRISMA extension statement for reporting of systematic reviews incorporating network meta-analyses of health care interventions: checklist and explanations. Importantly, the t-distribution is asymptotically normal and will thus converge to a z-distribution for a sufficiently large number of studies, resulting in similar critical values. Purpose. Type two diabetes results from decreased insulin sensitivity and hyperglycemia. 2020;395:105462. This seminar will show you how to perform a confirmatory factor analysis using lavaan in the R statistical programming language. Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study. The flowchart of the systematic review is shown in Figure 1. 2016 Jan;95(2):e2308. As a sensitivity analysis, the studies that performed more poorly in the JBI tool19,25 were removed, and the nonparametric analysis was rerun. Careers. M. Guglieri received funding from Sarepta for academic projects through TREAT NMD. N Engl J Med. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. 2003;139(9):71523. Unlike clinical research, where consolidation efforts are facilitated by systematic review and meta-analysis, the basic sciences seldom use such rigorous quantitative methods. Stat. The search strategy was as follows: (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 or novel coronavirus or COVID-19 or 2019-nCoV or SARS-CoV-2) and (survival or fatal outcome or mortality or death). Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports. Higgins and Thompson emphasized that a heterogeneity metric should be (i) dependent on magnitude of heterogeneity, (ii) independent of measurement scale, (iii) independent of sample size and (iv) easily interpretable (Higgins and Thompson, 2002). 2020;55(5):2000524. While some parameters can be approximated by reviewers, such as cell-related parameters found in BioNumbers database (Milo et al., 2010) and equipment-related parameters presumed from manufacturer manuals, reviewers should exercise caution when making such approximations as they can introduce systematic errors that manifest throughout the analysis. eCollection 2022 Jun. It is critical for reviewers to ensure the data is consistent with the model such that the estimated parameters sufficiently capture the information conveyed in the underlying study-level data. After homogeneity is attained by cumulative exclusion, the global effect generally stabilizes with respect to subsequent study removal. If the search strategy fails to retrieve even one of the selected studies, the search strategy requires further optimization. Methods 13, 3148. We identified 150 publications through Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, Web of Sciences (WOS), EMBASE, Medline/PubMed, COVID-19 research database (WHO), COVID-19 open research dataset challenge, and Scopus database, of which, 14 studies that did not have numbers of hospital death, 31 reviews, 19 non-English, and 32 duplicates were excluded. Sena, E., van der Worp, H. B., Howells, D., and Macleod, M. (2007). Sigurdsson A, Amtorp O, Gundersen T, et al. We are part of the UCL Social Research Institute. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy (version 1). Similar work could be completed in the United Kingdom by linking to large-scale population-linked electronic health record data, for example, the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. The immunopathogenesis of sepsis in elderly patients. No comments have been published for this article. Figure 2A illustrates the survival probabilities from the digitized data. PubMed, MEDLINE, Web of Science,, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar were searched. After the supplementary review of references in systematic reviews of DMD mortality, a further article was identified as appropriate for inclusion from the Landfeldt et al.8 review. Loss of insect diversity and abundance is expected to provoke cascading effects on food webs and to jeopardize ecosystem services. Right: 95% CI (red band) and Q-test p-value (black line). 59, 467477. Hedges, L. V., and Pigott, T. D. (2001). Br. But acute cardiac injury association with COVID-19 fatality was not found to be significant (pOR=2.33; 95% CI 0.883.79; pHR=1.89; 95% CI 0.753.02) (Fig. Model parameters were estimated for each set of sampled data. Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study. Two reviewers extracted the data and made the quality assessment. Funnel plots have been widely used to assess the risk of bias and examine meta-analysis validity (Light and Pillemer, 1984; Borenstein, 2009). Truncations, wildcards, and proximity operators can also help refine a search strategy by including spelling variations and different wordings of the same concept (Ecker and Skelly, 2010). Last, our article used summary data rather than individual patient data, which could introduce some biases at the individual patient level. An increase in all-cause mortality combined with a limited effect on reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure made lisinopril the worest choice among the ACE inhibitors evaluated. Relevant studies were limited, and the sample size was small; therefore, the discrepancies between direct evidence and network evidence might be due to random error. Hedges' g), they need to extract study-level means (i), standard deviations (sd(i)), and sample sizes (ni), for control (denoted ic, sd(ic), and nic) and intervention (denoted ir, sd(ir), and nir) groups, for studies i. Widely used weighting schemes based on the inverse variance are fixed effect or random effects meta-analytic models. 21, 15591573. Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made - Science Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, Ren L, Zhao J, Hu Y, Zhang L, Fan G, Xu J, Gu X. A Bayesian nonparametric meta-analysis model. Hunter, J. E., and Schmidt, F. L. (2004). How can we improve the pre-clinical development of drugs for stroke? N Engl J Med. This Friday, were taking a look at Microsoft and Sonys increasingly bitter feud over Call of Duty and whether U.K. regulators are leaning toward torpedoing the Activision Blizzard deal. Deep Learning Reconstruction for Accelerated Spine MRI: Prospective Analysis of Interchangeability. Petrilli CM, Jones SA, Yang J, Rajagopalan H, ODonnell L, Chernyak Y, Tobin KA, Cerfolio RJ, Francois F, Horwitz LI. Six studies (423 patients) with 3 drugs (captopril, enalapril, and lisinopril) and placebo were included. Clin Infect Dis. Indeed previously limited scale meta-analysis study [70] had also shown the same findings. The challenge of COVID-19 is very high globally due to the complexity of its transmission and a lack of proven treatment [5, 6]. Additionally, the Qtotal statistic is not a measure of the magnitude of heterogeneity due to its inherent dependence on the number of studies. Median survival was compared in the pooled dataset and across birth cohorts. 13, 141141. Becton Dickinson (United States), United States, United States Food and Drug Administration, United States.
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