has flat wavefronts) before the divergence due to diffraction becomes significant. Thank you for reading my blog post and for your comment. The contours of constant intensity are therefore ellipses instead of circles. Now here is the important part! Thank you for your interest in my blog. Thank you so much, I do understand it now. Here, we can see how the Fresnel and paraxial approximations are equivalent. Asymptotic Stability of an Eikonal Transformation Based ADI Method for the Paraxial Helmholtz Equation at High Wave Numbers - Volume 12 Issue 4 At z = $z_R$, the beam waist is $\sqrt{2}\omega_0$ and the beam diameter is $2\sqrt{2}\omega_0$. In mathematics, the Helmholtz equation, named for Hermann von Helmholtz, is the partial differential equation where 2 is the Laplacian, k is the wavenumber, and A is the amplitude . If we make r0= zjb^ , a complex number, then (2.10) is always a solution to (2.10) for all r, because jr r0j6= 0 always. I am really thankful to this discussion with you because I do learn from it, so excuse me in this extra question; One of the COMSOL modes named Nanorods with application library path: Wave_Optics_Module/Optical_Scattering/ nanorods. I am told to make the approach to set u ( r, ) = v ( r) w ( ) to seperate r and in the equation and solve the resulting . 2. The parabolodal wave is an exact solution to the paraxial wave equation as we found above, so we can thus use this to find the Gaussian solution to the paraxial wave equation. The Helmholtz equation, which represents a time-independent form of the wave equation, results from applying the technique of separation of variables to reduce the complexity of the analysis. There is a reference in the pdf document for the nanorods model, Do you have to focus your beam to the size of the nano-particle? and the Paraxial Helmholtz Equation, which describes collimated beams: $$ \nabla^2 \psi (x,y,z)= -2 i k \frac{\partial \psi (x,y,z)}{\partial z} $$ The above equation describes a beam propagating through the "z" direction. I am trying to study the optical characteristics of gold nano-particle (radius = 6nm) on a wavelength spectrum extended from 400 nm to 500 nm, and I do not know how I can determine the beam radius waist (w0) value. Lets now take a look at the scattered field for the example shown in the previous simulations. Dear Yasmien, Assuming a certain polarization, it further reduces to a scalar Helmholtz equation, which is written in 2D for the out-of-plane electric field for simplicity: where k=2 \pi/\lambda for wavelength \lambda in vacuum. Two sources of radiation in the plane, given mathematically by a function f, which is zero in the blue region The real part of the resulting field A, A is the solution to the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation ( 2 k 2) A = f.. where 2 is the Laplace operator (or "Laplacian"), k 2 is the eigenvalue, and f is the (eigen)function. Yosuke. The result is a paraboloidal wave, given as: \begin{equation} \varepsilon(x,y,z) = \frac{E_0}{z}e^{-ik(x^2+y^2)/2z} \end{equation}. Best regards, We can see this as the wavefront radius begins at infinity at the beam waist, then acquires curvature on diffraction, and then again looks like an infinite. If you would like a more flexible way, you can define a paraxial Gaussian beam in Definition and also define a coordinate transfer. This field can be regarded as an error of the background field. where (z) is the polarization direction and I used it to overcome the paraxial approximation problem if you rememer, but I get this error: { If your beam is really a tightly focused beam, it has a propagation component inevitably. The paraxial approximation of the Helmholtz equation is: where is the transverse part of the Laplacian. Is the background method applicable to the case of an interface? Syntax error in expression 1) You can not focus a beam to an infinitely small size. The limitation appears when you are trying to describe a Gaussian beam with a spot size near its wavelength. So when you simulate a focusing laser beam, you should have the specification of the laser beam. . As such, it would be reasonable to want to simulate a Gaussian beam with the smallest spot size. Thank you for reading this blog. Heres the expression: Thanks for your clarification and I got the idea in using mesh. The explanation of the reason of existence an electric field component in the propagation direction is still unclear to me, I am sorry I did not understand it well. x2 = x*cos(theta) y*sin(theta) Since we have $q(z)$ in the denominator of the exponent, we can break it into its real and imaginary parts as: \begin{equation} \frac{1}{q} = \frac{1}{q_r} i\frac{1}{q_i} \end{equation}, \begin{equation} \varepsilon = \frac{E_0}{q(z)}e^{-k(x^2+y^2)/2q_i}e^{-ik(x^2+y^2)/2q_r} \end{equation}. That is, I am looking for monochromatic solutions of the Maxwell equations which look ~ What are good non-paraxial gaussian . To circumvent this drawback, families of so-called finite-energy Airy-type beams have been proposed in the literature . , . The Gaussian beam is recognized as one of the most useful light sources. The phase will asymptotically approach $\pi/2$ as z $\rightarrow \infty$. One of the assumptions to derive the paraxial Helmholtz equation is that the envelope function varies relatively slowly in the propagation axis, i.e., |\partial^2 A/ \partial x^2| \ll |2k \partial A/\partial x|. As this plot suggests, we cant expect that the paraxial Gaussian beam formula for spot sizes near or smaller than the wavelength is representative of what really happens in experiments or the behavior of real electromagnetic Gaussian beams. We can calculate the divergence angle by first finding the beam radius: \begin{equation} \omega(z) = \omega_0\sqrt{1+(\frac{z}{z_R})^2} \approx \omega_0(\frac{z}{z_R}) \end{equation}, \begin{equation} \theta \approx tan\theta = \frac{\omega(z)}{z_R} = \frac{\omega_0}{\pi\omega_0^2/\lambda} = \frac{\lambda}{\pi\omega_0} \end{equation}. In this equation, is a complex variable representing the phase and amplitude of the wave and k is the wave number equal to 2/, where is the wavelength. Yosuke. It has the form of an evolution equation that describes waves prop-agating along a privileged axis and it can be obtained by neglecting backscatter- Write expressions for the beam. Show that the wave with complex envelope A (r)= [A_1 / q (z)]exp [-jk (x^2+y^2)/2q (z)], where q (z)=z+jz_0 and z_0 is constant, also satisfies the paraxial Helmholtz equation. We will discuss this topic in a future blog post. Expression: x*cos(theta) y*sin(theta) Defined as: exp(i*phase)*(! If a slow (gently focusing) beam works for your characterization, the waist radius of 4 um or larger would work and our Gaussian beam background feature gives you a correct result. P. Vaveliuk, Limits of the paraxial approximation in laser beams. As the beam propagates further into the far field, ie many Rayleigh ranges away, the beam expands essentially linearly with distance such that the shape approaches a cone with a divergence angle $\theta$. Instead, you simply need to specify the waist radius, focus position, polarization, and the wave number. such that at this position, the wavefront radius R(z=0) = $\infty$. When we assumed time-harmonic waves to derive the Helmholtz equation from the time-dependent wave equation, we factored out exp(i*omega*t). The Gaussian beam is a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) mode. (You can type it in the plot settings by using the derivative operand like d (d (A,x),x) and d (A,x), and so on.) Fourier methods are incompatible with space-variable coefficients. Best regards By using this feature, you can use the paraxial Gaussian beam formula in COMSOL Multiphysics without having to type out the relatively complicated formula. Louisell, and W. B. McKnight, From Maxwell to paraxial wave optics, Physical Review A, vol. where A represents the complex-valued amplitude of the electric field, which modulates the sinusoidal plane wave represented by the exponential factor. A statement of the approximation involves the optical axis, which is a line that passes through the center of each lens and is oriented in a direction normal to the surface of the lens (at the center).The paraxial approximation approximation is valid for rays that make a small angle to the optical axis of the . Show that the wave with complex envelope A (r) = [A_1/q (z)] exp [-jk (x^2 + y^2)/2q (z)], where q (z) = z +jz_0 and z_0 is a constant, also satisfies the paraxial Helmholtz equation. In COMSOL Multiphysics, the paraxial Gaussian beam formula is included as a built-in background field in the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain interface in the RF and Wave Optics modules. Thus, such kind of solutions must be investigated in order to describe nonparaxial beams. The soliton concept is a sophisticated mathematical construct based on the integrability of . We can see that the paraxiality condition breaks down as the waist size gets close to the wavelength. At the moment I am working on in bulk laser material processing of sapphire where I need to define an Gaussian beam entering the material and focusing in the bulk. If a Gaussian beam is incident from air to glass and makes a focus in the glass, the waist position will be different from the case where the material doesnt exist (See Applied Optics, Vol. Dear Jana, In some cases, the second-order approximation is also called "paraxial". That was a typo. When we use the term Gaussian beam here, it always means a focusing or propagating Gaussian beam, which includes the amplitude and the phase. But the formula still holds if you read k as the wave number in a material, that is, if you use n*k instead of k, where n is the refractive index of the material. Dear Attilio, Due to this limitation, you will have to rotate your material in order to simulate a beam at an angle. There are some limitations for the built-in Gaussian beam feature. M. Lax, W.H. In the paraxial approximation, the complex magnitude of the electric field E becomes. In the Model Definition section at page 1 of this model, the author determined that the rods have dimensions less than wavelength, as my case, and as I understand he overcame the problem of Gaussian beam is an approximation solution by the following sentence and I will write it as it was reminded For tightly focused beams you also need to include an electric field component in the propagation direction. [ ] . The time-harmonic assumption (the wave oscillates at a single frequency in time) changes the Maxwell equations to the frequency domain from the time domain, resulting in the monochromatic (single wavelength) Helmholtz equation. Here, x_R is referred to as the Rayleigh range. . Note: The term Gaussian beam can sometimes be used to describe a beam with a Gaussian profile or Gaussian distribution. (1) then the Helmholtz Differential Equation becomes. This wave, called the Gaussian beam, is the subject of Chapter 3. The NLS equation can be recovered from Eq. This then gives us the physical intuition into what the Rayleigh range means: its a measure of how far the beam is approximately collimated (i.e. Also, why do we represent this component by differentiating the gaussian beam field according to the polarization direction? E(x,y,z)= E0*w0/w(x)*exp(-(y^2+z^2)/w(x)^2)*exp(-i*(k*x-eta(x)+k*(y^2+z^2)/(2*R(x)))). Contents 1 Motivation and uses 2 Solving the Helmholtz equation using separation of variables 2.1 Vibrating membrane 2.2 Three-dimensional solutions )/24(2)], where q(2) = 2 + jz0 and 20 is a constant; also satisfies the paraxial Helmholtz equation. Yes, the number I gave you is lambda/pi. The wavelength is not the determining factor of w0. Thank you. Mesh refinement works for increasing the accuracy of finite element solutions. The key mathematical insight is that the solution of a differential equation must be independent of origin. Could you recommend a source for reading? Browse related topics here on the COMSOL Blog. (2) Now divide by , (3) so the equation has been separated. equation and the paraxial wave equation. (You can type it in the plot settings by using the derivative operand like d(d(A,x),x) and d(A,x), and so on.) You signed in with another tab or window. The yields the Paraxial Helmholtz equation. Ray transfer matrix analysis is one method that uses the approximation. The next assumption is that |\partial^2 A/ \partial x^2| \ll |2k \partial A/\partial x|, which means that the envelope of the propagating wave is slow along the optical axis, and |\partial^2 A/ \partial x^2| \ll |\partial^2 A/ \partial y^2|, which means that the variation of the wave in the optical axis is slower than that in the transverse axis. Operator: mean By providing your email address, you consent to receive emails from COMSOL AB and its affiliates about the COMSOL Blog, and agree that COMSOL may process your information according to its Privacy Policy. This is the full field formulation, where COMSOL Multiphysics solves for the total field. As the paraxial Helmholtz equation is a complex equation, let's take a look at the real part of this quantity, . Yosuke. Most lasers emit beams that take this form. Then, combining the last two equations: \begin{equation} E(x,y,z) = e^{-ikz}\iint^{\infty}_{-\infty}A(k_x,k_y;0)e^{i(k_x^2+k_y^2)z/2k}e^{-i(k_xx+k_yy)}dk_xdk_y \end{equation}. 9? R(x) = x+xR^2/x Can you tell me how to implement my simulation?Thank you very much! The results shown above clearly indicate that the paraxial Gaussian beam formula starts failing to be consistent with the Helmholtz equation as its focused more tightly. 4, pp. We can then write the radius r as: \begin{equation} r = \sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2} = z\sqrt{1+\frac{x^2+y^2}{z^2}} \end{equation}. You can only propagate it along the x or y or z axis. If we consider the shift to be $\eta = -iz_R$, then the envelope becomes: We can define the origin as the position where the beam has its minimum beam radius, i.e. Let ck ( a, b ), k = 1, , m, be points where is allowed to suffer a jump discontinuity. Paraxial Helmholtz equation y= ((i) /2*k )2/x2, which looks like the unsteady heat equation except that y is % the time-like variable and the coefficient of the second derivative is imaginary. Construction is based on expansion in plane waves and generalizes that given in [1] for the axisymmetric case. The exact monochromatic wave equation is the Helmholtz equation (1) where is the angular frequency and v ( x, z) is the wave velocity at the point ( x, z ). 2 [ ] , 2 . In other words, as opposed to the last section when we found exact solutions to the Helmholtz equation using the angular spectrum that we then propagates through space using linear response theory, we are now making approximations to the Helmholtz equation itself by assuming paraxial propagation from the start such that we can rewrite the differential equation. Then jr r0j= p x2+ y2+ (z+ jb)2 Variable: comp1.emw.Ebx A schematic illustrating the converging, focusing, and diverging of a Gaussian beam. Then the q-parameter becomes: \begin{equation} \frac{1}{q(z)} = \frac{1}{R(z)}-i\frac{\lambda}{\pi\omega^2(z)} \rightarrow 0 -i\frac{\lambda}{\pi\omega_0^2} = \frac{1}{q_0} \end{equation}, \begin{equation} q_0 = i\frac{\pi\omega_0^2}{\lambda} = iz_R \end{equation}. eta(x) = atan(x/xR)/2, For a rotated one at an angle theta, please replace x and y in the above expression with x2 and y2 and define The yields the Paraxial Helmholtz equation. Generally, this allows three important approximations (for in radians) for calculation of the ray's path: The paraxial approximation is used in Gaussian optics and first-order raytracing. Are you sure you want to create this branch? And, also how I can define a coordinate transfer in expression for an incident angle of the beam? xR = pi*w0^2/lambda The original idea of the paraxial Gaussian beam starts with approximating the scalar Helmholtz equation by factoring out the propagating factor and leaving the slowly varying function, i.e., E_z(x,y) = A(x,y)e^{-ikx}, where the propagation axis is in x and A(x,y) is the slowly varying function. In COMSOL, the Gaussian beam settings in the background field feature in the Wave Optics module are set for the vacuum by default, i.e., the wave number is set to be ewfd.k0. I think it will be less than wavelength and this will not match with the paraxial approximation for Maxwell equation that used in the suggested gaussian beam in your blog. The Helmholtz differential equation can be solved by the separation of variables in only 11 coordinate systems. Consider G and denote by the Lagrangian density. Best regards, (Helmholtz equation) 2 . You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' (or the latest version Paraxial Helmholtz equation y= ((i) /2*k )2/x2, which looks like the unsteady heat equation except that y is % the time-like variable and the coefficient of the second derivative is imagina. To describe the Gaussian beam, there is a mathematical formula called the paraxial Gaussian beam formula. Philosophically, the paraxial wave equation is an intermediary between the simple concepts of rays and plane waves and deeper concepts embodied in the wave equation. Hi, Now, if we were to substitute this equation into the Helmholtz equation, we would first have via Chains Rule (hehe): \begin{equation} \nabla^2E(x,y,z) = (\nabla^2\varepsilon 2ik\hat{z}\cdot\nabla{\varepsilon}-k^2\varepsilon)e^{-ikz} \end{equation}, \begin{equation} \nabla^2\epsilon 2ik\frac{\partial\varepsilon}{\partial{z}} = 0 \end{equation}, If we then consider that the envelope varies slowly, such that, \begin{equation} |\frac{\partial^2\varepsilon}{\partial{z}^2}| << 2k|\frac{\partial\epsilon}{\partial{z}}| \end{equation}, \begin{equation} \frac{\partial^2\varepsilon}{\partial{x^2}}+\frac{\partial^2\varepsilon}{\partial{y^2}} 2ik\frac{\partial\epsilon}{\partial{z}} = 0 \end{equation}. Failed to evaluate variable. In the above plot, we saw the relationship between the waist size and the accuracy of the paraxial approximation. Plots showing the electric field norm of the scattered field. Very interested topic. Then under a suitable assumption, u approximately solves where is the transverse part of the Laplacian. As you know the gaussian beam source that I asked you about I used it in 3D structure and was represented in my model by analytic functon with the next formula: Can I define x and y are equal to 1? Thanks Yosuke for such an interesting and clear post.My current work is a single crystal fiber laser, and I encountered the problem you described above while simulating the propagation of light in the pump!I am here to ask you what method can I use to simulate the propagation of a Gaussian beam (W0 =0.147mm) in a rod with a diameter of 1mm and display the light intensity distribution!I used the ray tracing module, but the results are too poor. I mean is it constant? What is F in Helmholtz equation? Thank you Since the paraxial equation is just the Helmholtz equation with simplifying assumptions, we can use our basic solution to the Helmholtz, the angular spectrum, multiplied by a transfer function to find the field at an arbitrary distance z: \begin{equation} E(x,y,z) = \iint^{\infty}_{-\infty}A(k_x,k_y;0)H(k_x,k_y;z)e^{-i(k_xx+k_yy)}dk_xdk_y \end{equation}. Failed to evaluate expression. The Helmholtz equation often arises in the study of physical problems involving partial differential equations (PDEs) in both space and time. So you have to add it no matter how its a different component than your preferred plane to which you want to believe its polarized. Subexpression: y*sin(the [2] Inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation [ edit] The inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation is the equation This formulation can be viewed as a scattering problem with a scattering potential, which appears in the right-hand side. You can imagine I am now really looking forward to the follow-up post you promised describing the solutions! In the paraxial approximation of the Helmholtz equation, [1] the complex amplitude A is expressed as where u represents the complex-valued amplitude which modulates the sinusoidal plane wave represented by the exponential factor. Yosuke, Dear Yosuke, Here, the relative L2 error is defined by \left ( \int_\Omega |E_{\rm sc}|^2dxdy / \int_\Omega |E_{\rm bg}|^2dxdy \right )^{0.5}, where \Omega stands for the computational domain, which is compared to the mesh size. In the paraxial approximation, the complex magnitude of the electric field E becomes. 1. This consent may be withdrawn. This equation has important applications in the science of optics, where it provides solutions that describe the propagation of electromagnetic waves (light) in the form of either paraboloidal waves or Gaussian beams. Another approach is to find a differential equation that approximates paraxial field propagation. The paraxial Helmholtz equation Start with Helmholtz equation Consider the wave which is a plane wave (propagating along z) transversely modulated by the complex "amplitude" A. The paraxial Gaussian beam option will be available if the scattered field formulation is chosen, as illustrated in the screenshot below. paraxial approximation, paraxial ray, paraxial, Ray (optics) - Special Rays - Optical Systems. Plots showing the electric field norm of paraxial Gaussian beams with different waist radii. }, Dear Yasmien, 3 [ ] Sketch the intensity of the Gaussian beam in the plane z=0. Assuming polarization in the x direction and propagation in the +z direction, the electric field in phasor (complex) notation is given by: In cylindrical coordinates, the scale factors are , , , so the Laplacian is given by (1) Attempt separation of variables in the Helmholtz differential equation (2) by writing (3) then combining ( 1) and ( 2) gives (4) Now multiply by , (5) so the equation has been separated. Understanding how to effectively utilize this useful formulation requires knowledge of its limitation as well as how to determine its accuracy, both of which are elements that we have highlighted here. Expression: comp1.emw.Ebx Show that the wave whose complex envelope is given by A(r) [A1/q(2)] exp[- jk(z? To that end, we can calculate a quantity representing the paraxiality. When we introduce the transverse derivative in terms of a momentum operator , the paraxial wave equation (44) takes the form (89) where k = / c. In this notation, the orbital AM per unit length of a monochromatic beam as given in equation (55) is (90) The above formula is written for beams in vacua or air for simplicity. This equation can easily be solved in the Fourier domain, and one set of solutions are of course the plane waves with wave vector | k|2 = k2 0.We look for solutions which are polarized in x-direction Attempt Separation of Variables by writing. Semi-log plot comparing the relative L2 error of the scattered field with the waist size in the units of wavelength. It represents the field for a "paraxial spherical wave", which is only an approximate solution of the Helmholtz equation. The focus position needs to be known a priori. 27, No. The beam waist size is determined depending on how much you have to focus. If we make the Fresnel approximation such that $x^2+y^2 << z^2$, then: \begin{equation} E(r) = \frac{E_0}{z}e^{-ikz(1+\frac{x^2+y^2}{2z^2})} \end{equation}. 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