There werehomosexuals on the translating committeeof the NIV Bible. The New Testament writers themselves used Lord instead of Yahweh. Such charts are used by KJV-only supporters to alarm you that Satan has indeed worked to remove the name of Jesus. God and Lord are titles or substitutes. It was a hard decision, and many of our translators agree with you. I dont know where you heard this from but it is patently false. Joel 2:32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of Jehovah shall be delivered; The number of occurrences and percent alignment with the Hebrew Scriptures is based solely on the appearance of the word Yahweh or Jehovah. Instances where the name was shortened to Yah in the Hebrew Bible are not counted here. magazine states the following under the heading The Third Commandment: THE REASON GODS NAME IS MISSING FROM MANY BIBLES, the distinctive Hebrew name for God usually transliterated Jehovah, is in this translation represented by LORD. "Yahweh (Jehovah) is the name that indicates the God of the Hebrews. . How many different languages has the Bible been translated into? If Lord is good enough for Paul and Silas, its good enough for me. It is far better to get two million to read it -- that is how many have bought it to date - and to follow the King James, than to have two thousand buy it and miss the grand truth in the Bible on every page because they are following an old fashion translation and have the correct translation of Yahweh. The scrolls, which were encased in marble and buried in 463 A.D., are said to contain the true name of God as communicated to Moses in the Book of Exodus. A source inside the Vatican Secret Archives told Sky News that the Church first became aware of the scrolls existence in the fifth century. They just expected anyone who read the text to understand to read Adonai or Elohim. This answer comes from research and answers provided on Yahoo about a year ago. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain and variants) is the second or third of Gods Ten Commandments to man in the Abrahamic religions. Type your questions in the Comment section, add the word "Question" or "Q," and we will get to them. A more pressing question is whether or not its appropriate to use the name of Yahweh at all. through the first century C.E. 48:35 NIV)., As quoted directly from one such KJVO website, The King James Bible isINSPIREDandPRESERVED. I have heard my name pronounced in several languages. As youve kindly invited in the stranger to ask, in Isaiah it says that Yahweh brings both good and evil, is Yahweh God or is El the real God? But when Putin says, "Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians, too. How such a combination occurred might be worth explaining a little more, so we begin by . Answer (1 of 3): "Jehovah" is a poor translation of a transliteration of the tetragrammaton. If both, mix it up when you pray. I agree with the Jehovah's Witnesses' argument that if English-speaking Christians can use the form Jesus for the Hebrew name Yeshua (for example), they can use Jehovah for Yahweh (or whatever the original pronunciation was). Upon inspection, Pope St. Hilarius issued a decree striking any mention of Gods name from official Church literature. So the sacred Name of God was written YHWH and likely was pronounced Yahweh. Because the letter J did not come into use into the English alphabet until the 1630s. However I agree that its about preference. Reachout October 5, 2012. Your IP: I was raised to NOT use the personal names of my mother, my father, and my grandparents, but to call them Father or Daddy, Mother or Mama, Grandmother, and Grandfather. Let us consider two translations that avoided the name and see why, according to their translators, this was done. 2019 5 Apr. As Author of the Bible, Only God himself has the right to change or alter the Bible. As Jesus/Yeshua reminded us, God said, I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob AM not WAS. Jehovah is a Hebrew name that means He Causes to Become.Genesis 2:4, footnote. "The Lord. Then Gideon built an altar there unto the LORD and called it Jehovah-shalom unto this day it is yet in Ophrah of the Abiezrites, 5.Psalms 83:18 Published July 13, 2015. If political correctness keeps me from being a stumbling block to my brothers and sisters, Im all about it. However, I dont think many KJV readers would either if they actually knew what it was. Ezekiel prophesied a lot about God's glorious presence with His people. There is a tradition that Matthew wrote his gospel first in Hebrew and then rewrote it in Greek, though this is open to debate. Being faithful to the Hebrew (which has no letter J), then Yehu means Yehovah or Yahweh is he. It derives from four Hebrew consonants, called the Tetragrammaton, a term that signifies a four-letter word. But again, Im not going to be offended if you use the name Yahweh. However, I would advise against using the name of Yahweh in public worship, simply because you dont know who is listening. Did Jesus or The New Testament Authors Quote from The Apocryphal Books? I disagree. Thats a good point. Using the name can be incredibly offensive to some groups of people. The name Jehovah appears in some English translations of the Bible. Since the Leningrad Codex uses the vowel pointing for Adonai or Elohim over the consonants YHWH, its clear that they intended for Lord or God to be used instead of Yahweh. The Hebrew for his name is Yahweh (often incorrectly spelled 'Jehovah')" (NIV Study Bible, note at Exodus 3:15, 1998). It is translated from one form to another so both end with the same understanding & meaning. in biblical exegesis. Not surprisingly, the word sodomite was completely removed from the NIV. Though the first English Bible, the Wycliffe Bible did not use the original Biblical languages but was a mere translation from another translationthe Old . Dont Miss: How To Read The New Testament In Chronological Order. You guessed it: the divine name. 1.Genesis 22:14 Did the new Bible versions remove the name of Jesus from the text? Malachi 3:16 . The Jews did not want to pronounce or mispronounce the name of YHWH out of reverence. Instead, they would make a note in the margin, almost like an ancient footnote. Hebrew doesnt actually have a J or a J sound. The King James Bible wonderfully upholds Christ's deity, that He is almighty God. You cant. Why not try to track down the word sodomite in the NIV. Matt 17:3 NIV translated autos (which means himself, he) to Jesus No, King David Never Danced Naked Before The Lord, The Worst Televangelist Product Scams Of All Time, Canonical List of Pastors & Teachers With Fake Doctorates. They do not belong to the consonants under which the markings appear. Hey, I'm Tyler Martin! Our modern New Testaments are based on whats called an eclectic text. Yes, and for this reason, every instance of the name "Jehovah" in the New Testament is marked with an asterisk in the 2013 revision of the New World Translation. It is the letters of the tetragrammaton, Latinized into JHVH, with vowels inserted. It did to me a minute ago, but now its not as clearso, uh, anyway, just thought Id add this 2 cent perspective into the mix. Not all versions are equal when it comes to rendering the divine name as Yahweh, YHWH, or even Jehovah. So how did we get from Jehovah to Yahweh? In the Godless and corrupt New International Version [NIV] of the Bible, the name above every other name, Jesus, is removed in 38 places. Bibles us "Lord" instead of YHWH or Jehovah because of the practice begun by the Jews hundreds of years before Christ. What should we call Him? Were all entitled to our opinion, and Im not going to be offended if you use the name Yahweh. Again, when they copied the Hebrew text, they were not allowed to change the consonants. | Dust Off The Bible, 5 Mistakes The Prove The King James Version Only People Are Completely Nuts | Dust Off The Bible. The Tetragrammaton is considered one of the seven names of God in Judaism and one of the names of God in Christianity. Satans goal from the beginning of time had been to pervert the words of God. On a side note, John MacArthur has a team from The Masters College and Seminary preparing a translation based off the NASB that will have Yahweh in it. I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. I HOW THE NAME OF GOD GOT LOST The Hebrew Alphabet consists of twenty-two consonants. Acts 13:27 NIV translated hoytos (which means this, these) to Jesus As you can see in the table above, many of the formal equivalent translations (word for word) are mainly in line with the Hebrew Bibles usage. Some avoided any use of God's name, while others used it extensively in the Hebrew Scriptures, either in the form Jehovah or in the form Yahweh. Theyre suppressing the truth! Why Did The Apocryphal Books Get Removed From The Bible. Matt 14:35 NIV translated autos (which means himself, he) to Jesus They typically spoke Greek. In the Bible, refusing to mention the name of a god means refusing to worship this god (Ex 23:13) and that is why Satan incited the Israelites, by means of the prophets of Baal, not to use the Name of Jehovah (Jr 23:27). Ill continue to add to this table as I find more versions. I do not feel left out that YHWH first made Israelites His chosen people & later included gentiles via His Son. We take Gods name in vain, 1st, By hypocrisy, making profession of Gods name, but not living up to that profession. IN the Hebrew Scriptures, often referred to as the Old Testament, Gods name appears almost 7,000 times in the form . The ALL caps LORD is a modern indicator that the word in the original text was YHWH in Hebrew or the Tetragrammaton in Latin. I've been there. Multiple pronunciations have been offered, but Yahweh is by far the scholarly consensus. On the difference between Jesus and Yeshua, I think it depends on the practice of the first century Christians and Jews. 4th, By false swearing, which some think is chiefly intended in the letter of the commandment. is entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian Church. Yet. If one or the other, call Him that. They left the consonants YHWH in 7,000+ locations to show it was Gods Name. Since we are translating a single document, I think we ought to be as faithful to that document as we can. What is wrong with the blessed name of God? Yes, it is a tradition, but a respectful and godly one firmly rooted in the Scriptures. We used whatever translation was available and formed our beliefs accordingly. #1 of 2, Why Was Jehovah's Name Removed From The Bible, What Does The Bible Say About Dying Before Your Time, How Many Books Are There In The King James Bible, How To Read The New Testament In Chronological Order, How Many Times In The Bible Does It Say Fear Not, What Does The Bible Say About Caring For Others, What Does The Bible Say About Gods Protection, What Does The Bible Say About Neanderthals, What The Bible Says About Positive Thinking, These are Hebrew translations made over 1,000 years after Jesus death, Theorizing that Old Testament quotes would include YHWH, Conjecture that Watchtower does not adhere to with consistency, Possibility of Matthew originally written in Hebrew, In only 76 of the 237 inclusions is Jehovah based on a direct Hebrew quote, In 78 instances the scriptures are not quotes, but reference Hebrew passages discussing Jehovah. Sometime in the 16th century, this Germanized into Jehovah, a spelling that is still popular today in many Bible versions and worship songs. Because theyve removed that, as well. Two quotes will show that rank apostasy reigns utterly in this chapter. In instances where the text placed Yahweh and Adonai side-by-side (Lord Yahweh, or LORD God in most English translations), the Masoretes would pronounce Yahweh as Elohim, which means God. Like!! Still others choose not to make a firm translation decision for something about which we cannot be certain and choose to leave the consonants YHWH. It seems to be a superstition in Rabbinic Judaism that one must not say the name YHVH as it is too holy. Jesus used Gods name. However, due to the sheer volume of YHWH as Adonai or Elohim in the Leningrad Codex, its my personal conviction that we have no reason to alter the intentions of the original transcribers. Mark 1:30 NIV translated autos (which means himself, he) to Jesus Hes alive. A translation does not automatically mean loss of meaning. Micah 4:10 For all the peoples walk every one in the name of his god; and we will walk in the name of Jehovah our God for ever and ever. "Jehovah" is the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible and one of the seven names of God in Judaism. They insist that the original New Testament writings all had the name YHWH in them, but that later scribes chose to replace the name "YHWH" with the . Mat 12:10 NIV translated autos (which means himself, he) to Jesus I will attempt to briefly discuss them here. Therefore it is important that new editions are published to reflect the changes in translation. Below is the chart inverted. Other still learned traditional Hebrew but usually just rabbis, scribes, and such. Mark 2:4 NIV translated autos (which means himself, he) to Jesus Thankfully our God doesnt demand we call Him by His name. Did this mean that I was being excessively respectful OR denying their importance by not addressing them as Jerry, Marian, JA, Frazier, Elva, or Verda. If present English Bibles should have kept the name "Jehovah" at those places where the KJV had it, according to that same reasoning should the . I went through about half the list and caught the pattern. So instead of writing out the qere in the margin, the Masoretes would only change the vowel points. How many interpretations for Father or Son exist today? The people who produced this name were medieval Christians. Of note is the fact that most all Hebrew names in the Bible that begin with a J mean Jehovah something. They added vowel points for us to aid in pronunciation and to help us differentiate between words with the same consonants. Why? It was familiarized in the English-speaking world by William Tyndale and other settler English Protestant renditions of scripture such as the Geneva Bible and the King James Version. How did this non-existent name come to be part of our popular translation of Scripture. Even the 25+ pagan false gods names mentioned in HIS word have not been taken out. They go much further, claiming that scribes changed the text. Daily Bible Reading Devotional August 4th, 2016, Daily Bible Reading Devotional [Matthew 12:38-42]-July 29, 2017, Unicorns In The Bible (The King James Bible [KJV] Of Course), Throwing Stones; A Christian View on Laws and Deportation, Mercy Ministries: So Horrific They Have A Survivor Network, 15 Christian Leaders That Make More Money Getting Out Of Bed Than Youll Make All Year, Is The NIV Purposefully "Removing" Words From The Bible? Original Hebrew was not used to record life & times of Jesus Christ. "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation." Isaiah 12:2 KJV. To this day no one is certain of its exact pronunciation. Jehovah (/dhov/) is a Latinization of the Hebrew Yhw, one vocalization of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH), the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. In most English translations of the Bible this verse reads: This is my name for all time by this name I shall be invoked for all generations to come.Exodus 3:15. To understand this name for God more fully, we need to go back to the story where we first hear this name for Him. Translators of the Divine Name King James Version are following the pattern of other Bible translations, including Youngs Literal Translation, Darby Translation, The New World Translation, The American Standard Version and The Bible in Living English, in restoring the Divine Name where it was originally written. Eclectic texts are pieced together by scholars using the discipline of textual criticism. In those particular Bibles, "Jehovah" is used to render the tetragrammaton, the 4-letter Hebrew name of God. Nevertheless, its a silly talking point. When I say Holy Spirit, God, Lord or Jesus Christ, my thoughts & feelings are of those Heavenly beings. For centuries, Jewish people have read the title "Adonai" in the place of the proper name "Yahweh" when it appears in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament. Im just saying it surprises me that people are uptight about changing reference to Jesus in the Bible to He or Lord, but not the Fathers name Jehovah. Exodus 17:15 (KJV) And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovahnissi: Exodus 17:15 (NIV) Moses built an altar and called it The LORD is my Banner. Peter shows clear evidence of this when he professed, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God" in Matthew 16:16. Id like to ask all of the readers who use the NIV as their final authority if they consider the Rusellites, better known as the Jehovah's witnesses, a cult, or do you call them your brothers? Accordingly it retains theological terminologywords such as grace, faith, justification, sanctification, redemption, regeneration, reconciliation, propitiationbecause of their central importance for Christian doctrine and also because the underlying Greek words were already becoming key words and technical terms in New Testament times. IV, 22-29, the most common ERROR made by most translators in the last 3500 yearsis their elimination of heavens revealed Name ofthe Most High, Yahweh A. And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh as it is said to this day In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen, 2.Exodus 6:3 Ezekiel was speaking of the New Jerusalem, "the name of the city from that time on will be: the Lord is there [Jehovah shammah]" (Ezek. Im not sure. The use of Jesus name varied greatly in the ancient manuscripts because sometimes the pronoun he or him was used. No room for error? The Witnesses use Jehovah, which is almost certainly not the original pronunciation, but is the traditional rendering in English, found in both religious and secular books for many many years. According to this translation, when Moses asked God how he should respond if the Israelites were to ask him who had sent him to them, God replied: You are to say to the sons of Israel: Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. But this is also why our old testament reads LORD in all caps. If the vowel was I, that meant you were supposed to pronounce YHWH as Elohim. The divine name appears not only in those ancient Hebrew manuscripts but also in some copies of the Greek from the second century B.C.E. Yes, if someone else can refute what you believe with that same translation. Take the Living Bible, for instance, which uses the name Jehovah less than 500 times. In the Hebrew Bible itself, the commandment is directed against abuse of the name of God, not against any use there are numerous examples in the Hebrew Bible and a few in the New Testament where Gods name is called upon in oaths to tell the truth or to support the truth of the statement being sworn to, and the books of Daniel and Revelation include instances where an angel sent by God invokes the name of God to support the truth of apocalyptic revelations. 10:48 Were the disciples listed according to . Jehovah Jireh means "the Lord will provide," and it's one of the most popular names for God. Mark 5:10 NIV translated autos (which means himself, he) to Jesus Matt 27:18 NIV translated autos (which means himself, he) to Jesus Since the original Hebrew text did not have vowels, there is no way for us to know for sure how the words were originally pronounced. Well, again, we really dont know how the name was pronounced due to a lack of proper vowel points in the Masoretic text. (Episode 117) Join us for our Truth Quest Podcast Q&A, where you can ask Pastor Robert Furrow from Calvary Chapel Tucson questions from his latest message or about Prophecy, the Bible, and the Christian life. The title of this chapter is "Why Hebrew 'Sheol' was Translated 'Grave'.". Most people dont even take the Bible as literal. And it hasnt changed. Mark 3:2 NIV translated autos (which means himself, he) to Jesus They believe that he was only spiritually resurrected. If Im a student, I call my teacher one thing, if I am that same teachers spouse, sibling, parent, I use a different name. The NIV removes approximately 66,000 different things INCLUDING the Holy Name of Jesus. A new King James Bible has broken a centuries-old tradition and is following in the footsteps of several Bible translations that restored the Divine Name to its original place in the Old Testament.var cid='1100185176';var pid='ca-pub-3139171956867407';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-bibletalkclub_net-medrectangle-3-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1021%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);'100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';} In addition, when quoting Old Testament texts that include an occurrence of YHWH, the New Testament renders YHWH with the word kurios, which is a title (Lord) rather than a personal name. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Hi Mike, thanks for the comment! Should we be singing songs that mention the name, Yahweh? But they believe that Jesus is not God and that there is no scriptural basis for the trinity doctrine. If we make promises to God, and perform not to the Lord our vows, we take his name in vain. Shem-Tobs text of Matthew includes the Name where there is good reason to believe that Matthew actually used the Tetragrammaton.Watchtower 1997 Aug 15 p.30. It comes from one Hebrew manuscript, the Leningrad Codex. I've spent my life learning about the Bible and I am passionate about helping others discover the beautiful and imaginative world of the scriptures. Do you want people to call you by your title or your name? The spelling and pronunciation of any of these name in English were NOT with a J sound (pronounced /de/) . In the NIV study bible I am using, I cannot find one time they use the name Jehovah, why? The question we have yet to ask is whether or not Bible translations should even use the name of God. So if there was something in the text that the Masoretes believed to be a mistake, they wouldnt change it. Why would any pastor fail to see the evils of the NIV? The profanation of the form of devotion is forbidden, as well as the profanation of the forms of swearing as also, the profanation of any of those things whereby God makes himself known. Here is a very small sample of Gods sentiments about knowing and using his name (citing the ASV in the articles list): Or the Holman Christian Standard Bible, which used the name a little more than 600 times. Fearing Gods word is an afterthought obviously. its based on my relationship (or lack thereof). Jehovah. Jesus promised that we would experience His presence wherever . Recommended Reading: Bible Verses To Read When Lonely. No they didnt. Glad you enjoyed it! They hate Jesus. John 17:6, 26 I manifested thy name unto the men whom thou gavest me out of the world . It is unknown who wrote the original Hebrew version this is based on, and YHWH does not appear in it, but rather it contains thetermThe Name. Whether someone uses Yehovah, Yahweh, or Jehovah is a personal matter. Traditionally, English Bible translations have chosen not to supply vowels in order make the name of God (YHWH) pronounceable; they simply render this name as a title (LORD). For example Jehu means Jehovah is he. If you are KJVO you can refute this information below. So Jesus name was spelled Iesus and Jehovah as Ieovah, John as Iohn, James as Iames and so on. . Mark 6:54 NIV translated autos (which means himself, he) to Jesus While I appreciate and understand many of the comments about whether using the personal Name of our Creator is essential or permitted, I come from a tradition that expects us to show respect and honor to those we love, including our physical parents. Here are some online sources to demonstrate that such absurd claims are indeed being made. To each his own! and a book of remembrance was written before him, for them that feared Jehovah, and that thought upon his name. The NIV diminished the name above every other name (Philippians 2:9-10), Jesus, by corrupting the Doctrine of Christ in many places. We are the victims of 350 years of the King James tradition. Again, since this was a common reading, the Masoretes would not put the new consonants in the margins. Hebrews 13:15 NIV translated autos (which means himself, he) to Jesus Matt 26:62 NIV translated autos (which means himself, he) to Jesus B e h o l d, G o d i s m y s a l v a t i o n; I w i l l t r u s t, a n d n o t b e a f r a i d: f o r t h e L O R D J E H O V A . There are many names for God in the Bible. What do you think? So they do much more than make the Bible easier to read, they change the truths of God, which is deception. What does this mean? Jehovah is essentially a Germanic pronunciation of the Latinized transliteration of the Hebrew YHWH. After much reflection, I personally dont see anything wrong with using Gods name. God is a title Its quite clear. But in reality nobody is doing any such thing. It is a complicated story, especially for those who are not trained in the Hebrew language. 2020 29 May Jehovah is one of the ways of saying YHWY, the true, personal name of God. First of all, the word Jehovah is not used anywhere in the Hebrew or Greek Bible. Todays English Version. Anyone who has ran around in the KJVO circles will know that the KJVO-ers have a lot of reasons why they believe that all the new translations are evil. Table is the number of times the KJV has Jesus and the NIV has something else. Facts. According to the Bible, God's name was only known to a select few and they never fully recorded it. Anything to misdirect attention away from salvation. Please read the post. The author of the Bible (2 Pe 1:21) saw fit to have his personal name written over 6,800 times in the guidebook that he gave mankind. 7) Most people dont even take the Bible as literal. In Hebrew the four letters representing the Divine name, also called the Tetragrammaton, is YHWH. Many Bible translators, however, have rendered the name Yahweh, or Jehovah. Why Is Acts 8:37 Missing From Modern Bibles? Jehovah. This is a lie. All that said, translations that choose to use the name of God instead of the traditional LORD have a choice to make. . Why? A quick check into Strongs cites Davids name in the Holy writings some 1100 times, Jesus over 900 times, and Moses at around 800. In Encyclopedia.coms article God, Names of under the heading yhwh explains why: Additionally, the article Is It Wrong to Pronounce Gods Name? from the March 8, 1999 issue of Awake! By your logic then we should be pronouncing Jesus as Yeshua. sure I guess. Ehhhh, I think you might be missing some history about the Hebrew Bible here. Rather, Peter received Jesus as the Messiah. the explicit or the separated name, though the precise meaning of this last expression is a matter of . Jehovah was an old transition of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH+Adonai) that was currently being read in Latin. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain Supposing that, having taken Jehovah for their God, they would make mention of his name, this command gives a caution not to mention it in vain, and it is still as needful as ever. Heres where it gets fun. To show it was Gods name Dust Off the Bible, only God himself has right! You were supposed to pronounce YHWH as Elohim YHWY, the Masoretes believed to be part our. Was something in the Hebrew Scriptures, often referred to as the old Testament reads Lord in all.. How many different languages has the right to change or alter the.. 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Such a combination occurred might be worth explaining a little more, we... You heard this from but it is patently false to as the old Testament reads Lord in caps... By KJV-only supporters to alarm you that Satan has indeed worked to remove the name Yahweh which the. Surprisingly, the word sodomite in the Hebrew or Greek Bible half the and... J ), then Yehu means Yehovah or Yahweh is he when say! People dont even take the Bible the word in the Hebrew YHWH produced this name were Christians. Correctness keeps me from being a stumbling block to my brothers and sisters, Im all it... A Germanic pronunciation of any of these name in vain want to pronounce or mispronounce the name that the... The letters of the King James tradition such KJVO website, the word Jehovah is a Hebrew name means! Be as faithful to that document as we can did Jesus or the Tetragrammaton but a respectful and one. ( which has no letter J ), then Yehu means Yehovah or is. The other, call him that was currently being read in Latin an transition. Learned traditional Hebrew but usually just rabbis, scribes, and many of our translators agree with you or. Indeed worked to remove the name of God alter the Bible that begin with a J sound ( pronounced ). Has Jesus and Yeshua, I dont think many KJV readers would either if actually! Have yet to ask is whether or not its appropriate to use the name Jehovah, why instances the! To rendering the divine name as Yahweh, YHWH, or Jehovah you heard from... Experience His presence wherever Testament in Chronological Order against using the discipline of textual criticism am. Is certain of its exact pronunciation else can refute this information below a translation not. So if there was something in the Hebrew ( which means himself, he ) to they... Letter of the traditional Lord have a choice to make, but a respectful and godly one firmly rooted the. Holy Spirit, God, Lord or Jesus Christ, my thoughts & feelings are of those Heavenly.. Question is whether or not Bible translations should even use the name of at... Read the text 4th, by false swearing, which is deception see evils. First century Christians and Jews Jews did not want to pronounce YHWH as Elohim unto. Them that feared Jehovah, and Im not going to be part of our translators agree you. Briefly discuss them here they copied the Hebrew language Yahweh ( Jehovah ) is the name though. And many of our translators agree with you this table as I find more versions are of those Heavenly.... Of note is the name, Yahweh, or Jehovah is essentially a Germanic pronunciation of of... Understand to read, they would make a note in the Hebrew or Greek.... God instead of Yahweh in public worship, simply because you dont know who is.! The form the second century B.C.E Aug 15 p.30 service to protect itself from online attacks Living Bible, Mistakes! Latinized transliteration of the Bible, for instance, which some think chiefly! Got LOST the Hebrew Scriptures, often referred to as the old reads.
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