To enable this policy,SendSiteInfoToImproveServices must be set to Enabled. This policy only affects access to USB devices through the Web Serial API. If you enable this policy, the proxy server configured by this policy will be used for all URLs. Therefore, the "urls" field can contain up to two URL strings delimited by a comma to specify the requesting and embedding URL respectively. Microsoft Edge doesn't clear cached images and files by default when it closes. If you disable this policy, you can't use the Discover feature in Microsoft Edge. This policy disables cloud synchronization only and has no impact on the RoamingProfileSupportEnabled policy. (7) (Default value). If the InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed policy is enabled or not configured, users will be able to tell Microsoft Edge to load specific pages in Internet Explorer mode for a limited number of days. The smart action in the mini and full context menu will be disabled for all profiles for services that match the given list. If you enable this policy or don't configure it, users can delete the browsing and download history. For example: { "default_logo": { "url": "", "hash": "cd0aa9856147b6c5b4ff2b7dfee5da20aa38253099ef1b4a64aced233c9afe29" }, "light_logo": { "url": "", "hash": "517d286edb416bb2625ccfcba9de78296e90da8e32330d4c9c8275c4c1c33737" } }. It should clearly say who does. If you disable this policy, visual search will be disabled and you won't be able to get more info about images via hover, context menu, and search in sidebar. To turn automatic playback on for all sites, add http://* and https://* to the allowed list of URLs. Allows you to set whether a user is prompted to grant a website access to their audio capture device. Determines whether the generated Kerberos SPN is based on the canonical DNS name (CNAME) or on the original name entered. List of URL patterns. Check the user display name now, it should show the . 4. This policy only matches based on origin, so any path in the URL pattern is ignored. If you enable: {"update_url:":{"installation_mode":"blocked"}}. If a temporary rollback is performed to a version for which a user has a corresponding snapshot, the data in the snapshot is restored. If you disable the policy or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge won't perform online revocation checks. If you disable this policy, users are not allowed to use remote debugging. If you enable this policy, the Favorites check box is automatically selected in the Import browser data dialog box. When the feature is enabled, Tracking Prevention will enable exceptions for the associated ad providers that have met Microsoft's privacy standards. This policy controls the availability of the --ie-mode-file-url command line argument which is used to launch Microsoft Edge with a local file specified on the command line into Internet Explorer mode. If you enable or don't configure this policy, the browser user setting defaults to displaying the password reveal button. Microsoft Edge ignores all proxy-related options specified from the command line. Show Microsoft Rewards experience and notifications. BlockFileSystemWrite (2) = Don't allow any site to request write access to files and directories, AskFileSystemWrite (3) = Allow sites to ask the user to grant write access to files and directories. You configure this policy by specifying the URL from which Microsoft Edge can download the logo and its cryptographic hash (SHA-256), which is used to verify the integrity of the download. Follow the simple Step by step procedure to convert old Word files to new: 1. The EfficiencyMode and EfficiencyModeOnPowerEnabled policies will have no effect. If both This policy is obsolete because it was intended to offer a longer transition period in the deprecation process. Specifies how the user receives related matches in Find on Page, which provides spellcheck, synonyms, and Q&A results in Microsoft Edge. Configures browsing data lifetime settings for Microsoft Edge. You can set this policy as a recommendation. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge offers translation functionality to the user by showing an integrated translate flyout when appropriate, and a translate option on the right-click context menu. If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultImagesSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites. Oils in your skin can leave stains or weaken the paper, thus permanently damaging the document. Allows users to import autofill form data from another browser into Microsoft Edge. Ask around until you find a professional framer with experience prepping museum-quality documents for display. This policy is deprecated because it is a temporary policy to support WebSQL in non-secure contexts. These checks attempt to discover whether the browser is behind a proxy that redirects unknown host names. Disable this policy to disable all built-in translate features. (and a site will be allowed to use screen-share APIs) if the site matches an origin pattern in any of the following policies: OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 88. If you enable this policy, users will not be able to upload files in Application Guard. If you enable this policy or don't configure it, the QUIC protocol is allowed. "Search box (Recommended)" ('bing'), the new tab page uses the search box to search on new tabs. If you disable this policy, suggestions from local providers are never used. The only supported hash algorithm at this time is "sha256". OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 100. See for a list of possible commands to disable. You can either set a URL here or set the home page to open the new tab page 'edge://newtab'. If you enable this policy, suggestions from local providers are used. The default value is 32. If you configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will use the specified site list. If you enable or don't set this policy, the DNS interception checks are performed. If you disable or don't configure this policy, no PAC file is specified. This policy also applies to component extensions. It won't work in Microsoft Edge as soon as version 104. This policy doesn't determine which page opens on startup; that's controlled by the RestoreOnStartup policy. How to Preserve Old Documents 101 Wash and dry your hands As we said, when it comes to preserving paper, dirt and oil are the enemies. It also has the necessary components that you will need to create a firm theft policy. When this policy is either not set or set to false, the default behavior for requests from insecure contexts to more-private network endpoints will depend on the user's personal configuration for the BlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequests feature, which may be set by a field trial or on the command line. If you disable this policy, users can't delete browsing and download history. If Microsoft Edge is running in background mode, the browser might not close when the last window is closed and the browser won't be restarted in background when the window closes. If you disable this policy: Default navigation when typing a single word without punctuation will conduct a navigation to an intranet site matching the entered text. Starting in Microsoft Edge 100, setting this policy as a recommended policy will also allow users to manually add new search engines from their Microsoft Edge settings. The option to launch the Edge bar from Microsoft Edge "More tools" menu will be disabled. When the policy is set to disabled or unset, pages aren't allowed to show popups while they're being unloaded. If you disable or don't configure this policy, efficiency mode will never become active when the device is connected to a power source. The strict setting filters adult text, images, and videos. Today's crossword puzzle clue is a cryptic one: Clear old policy document. If you enable this policy, users can't add, remove, or change any search engine in the list. On macOS Mojave and above, it's no longer possible to have automated and unattended import of Safari data into Microsoft Edge. AlwaysUpgrade (2) = All navigations delivered over HTTP are switched to HTTPS. On Windows 10, if you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will default to the Windows diagnostic data setting. For example, specifying will cause pages from to be isolated in a different process than pages from other Origins within the Site. What's the best way to display an old map? Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that can use Desktop, Window, and Tab Capture. If you disable or don't configure this policy, sites can only send If a site matches a URL pattern in this policy, the following policies will not be considered: WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins, ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins, ScreenCaptureAllowed. For more details, check out the detailed guide to ExtensionSettings policy available at The performance detector detects tab performance issues and recommends actions to fix the performance issues. * is not an accepted value for this policy. If you enable this policy, the Home button is set to the new tab page as configured by the user or with the policy NewTabPageLocation and the URL set with the policy HomepageLocation is not taken into consideration. Specify Google's Image Search URL Post Params as: Defines a list of hosts for which Microsoft Edge bypasses any proxy. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . However, Internet Explorer factors in the DPI scale and displays 300%. Wildcards are allowed for the whole origin or parts of the origin. Specifies the name of the default search provider. However, they can install a new default protocol handler to override the existing protocol handlers. You can specify further options with, GP name: Configure proxy server settings (deprecated), GP name: Set the proxy .pac file URL (deprecated), GP name: Configure address or URL of proxy server (deprecated), ProxyMode, which lets you specify the proxy server used by Microsoft Edge and prevents users from changing proxy settings, ProxyPacMandatory, a boolean flag which prevents the network stack from falling back to direct connections with invalid or unavailable PAC script, ProxyBypassList, a list of proxy hosts that Microsoft Edge bypasses. For more information see the Microsoft Security Baselines Blog. Elements in HTML are mostly "inline" or "block" elements: An inline element has floating content on its left and right side. Set this policy to specify which origins allow all the HTTP authentication schemes Microsoft Edge supports regardless of the AuthSchemes policy. For files in other locations the Sensitivity button shows . Specify whether to send Do Not Track requests to websites that ask for tracking info. If you don't configure this policy, Edge TyposquattingChecker is turned on but users can choose whether to use Edge TyposquattingChecker. Configures the amount of memory that a single Microsoft Edge instance can use before tabs start getting discarded to save memory. This policy is optional. This policy determines if a user can remove the Microsoft Edge profile automatically signed in with a user's work or school account. Without this, users are prompted each time a site requests attestation of security keys. If the policy is unset, 3DES cipher suites are disabled by default. If specified, the "update" URL should point to an Update Manifest XML document ( ). This policy doesn't work because it was only intended to be a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to update their web content if it was found to be incompatible with the new default referrer policy. Optional diagnostic data includes data about how you use the browser, websites you visit and crash reports to Microsoft for product and service improvement. Note that if you have enable this policy (AlternateErrorPagesEnabled), the Suggest similar pages when a webpage can't be found setting is turned on, but the user can't change the setting by using the toggle. If you enable this policy, the option to 'Open sites in Microsoft Edge' will be visible under "More tools". This policy setting lets you decide whether users can launch Microsoft Edge in headless mode. Printing is disabled in the wrench menu, extensions, JavaScript applications, and so on. If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge displays links recently shared by or shared with the user from Microsoft 365 apps in History. Alternatively, users can still use the --ie-mode-test flag. Any pattern that does contain a "/path" or "@query" element will be ignored. Note: Visual Search in Web Capture is still managed by WebCaptureEnabled policy. In addition, users can't use password manager for those URLs. When this policy is set, Microsoft Edge tries to find a printer that matches all of the specified attributes and uses it as default printer. Only one policy and one rule can be active in a site at one time. This policy is obsolete because it was intended for short-term adaptation purposes only. Note there cannot be conflicting URL patterns set between these three policies: For detailed information about valid url patterns, see Note that this option disables some settings that rely on sessions or that perform actions on exit (such as Clear browsing data on exit or session-only cookies). Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can run the Adobe Flash plug-in. If you disable or don't configure this policy, users will be able to upload files while in Application Guard. The set of ports is defined as a comma-separated list that outgoing connections should be permitted on. If the policy is set to true, then 3DES cipher suites in TLS will be enabled. Note that if you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will remove the data shared with Windows on the device and stop sharing any new browsing data. If you choose the 'direct' value as 'ProxyMode', all other fields are ignored. The example at the end of this topic shows this This includes content from other origins and/or small content. If you disable this policy, users won't see the favorites bar. The value can be from 0 to 90 days. Read more about this feature here: It will be replaced with final controls as the protocol finalizes. The optional parameter, image_search_post_params (consists of comma-separated name/value pairs), is available starting in Microsoft Edge 80. Use the right tool for the job. Ron's Restaurants, LLC. The display-capture permissions-policy gates access to getDisplayMedia(), snippet in use. The feature helps users add an additional layer of privacy to their online accounts by requiring device authentication (as a way of confirming the user's identity) before the saved password is auto-filled into a web form. Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can't access sensors such as motion and light sensors. HTML DOM Style display Property - W3Schools For detailed information on valid url patterns, see It also may affect sites with a lot of setTimeout()s with a timeout of 0ms usage. Specify Bing's Image Search URL Post Params as: This also includes macOS instances that are that are managed via MDM or joined to a domain via MCX. 3. Securing your policy. GP name: Configure the new tab page search box experience, GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Edge Workspaces settings, Preference Key Name: EdgeWorkspacesEnabled, GP unique name: FeatureFlagOverridesControl, GP name: Configure users ability to override feature flags, GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Experimentation, Preference Key Name: FeatureFlagOverridesControl, GP name: Blocks external extensions from being installed, GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Extensions, Preference Key Name: BlockExternalExtensions, GP unique name: ControlDefaultStateOfAllowExtensionFromOtherStoresSettingEnabled, GP name: Configure default state of Allow extensions from other stores setting, GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Extensions, Value Name: ControlDefaultStateOfAllowExtensionFromOtherStoresSettingEnabled, Preference Key Name: ControlDefaultStateOfAllowExtensionFromOtherStoresSettingEnabled, GP name: Configure allowed extension types, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionAllowedTypes, Preference Key Name: ExtensionAllowedTypes, GP unique name: ExtensionInstallAllowlist, GP name: Allow specific extensions to be installed, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallAllowlist, Preference Key Name: ExtensionInstallAllowlist, GP unique name: ExtensionInstallBlocklist, GP name: Control which extensions cannot be installed, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallBlocklist, Preference Key Name: ExtensionInstallBlocklist, GP unique name: ExtensionInstallForcelist, GP name: Control which extensions are installed silently, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallForcelist, Preference Key Name: ExtensionInstallForcelist, GP name: Configure extension and user script install sources, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallSources, Preference Key Name: ExtensionInstallSources, GP name: Configure extension management settings, GP unique name: AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins, GP name: List of origins that allow all HTTP authentication, GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/HTTP authentication, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins, Preference Key Name: AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins, GP unique name: AllowCrossOriginAuthPrompt, GP name: Allow cross-origin HTTP Authentication prompts, Preference Key Name: AllowCrossOriginAuthPrompt, GP unique name: AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist, GP name: Specifies a list of servers that Microsoft Edge can delegate user credentials to, Value Name: AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist, Preference Key Name: AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist, GP name: Supported authentication schemes, GP name: Configure list of allowed authentication servers, GP name: Allow Basic authentication for HTTP, Preference Key Name: BasicAuthOverHttpEnabled, GP unique name: DisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup, GP name: Disable CNAME lookup when negotiating Kerberos authentication, Value Name: DisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup, Preference Key Name: DisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup, GP name: Include non-standard port in Kerberos SPN, Preference Key Name: EnableAuthNegotiatePort, GP unique name: WindowsHelloForHTTPAuthEnabled, GP name: Windows Hello For HTTP Auth Enabled, GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/HTTP authentication, Value Name: WindowsHelloForHTTPAuthEnabled, Settings specified in "Profile preferences for sites" in "Profile preferences", GP unique name: EdgeDefaultProfileEnabled, GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Identity and sign-in, GP name: Enable the linked account feature, Preference Key Name: LinkedAccountEnabled, GP unique name: OneAuthAuthenticationEnforced, GP name: OneAuth Authentication Flow Enforced for signin, Value Name: OneAuthAuthenticationEnforced, GP unique name: OnlyOnPremisesImplicitSigninEnabled, GP name: Only on-premises account enabled for implicit sign-in, Value Name: OnlyOnPremisesImplicitSigninEnabled, GP name: Enable sign in click to action dialog, GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Identity and sign-in, Preference Key Name: SignInCtaOnNtpEnabled, GP unique name: WAMAuthBelowWin10RS3Enabled, GP name: WAM for authentication below Windows 10 RS3 enabled, GP unique name: KioskAddressBarEditingEnabled, GP name: Configure address bar editing for kiosk mode public browsing experience, GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Kiosk Mode settings, Value Name: KioskAddressBarEditingEnabled, GP unique name: KioskDeleteDownloadsOnExit, GP name: Delete files downloaded as part of kiosk session when Microsoft Edge closes, GP unique name: KioskSwipeGesturesEnabled, GP name: Swipe gestures in Microsoft Edge kiosk mode enabled, GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Manageability, GP name: Control which native messaging hosts users can use, GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Native Messaging, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NativeMessagingAllowlist, Preference Key Name: NativeMessagingAllowlist, GP name: Configure native messaging block list, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\NativeMessagingBlocklist, Preference Key Name: NativeMessagingBlocklist, GP unique name: NativeMessagingUserLevelHosts, GP name: Allow user-level native messaging hosts (installed without admin permissions), Value Name: NativeMessagingUserLevelHosts, Preference Key Name: NativeMessagingUserLevelHosts, GP name: Allow users to get a strong password suggestion whenever they are creating an account online, GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Password manager and protection, Preference Key Name: PasswordGeneratorEnabled, GP name: Configure the list of domains for which the password manager UI (Save and Fill) will be disabled, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PasswordManagerBlocklist, Preference Key Name: PasswordManagerBlocklist, GP name: Enable saving passwords to the password manager, GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Password manager and protection, Preference Key Name: PasswordManagerEnabled, GP unique name: PasswordManagerRestrictLengthEnabled, GP name: Restrict the length of passwords that can be saved in the Password Manager, Value Name: PasswordManagerRestrictLengthEnabled, Preference Key Name: PasswordManagerRestrictLengthEnabled, GP name: Allow users to be alerted if their passwords are found to be unsafe, Preference Key Name: PasswordMonitorAllowed, GP unique name: PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL, GP name: Configure the change password URL, Value Name: PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL, Preference Key Name: PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL, GP unique name: PasswordProtectionLoginURLs, GP name: Configure the list of enterprise login URLs where the password protection service should capture salted hashes of a password, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PasswordProtectionLoginURLs, Preference Key Name: PasswordProtectionLoginURLs, GP unique name: PasswordProtectionWarningTrigger, GP name: Configure password protection warning trigger, Value Name: PasswordProtectionWarningTrigger, Preference Key Name: PasswordProtectionWarningTrigger, Preference Key Name: PasswordRevealEnabled, GP name: Configures a setting that asks users to enter their device password while using password autofill, Preference Key Name: PrimaryPasswordSetting, GP name: Configure when efficiency mode should become active, GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Performance, GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Performance, Preference Key Name: EfficiencyModeEnabled, GP unique name: EfficiencyModeOnPowerEnabled, GP name: Enable efficiency mode when the device is connected to a power source, Preference Key Name: EfficiencyModeOnPowerEnabled, GP unique name: PerformanceDetectorEnabled, Preference Key Name: PerformanceDetectorEnabled, GP unique name: SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, GP name: Allow Same Origin Tab capture by these origins, GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Permit or deny screen capture, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, Preference Key Name: SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, GP unique name: ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins, GP name: Allow Desktop, Window, and Tab capture by these origins, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins, Preference Key Name: ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins, GP unique name: TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, GP name: Allow Tab capture by these origins, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, Preference Key Name: TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, GP unique name: WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins, GP name: Allow Window and Tab capture by these origins, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins, Preference Key Name: WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins, GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Printing, Preference Key Name: DefaultPrinterSelection, GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Printing, Preference Key Name: PrintPdfAsImageDefault, GP unique name: PrintPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinter, GP name: Set the system default printer as the default printer, Value Name: PrintPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinter, Preference Key Name: PrintPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinter, Preference Key Name: PrintRasterizePdfDpi, GP name: Disable printer types on the deny list, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\PrinterTypeDenyList, GP unique name: PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes, GP name: Restrict background graphics printing mode, Value Name: PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes, Preference Key Name: PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes, GP unique name: PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefault, GP name: Default background graphics printing mode, Value Name: PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefault, Preference Key Name: PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefault, Preference Key Name: PrintingPaperSizeDefault, Preference Key Name: PrintingWebpageLayout, Preference Key Name: UseSystemPrintDialog. 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