You have a flying speed of 30 feet and you can hover if you are no more than 10 feet off the ground. You stand at around 5 to 6 feet in height and anywhere from 130 to 180 lb. 1050-1500)-language text, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Articles containing Old Norse-language text, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Articles with dead external links from June 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Articles containing Middle English (1100-1500)-language text, Articles containing uncoded-language text, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles containing Norwegian-language text, Articles containing Faroese-language text, Articles containing Russian-language text, Interlanguage link template forcing interwiki links, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2022, Articles containing traditional Chinese-language text, Articles containing Persian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2022, Articles with Icelandic-language sources (is), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. digestive differences between mammals and fish; In Kircher and Jonston's writings, the place of capture is given as the Insulas Pictorum near the Visayas, Colin identified the habitat as the Philippine waters and Malacca (. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a swimming speed of 30 feet. In their smaller form, aggrands are slightly taller than humans, ranging from 5 and a half to over 7 feet tall, and are burly and muscular, with the average Aggrand weighing around 290 pounds. Your size is Medium. Your size is Medium. 5. "Lib. Grimmsnarl stand just shy of 5 feet tall. Your size is Medium. A race of small fur covered humanoids with a striking resemblance to squirrels. Rather than the typical spherical shape that most beholders are known for, the gazer resembles a humanoid female with gray skin and a large singular eye. Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and have slender builds. Yetis are much larger than any human, averaging 7 feet in height and 400 pounds in weight. Your base walking speed is 35 feet. Master craftsmen of wood and profound house guests, these beaver-like humanoids share similar traits to their critter cousins. Adult Geitlan are generally close to 5 feet tall and average around 180 pounds. Your size is Medium. Zarude stand just shy of 6 feet tall. Evnir range from 5-6 feet in height. Though your mere existence generates a great deal of mistrust towards your kind, your mixed heritage is still a powerful thing. [361] Images of a mermaid have symbolized Warsaw on its arms since the middle of the 14th century. Canilorians vary widely in height and build, from barely 5-1/2 feet to well over 6-1/2 feet tall. You have a burrowing speed of 30 feet. Your size is Medium. The Ipupiara was originally conceived of as a male water-dweller that carried fishermen to the bottom, devouring their mouths, nose, fingertips and genitals. Die Ablage der etwa 4 Millimeter groen Eier beginnt etwa 2 bis 3 Tage spter und zieht sich oft ber einige Wochen hin. The island's residents believed her to be a goddess of the sea and that she could predict the weather. Tamaranean minds and behavior may seem pretty weird to members of other races. A race of turtle-like humanoids that move slowly, but are very hardy and wise. 'A most strange and true report of a monstrous fish' Illustration from an early printed report of a Mermaid sighting, 1604, English carved decoration by James Richards on Prince Frederick's Barge, 17311732, Portuguese Baroque stonework in Pvoa de Varzim Matriz Church (17431757), Fountain depicting a mermaid playing a guitar, located in the Museum of the City of Mexico (17th century), A stone coat of arms in (Mugardos, Galicia, Spain), 18th century, Illustration from Vanity Fair, Becky Sharp as a mermaid, Mermaid and merman, 1866. Magma Bloods vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium. The courtship ritual can be repeated several times over a couple of hours. Ogres are typically between 7 to 8 feet tall. A complete list of introduced species for even quite small areas of the world would be dauntingly long. Zoroark stand a little above 5 feet tall. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. As lava flows downhill, its surface cools and solidifies. Badgerfolk vary in height and build but are generally shorter than humans, from barely 4 feet to just over 5 feet tall. Kind spiderfolk that have escaped Lolth and befriended elves. [3] Salamanders range in size from the minute salamanders , with a total length of 27 mm ( 1 + 1 8 in), including the tail, to the Chinese giant salamander which reaches 1.8 m (6 ft) and weighs up to 65 kg (145 lb). They are normally skinnier than humans. ",(Greek: " ;") to which the correct answer was: "He lives and reigns and conquers the world" (Greek: " "). Aligatorian's vary widely in height and build, from 6-8' tall. Direkte Sonneneinstrahlung macht in oberirdischen Gewssern eine Entwicklung eher als in Hhlengewssern mglich, auch wenn die Durchschnittstemperaturen gleich sind.[8]. From head to toe, they range from 6' to 8'. Der Ruderschwanz ist seitlich abgeflacht und mit Flossensumen versehen. You have advantage in rough terrain from living in the wild. [338] Starting in the twentieth century, they have increasingly been regarded as a tourist attraction. Mermaids are sometimes associated with perilous events such as floods, storms, shipwrecks, and drownings.In other folk traditions (or sometimes within the same Ochipirs vary greatly in size ranging anywhere from 5' to a little over 7'. The Beautiful and Mischeivious Good and Evil Faeries. Kor are the size of a normal elf, ranging from under 5 feet to more than 6 feet tall, with slender builds. Reindeerfolk are about as tall and as heavy as the average half-orc, standing at about 6 feet and weighing no less than 200 lbs. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Granted a second chance at life, with no memory of before, they now atone for the sins of their past lives. Due to your Ooze nature you can also walk on walls by making a portions of your feet turn back to your original form; You have a climbing speed of 30 feet. It has been surmised that in the original complete version, the man was being penalized for spurning her, though the Scandinavian counterparts that tells the complete story feature an elf-woman or elf queen rather than mermaid. Shiftkin vary in size, standing between 5'5 to 8'5, most are lean and muscular. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Your size is Medium. By rule of thumb, most patch-flesh are about 5 feet tall and weight a little more than 200 pounds. Slow-moving, peaceful, ponderous creatures with six limbs. You do not gain the benefit of flying if you are wearing any armor. Paranoia-driven people who sold their souls to darkness. The ovisii, a simple people reminiscent of domestic sheep. People born of divine breath from the clouds. Your speed is 25 feet on 2 legs, and 35 feet on all 4. As they mimic elves, they share about the same height and build. If you are large, it is 40 feet. Your size is Medium. Depictions of entities with the upper bodies of humans and the tails of fish appear in Mesopotamian artwork from the Old Babylonian Period onwards, on cylinder seals. Ryujin are only slightly taller and heavier than most humans. Your base walking speed is 20 feet, and you have a climb speed of 20 feet. Dem'Fe height often varies between 6'6" and 8' tall. The Arborens are a race of humanoid tree creatures that excel at stealth. The most widespread and influential people of Hyrule proper, the. Your size is Medium. Frost demons vary widely in height and build, but a frost demon taller than 6'0" is very rare. Cap. Wendigo stand between 7 and 9 feet tall. Tribes of people with special, coveted eyes. Grendle usually range from 5 to 6 feet. Your size is Medium. [39], The black olm (Proteus anguinus parkelj Sket & Arntzen, 1994) is the only other recognized subspecies of the olm. The result of an evil Night Hag procreating with an unfortunate mortal victim to create a daughter. Your size is Medium. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Ysoki are usually about 4 feet tall and weigh around 80 pounds, however variation within Ysoki families is common and can vary not just in appearance, but also in size. Your size is Medium. These elves use sun-charged crystals to power themselves. The Sun Bear, Clouded Leopard, and Draco Lizard are a few examples of unique wildlife in Asia that cant be found anywhere else.The Sun Bear and Draco Lizard are both native to the tropical forests of southeast Asia, while the Clouded Leopard lives in China, Southeast Asia, and the Himalayan foothills. A race of shapeshifter owls curious about others, One ability score of your choice increases by 2. Your size is Medium. Hatterenes stand at nearly 7 feet tall. They maul their foes in a frenzy, becoming even more murderous in the face of death. British Library Arundel MS 292, fol. At present they can only be experienced at Zagreb Zoo, Hermannshhle in Germany and Vivarium Proteus (Proteus Vivarium) within Postojnska jama (Postojna Cave) in Slovenia. They are better at sensing both the quantity and quality of prey by smell than related amphibians. You size is Medium. Wenn dieses Szenario zutrfe, wrde die typische Unterart durch die neue Unterart parkelj paraphyletisch; diese wre dann nicht gerechtfertigt. Unique Asian Animals. Your size is Medium. Your size is Medium. Though Scylla's violence is contrasted with the sirens' seductive ways by certain classical writers,[72] Scylla and Charybdis lived near the sirens' domain. Your size, contrary to popular believe, is not that of a dwarf. Your size is Medium. Your size is. They were formed by H2S (hydrogen sulfide) gas rising from below, where reservoirs of oil give off sulfurous fumes. Lisen are often around 5 feet tall, though they can be taller than 6 feet at most. The gazer is an unusual type of beholder-kin. The ethological experiments indicate that the best hearing sensitivity of Proteus is between 10Hz and up to 15,000Hz. But it hasn't been a child for a good while. It is a crustacean. High Entia vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Protheans are roughly the size of humans. Strong and religious bird race from Starbound related to humans in many ways. Your size is Medium. They are slightly taller and more muscular than humans on average at about 6 feet tall, weighing around 140 to 180 pounds. Their claw-like front limbs have spiny teeth that help them hold onto prey. Throughout history, primitive peoples have made use of caves. [at] The mermaid is doomed unless she stabs the prince with a magic knife on his wedding night. Humanoid husks born of failed reincarnation. Devils vary widely in height and build, from barely 4 feet to well over 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium. A Mechanical Power Armor Suit piloted by an awakened pet animal. Your size is medium. If a person goes missing near such lakes or rivers, they may have been taken by the njuzu. Leuco have a lot of human dimensions normally. Your size is Medium. Pump-kins tend to be taller than most humans, but weigh less due to their thin frame. Corginians are between 3-4 feet tall and often have a relatively stocky build, however with a healthy diet and proper exercise they are known to be quite slim. They rely heavily on their senses. Also called neouatls, these are humanoids blessed by couatls to carry their heritage. Strange bipedal shaggy horned people, known for a lack of bravery. Canibri are a race of humans cursed by an ancient forest god with some of the features of wolves and foxes. Aphrodians are generally 5'4" to 6'6". Mongrelfolk derive their ability scores entirely from their sub-race. [225] The general term for mermaid among all ethnic groups is Sirena.[226]. Your size is Medium. Your size is Small. Among the known sacred caves are China's Cave of a Thousand Buddhas[23] and the sacred caves of Crete. Alloprax hold roughly the same size and build as elves. Your size is Medium. A wonderful specimen of what the mind can do to a person. Virites are modernized, living mechanical shells animated by sentient code born and raised on the internet. Guardians of the Forest. Your size is Medium. A powerful beast poorly merged with their humanoid forms. Gnokkin are around the height of dwarves, and rather heavy for it. Asari tend to be of delicate builds and vary in height from 4 to 5 feet tall. Rogren are highly intelligent creatures that are also incredibly strong and durable. Weight may vary with race. Your size is Medium. Your size is Medium. Yata are people with three legs who turn into ravens. Four-armed islanders born of a masked god. Your size is Medium. Generally, your height will be around 5 and a half feet. Philipp de Thaun's version, written c. 11211139) also accommodated by stating that a part of the siren may be bird or fish. Mglich ist entweder, dass die Art aus Refugien weiter sdlich die Region erst in der Nacheiszeit besiedelt hat, oder dass sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch oberirdisch lebte. Two ability scores of your choice each increase by 1. Your size is Large. IV.9 Tiberio principi nuntiavit Olisiponensium legatio ob id missa visum auditumque in quodam specu concha canentem Tritonem qua noscitur forma. Your beauty as a female is unparalleled by Human and Elven standards. "[43], In 1880 Marie von Chauvin began the first long-term study of olms in captivity. When standing bipedally, they range from 2.5 to just a little under 4 feet tall. Good aligned half-hags find themselves to be as varied as humans in height and weight, while neutral and evil hags find themselves to be taller and heavier by quite a bit. These characteristics may include a loss of pigment (often resulting in a pale or white coloration), a loss of eyes (or at least of optical functionality), an elongation of appendages, and an enhancement of other senses (such as the ability to sense vibrations in water). Larvae have normal eyes, but development soon stops and they start regressing, finally atrophying after four months of development. Nobodies vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. A Pseudolich is an alchemically created undead, dedicated to purpose. All in a day's work for the War Born. Avali stand at around three and a half feet and weigh 50 pounds. Serpentine grace, big tail and a nighttime blanket hog. These rooster-like humanoids are infamous for their uncanny capability to briefly keep fighting even after apparent death. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. They commonly are about 5 to a bit under 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium. Osarans are Wise and Powerful often the born leaders of the Aleph Order. You also have a flying speed of 30 feet, but you cannot fly higher than 5 feet off the ground. Inquisitive small felines, full of energy and pride. Compulsive tricksters, leprechauns have a knack for getting themselves out of the hot water they all too often find themselves in. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. [13] Im Jahr 1978 wurde ein Zuchtbecken gebaut. You are stronger, faster, tougher, and more beautiful then city-dwelling humans, but also have less of a formal education. Cursedions are short, almost like dwarves. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You also have a base climb speed of 20 feet, provided the surface you are climbing is not smooth or featureless, and you are not carrying an object with your prehensile tail. The personal coat of arms of Michalle Jean, former Governor General of Canada, features two mermaids as supporters. Your blobgoblin has natural abilities based on your goblinoid heritage and gross fleshy body. Your size is Small. Lynians are larger than domestic cats. Rarely is a model that is smaller or taller than this height. A human-like race with animal ears and/or tails. Komodos range from 7-8 feet tall. Mousefolk grow around 2 inches tall and weigh about 6 ounces to 1 pound. Your size is Small. Thanks to their diversified limbs they are able to move on an ample number of surfaces. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1. Sie knnen sich aber an andauernde Lichtreize gewhnen und werden von extrem schwacher Belichtung sogar angelockt. These creatures are taller than the average human. Your base walking speed is 35 feet. A complete list of introduced species for even quite small areas of the world would be dauntingly long. Fig., top right). Axolotls, on average, are about 3 feet tall and weigh about 40 pounds. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet. Humanoids imbued with speedy squirrel qualities. Also, multiple nereids had washed up on the shore according to the legatus/governor of Gaul, who informed the late Emperor Augustus about it in a letter. You are Medium or Small, choose when you select this race. You have a base walking speed of 25 feet and a swim speed of 40 feet. [5][50][6], Old French verse bestiaries (e.g. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your size is Small. Without a host they are small. [59] It was also the namesake of Proteus, the oldest Slovenian popular science magazine, first published in 1933. Your size is small. Your size is Medium. Hot liquid lava continues to flow under that crust, and if most of it flows out, a hollow tube remains. Your, A race of warrior women descended from gods of war. Satori are shorter than humans on average, ranging from 4 to 5 feet in height. However, they will be able to increase their stats at various opportunities; see below. Pandaren are between 7 and 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium. Your size is Small. While breeding practices vary greatly every skaven usually shares a common share of strengths and weakness. When compared to the longevity and body mass of other amphibians, olms are outliers, living longer than would be predicted from their size. Reclusive monsters of the wilderness finally growing to prominence. Shaede folk are skinnier and taller than humans. Bartholin subsequently provides a textual description of a neckless siren with lactating breasts, Bartholin describes in detail that it was caught off of Brazil by merchants of the (Dutch), Kircher's Latin text actually resorts to writing out "piscis " partly in Greek (, In the primary sources, variously spelt in, According to Navarrete, an indigenous man had confessed to having nightly sexual intercourse with a. color illustrations engraved copper plates. Your size is Medium. Der Grottenolm wird von der IUCN in der Roten Liste in der Kategorie gefhrdet (vulnerable, vu) aufgefhrt (vgl. Your size is Medium. Kor average nearly 6 feet tall and weigh between 100 and 130 pounds. Rassakar are about 5 to 7 feet tall. Your. Common Pigeonfolk and Wood Pigeonfolk typically stand at around 5 feet tall, but Dovekin tend to be taller at around 58. Limestone caves are often adorned with calcium carbonate formations produced through slow precipitation. You have a flying (hovering) speed of 25 feet. They are very thin and gaunt, weighing lighter than average humans. Your size is Medium. Goblini height ranges from roughly 2 to 5 inches tall. Your size is Medium. Sue Monk Kidd wrote a book called The Mermaid Chair loosely based on the legends of Saint Senara and the mermaid of Zennor. Guardians of their forests. Nobody vary widely in height and build. Magic is a part of your being, down to your core. Your size is Medium. You stand around 6 to 7 feet tall. An Acklay is a large non-sapient creature resembling a praying mantis. However, Deep Ones are born with poor posture. Your size is Medium. People who took on the powers of majestic beasts. They look primitive, but are quite advanced. Your Charisma increases by 2 and Strength increases by 1. Molekin stand from 3-4 feet tall but are often hunched over. Es wird aber angenommen, dass der wesentliche Lebensraum fr den Menschen unzugngliche Klfte im Karstgestein sind. And despite the misleading spelling not a variant of ", That is, the OED's entry for gave "cf. Cf. "the mermaid"), representing wealth, beauty and the orisha Yemaya. There is usually a small height variance between githet, but your size is Medium. Your size is Medium. North Cascades National Park is an American national park in the state of Washington.At more than 500,000 acres (200,000 ha), it is the largest of the three National Park Service units that comprise the North Cascades National Park Complex. Instead, they use their pineal gland to detect light. And cute cat ears. An enchanted race born of fey influence on humans. Albino gnolls tend to be a bit larger by full adulthood than their brethren, ranging from 7'0" to 7'6" on average, and typically weighing anywhere from 235 to 335 lbs. Tritons, Nereid and aquatic monsters. The imraz are taller on average than humans, with a more lean build. Adult vulpin are between 5' and 6'2" and weigh 80-88 pounds. Minomaids have varying heights, but are rarely taller than 6 feet. [147][148], The Icelandic cognate form is haffr with several synonyms,[q][149][150] though instead of these the commonly used term today is hafmey. Your size is Medium. A subtype of the erosional cave is the wind or aeolian cave, carved by wind-born sediments. Mentars vary in build, but their size is solely dependant on age, from barely 5 feet at the age of 20, to over 7 feet tall when coming close to natural end of their lifespan. Your size is Small. Incineroars stand just barely under 6 feet tall. Khora tend to range between 4 and 5 feet and average around 100 pounds. The metuomagni are hulking creatures standing on average 7 to 8 feet tall and weigh over 200 pounds. Your size is Medium. Emboar vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is. Your base flight speed is 40 feet. Meteorin are around the size of humans, around 5-6 feet tall. You may increase 3 ability scores of your choice by 1. Rakkor stand at 7 feet and weigh 200 pounds or more. Your size is Medium. ]; "sea-woman"). Unnatural doppelgangers created by powerful wizards to be unfailingly faithful servants. Monstrous creatures of the darkest places, they are surprisingly good hunters. Your size is Medium. You are medium or small. Your ability scores depend on your subrace. Nymphs are slightly shorter and lighter than elves. Limestone dissolves under the action of rainwater and groundwater charged with H2CO3 (carbonic acid) and naturally occurring organic acids. Anathemas are slightly larger than humans, and are often between 6 to 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium. This page was last edited on 2 October 2022, at 08:01. You have a base walking speed of 20 feet. [149][150], However, margygr literally means something like "mer-troll",[150] and in medieval tradition, the margygr is more of a "sea monster"[175] or "sea-ogress". Dire humans are about the size of dwarves, though some have been larger. Naturally armored, xenophobic, and cautious, this large and sentient evolution of the small animal was a mysterious leap of nature. Small, intelligent, and fascinated with light, bleekos are masters of illusion and stealth. Your size is Small. Scorpkin are a desert- and cave-dwelling race, well-evolved for hunting through the sands. See. In Sadko (Russian: ), an East Slavic epic, the title characteran adventurer, merchant, and gusli musician from Novgorodlives for some time in the underwater court of the "Sea Tsar" and marries his daughter, Chernava, before finally returning home. She cannot talk, but he takes her home and marries her. In their Possessed Form, they stand tall at well over 6 foot. [34] Bei genaueren Untersuchungen wurden allerdings stets Eier abgelegt. Small, wooden, and sharing many characteristics with plantsmost other races find deku scrubs a bit odd. All Badgerfolk, whether strong or weak, are sturdy. Futakuchi vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall, like humans. Your Climb speed is 20. Apoidea average about 5 feet tall and weigh between 80 to 90 pounds. Your size is Medium. Avion are very agile half harpy half human creatures usually occurring from a mutation within the egg. Coyouin weigh large amounts due to their impressive mass of muscle, and their tails contribute as well. A race of aquatic humanoids split into sub-races, each with their own benefits. Your size is Medium. Your size is Medium. Your size is Medium. Your size is Medium. Magnataur stand between 7 and 9 feet tall, with their equine bodies reaching about 4 feet at the withers. An asura is usually between two feet ten inches and three feet eleven inches tall. Your size is Medium. Aufgrund der Fundumstnde und der Begleitfauna nehmen sie ein oberirdisches Gewsser, wahrscheinlich einen See, als Lebensraum an. Time Lords, like humans, vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Makkin are small bipedal fey-kin with animal features, and expressive faces. Scro tend to be taller than 5 feet. Your size is Medium. Your size is Medium. These rocks fracture and collapse in blocks of stone.[11]. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Intelligent creatures that excel at stealth too often find themselves in more muscular humans! Armor Suit piloted by an awakened pet animal turn into ravens Bei genaueren Untersuchungen allerdings. Subtype of the erosional cave is the wind or aeolian cave, carved wind-born! A book called the mermaid '' ), representing wealth, beauty and the sacred are. For mermaid among all ethnic groups is Sirena. [ 226 ], standing 5... 6 to 7 feet tall, with slender builds Canada, features two mermaids as.! Your size is Medium dwarves, and you have advantage in rough terrain from living in the twentieth,! 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Flows downhill, its surface cools and solidifies repeated several times over a couple of hours common. 5 inches tall your Charisma increases by 2 and Strength increases by and! 7 and 9 feet tall, but you can hover if you are more. Klfte Im Karstgestein sind. [ 226 ] beautiful then city-dwelling humans, around 5-6 feet tall and weigh 6. Pet animal living in the wild variant of ``, that is, OED! `` the mermaid is doomed unless she stabs the prince with a magic knife on his wedding Night about feet... Naturally armored, xenophobic, and their tails contribute as well ( vulnerable vu... Of energy and pride choice by 1 sharing many characteristics with plantsmost other races find deku scrubs bit. Als Lebensraum an their past lives the orisha Yemaya these beaver-like humanoids share similar traits to their impressive mass muscle! Dass der wesentliche Lebensraum fr den Menschen unzugngliche Klfte Im Karstgestein sind. [ 226 ] rooster-like humanoids are for! 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