Your performance props must be easily movable. , location TBD (available at Masquerade Desk if this page is not updated before the Con). of the details of your workmanship process and/or your source material especially if your costume(s) is a re-creation or creative interpretation. Should you be found to be intoxicated, or otherwise impaired, by any of the Masquerade staff, your entry will be scratched from competition and you will not be allowed to present on stage. RavenCon cannot guarantee your audio will be played during your presentation. This document includes an introduction from Kevin Roche and Andy Trembley, our Masquerade Directors, along with information on divisional placement, entry rules and useful hints and suggestions. After youve given your presentation, your Den Mom or Dad will take your den to the Fan Photography area in the Lobby of the SJCC. If you are taking part in a group entry, only one Masquerade sign-up sheet is necessary for the entire group, but the name and badge number of all group members must be listed on that sheet. Unfortunately, we do not provide room blocks or offer discounts to any hotels on our regional tour. There will be no live microphones for the contestants use. Are you interested in exhibiting a costume onstage in the Worldcon Masquerade event? Short and funny is best. Entrants should if possible sign up in advance for Workmanship Judging slots; please see , Workmanship judging will take place in the Masquerade Green Room. ), in San Jose Convention Center 210A. (This is based upon venue availability from city to city . THESE RULES ARE SIMILAR, BUT NOT IDENTICAL, TO ANY OTHER RULES YOU'VE READ BEFORE. Masquerade Rules - Winnipeg Comiccon Once payment for all entries has been finalized, a schedule of events will be determined, and available for viewing. Friday, May 22 at the San Jose Marriott Think Tank, Saturday, May 23 at the San Jose Marriott Think Tank, Sunday, May 24 at the Civic Center Auditorium, Your performance must be described in detail on your application form. Refusal to do so will lead to disqualification if, in the Masquerade Directors opinion, the unrehearsed use could have endangered members of the convention, whether in the audience, backstage or on stage. (This is optional.) There will be no microphones available to entrants; the only person permitted to speak from the stage is the Master of Ceremonies (MC). Props should be carried and posed with in a way that does not inconvenience or risk injury to other attendees. At Masquerade Dance all dancers must register through a Studio Owner or Director. This is best illustrated with an example: a Victorian Steampunk Star Trek Uniform. This will streamline the distribution of information and prevent any misunderstandings. Fan photos sometimes appear on the ICG website and in ICG slide shows. Pay attention to detail. Up to 12 contestants are allowed to appear on stage together. There is absolutely no video or photography allowed in the theater or convention center at any time during the performances. A competitor may always choose to compete in a higher division than that in which the masquerade director has placed him or her. Registrations will be accepted on-site at the Masquerade Desk at Worldcon 76. The weapons policy of the con will be strictly adhered to. NO ONE, entrant or crew, will be allowed onstage without a signed release form. You or your group can win awards from both categories, but you must be judged during one of our Craftsmanship judging time slots to be considered for a Craftsmanship award. Dont forget the little things. You must get prior permission from the Masquerade Director for any performances that exceed that time limit. When signing up for Craftsmanship Judging time slots at the Cosplay Check-In or Rehearsal, Groups of 3 or more people will need to sign up for 2 time slots to allow for adequate judging time. No open flame, sparks, or other pyrotechnics will be allowed. We will be working with tech to provide the best, most sophisticated support we can, but based on past experience, fancy tech equipment is one of the things that often falls to budget cuts. If you have questions about any of this, please email. There are only 50 available slots in the contest. Our judges love new cosplayers and are happy to give you advice. None of these categories will compete against each other, none will be favored; all categories are eligible for Best of Show. is considered a Master in International Competition. Masquerade Rules - Comiccon d'Ottawa Each cosplayer is allowed to cross the stage once. They are selected from the cosplay community to judge cosplayers. Official Photos will be taken in the Masquerade Green Room with professional lights and in full costume. Pre-registration required Over $1,000 in cash and prizes are up for grabs! You must be able to enter and leave the stage without help in order to appear. Within the Divisions, costumes will be further judged as to whether they are Original or Re-Creation costumes. Professional costumers (individuals who derive more than 50% of their income from making costumes) are not eligible for awards, but still can present their work in the 'Out of Competition' division. Hello everyone, I said I'd do a contest for the 100 Stars/Followers celebration didn't I? n, if you have not already done so online. Renovation - Masquerade - Rules Register in person at the Masquerade Table in the fifth-floor atrium. If you are wearing body paint or makeup, make sure it will not come off in casual contact with others. Any electronic flashes must be announced during your MC introduction to protect those who might be affected by the flashing lights. Photos may possibly be taken. The contest is open to all ages. Be comfortable and come onto and leave the stage easily and quickly. Masquerade Rules | Arisia'12 Think TV commercials; make your presentation as short and as to the point as possible so as to avoid losing the audiences interest - you want to leave the stage before their attention has a chance to drift; and leave them wanting more! The Masquerade website will then go "live" on Tumblr for viewing Friday evening, July 24, during the Comic-Con@Home dates (July 22-26), and will remain available online for at least a few months afterward for viewers the world over to enjoy. Masquerade Rules | Arisia 2011 This is optional; you may choose to not participate in Fan Photography. You will be required to . So, if you have big props, please tell them about it at your Tech Rehearsal, and tell the Masquerade Director in your registration information as well. Maybe you have an otherworldly outfit you like to wear, but youre not comfortable with facing formal competitors. 2023 Regional Tour. . available for you to use. Should students, parents, or family members contact the Masquerade office for information. This is a competition based on performance and presentation. We will either return your media at the rehearsal, or at the Masquerade Show-and-Tell / Postmortem on Sunday, depending on time available. If you have registered online, please email your preferred rehearsal times in advance or schedule at check-in with the Masquerade registration desk. If you have spares or a repair kit, pack those, too. Before the Convention. Costume entries should have some sort of relationship to a general Science Fiction / Fantasy / Cosplay theme (including Video Games, Comics and Anim), whether as an Original Creation, a Re-Creation, Creative Interpretation, or Assembled costume. Should you decide to enter the Masquerade: Thank you very, very much! Masquerade creates a schedule for every event based on the needs of each individual competition. . While we can do some minimal audio editing at the Masquerade desk, this does take time, which may be in very short supply. CORECON 2022 COSTUME CONTEST RULES. Depending on the number of entrants, other awards may be added. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Note that these MUST be signed in the presence of Masquerade Staff. At this time, Fan Photos will be taken in the Lobby of the SJCC, by fans and possibly pros who have signed up to take posed photos of entries. No metal or wood bats, metal pipes, or long metal chains are allowed in the Masquerade. Photos and any other documentation will be returned to you after the show at the . As such. If you feel that nudity is essential to your costume, please limit it to the Masquerade, and keep it covered in the public areas of the hotel. Any narration to be read by the MC will be limited to 35 words or less. The Masquerade Green Room is open for contestants at 6pm. Contestants must have made at least 60% or more of their cosplay themselves. FanimeCon | Masquerade When deciding how to portray your character on stage, keep in mind this dictum: Short is good. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; The Craftsmanship Judges recommend (but do not require) that each Craftsmanship competitor bring the following: At least one color picture, preferably two, of each character and costume the entry represents. Masquerade - Rules. A parent or legal guardian MUST sign for anyone appearing onstage under the age of 18 at the time of the show. The convention is family-friendly - Masquerade entries should be at most PG-13. We can all compete on our own level against our costuming peers. Well then to start off we shall do an Animal Masquerade Competition. It is an opportunity for research and applied scholarship. Awards will be given when the judges are ready. We reserve the right to review music before allowing it to be used. NEW for 2019 - A live video feed for streaming events! Only identified contestants or theirparents will have access to the Green Room in that time period. Rehearsals will be scheduled during the day on Friday in 8 minutes slots, and Saturday in 5 minute slots. That includes things like confetti, streamers, beads, Silly String, feathers, etc. For event specific Covid protocols, please check the website event listing. They are also available to care for anything like your eyeglasses and convention badges that you may need before and after your appearance on stage. In order to maximize time, the schedule at each regional is configured based on the breakdown of entries (Solos, Duo/Trios, Groups) for that particular regional event. The Masquerade Director must approve the use of any actual weapon(s) or item(s) that could be mistaken for a weapon when used as a part of a costume during the Masquerade. In the convention hallways many fans may wish to take your picture. Each costume is only allowed to compete once. You will be assigned a rehearsal time when you check in at the Masquerade Registration Desk.This will be your only scheduled official rehearsal time. Trek, Darkover). In order to compete in the Masquerade, you must signup for the Masquerade in advance. has won fewer than three awards as a Novice at the Regional or International level. No liquids or viscous or drippy materials, including bubbles, steam, smoke, or mists that could leave a film on the stage or may be spilled, poured, squirted, thrown or projected during a presentation. See how you can help us make FanimeCon even better by staffing or volunteering! Group entries are limited to one (1) minute plus thirty (30) seconds for each additional member up to a maximum of three (3) minutes on stage. On site at the convention there will be an additional five (5) slots open. Judging will happen prior to the Masquerade on Friday and Saturday. of the show in the Masquerade Green Room. Novice costumers are those who have won three (3) or fewer major (Best-, Top-, 1st Place-in category) awards in costume competitions. Dressing room areas are electronic free zones and no photos or videos will be allowed in these areas. You have only a few hours before the show. If you choose to show a video during your skit, it will serve as a replacement for your music track. You must get prior permission from the Masquerade Director for any performances that exceed that time limit. Specifically, the following must be avoided: explicit sexual gestures, nudity, and explicit swearing. FenCon 2011 Masquerade Competition Rules start on page 5). If the creator of a costume and the presenter of that costume are different people, any Workmanship award won by the costume belongs to the creator (who must be at least a supporting member of Worldcon 76). How to Enter (and Survive!) A Cosplay Masquerade Masquerade! (Cosplay Rules) | Katsucon Note this is not a dance or party, but a show on a stage. They are also responsible for helping to make sure you are photographed at some point by the. If necessary, the staff reserves the right to change the order of appearance of any contestant. For instance, if you purchased some parts from a consignment shop, some from a donation store, and some from a costume shop, that would be considered an assembled costume. Your video must play for the entire skit, or fade to black or to a logo for the rest of your skit. If in doubt, visit with the Workmanship judges anyway. You cannot wear a costume onstage, then change into another costume and present it, too, for competition. There is a limit of 50 entries. It is there to provide safety pins, a little glue, a dab of makeup. In turn, your device might interfere with the Tech Crews equipment causing unknown glitches in the show as well. As a Skit competitor, you do not have to compete for Craftsmanship. Before the Convention. The Hall Costume Contest will run from the conventions opening onFriday afternoon to an hour before the Masquerade begins on Saturday. Skit: Short sketch done alone or with a group. Competition Terms and Contitions - If your character is supposed to have red hair, you should, too. There is a limit of eight (8) people per entry. Fantasy Competition - Bronner Bros FanimeCon will not be responsible for any damage or loss to any prop brought on site. Entries eligible for competition are also encouraged to sign up for. COVID-19 POLICY - NEKOCON 2022 - NekoCon 24 If you are just learning and have only modified your costume, you may still qualify for a Craftsmanship award. Weapons that are a part of the costume may be displayed only on stage and only in a safe manner. . Dull metal weapons are considered live steel, and therefore are not permitted. If that ray gun is supposed to be brass and steel, paint the green and blue plastic. Masquerade Rules | Arisia '13 RavenCon will have secret judges roving the halls and evaluating costumes that may not be in the Masquerade. Alternatively, you may record your introduction on standard media (flash drive, SD card). . There will be Stage Crew AKA Stage Ninjas (people in black) both at the entrance and exit from the stage. that you want us to play on the media you bring us. Let your costume speak for itself. Masquerade Rules - Shore Leave 42 Documentation should preferably be submitted to the Masquerade Registration desk before judging, or at the very latest to the judges at the time of judging - however, please strive to submit it earlier if at all possible, as later submissions may not be able to get sufficient attention. , to this panel and have the chance to talk about your creative process and how your entry came to be. All presentation rules still apply. Large sound systems bring out the best and worst in recordings. If you have any feedback regarding the Masquerade, this could be a good time to bring it to the attention of the Masquerade staff. All entrants, including all members of a group entry, must be members of the convention and will be required to show their badges in the Green Room. If you are entering the masquerade as a walk-on, have at least three different poses prepared. #FanimeCon #Fanime, We are no longer using WaitWhile to organize the FanimeCon 2022 Registration lines throughout the weekend due to technical difficulties. No trash talking, sabotage or poor sportsmanship. You must get prior permission from the Masquerade Director for groups larger than 12 contestants. We Missed You! The dancer with the highest combined score will be awarded the Masquerade Title for that age division. All cosplay entries must be in the following categories: You will be assigned one of your two choices of judging dates & times based on the number of people applying for a time slot. Your prop must accompany the costume that you are wearing in order for it to be peacebonded. If you need anything, please let them know. If you arrive after you have been called, you may not go on. There should be no more than ten (10) seconds of blank time before your audio begins to play. FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM. Costumes must be relevant to Anime Milwaukee's theme: anime, manga, music, live action, video game, etc. If at all possible, base the music for your presentation from non-compressed sources such as CDs rather than from downloads. 2. Cosplay Masquerade Rules & Regulations - Anime USA 2017 You must be a registered member of Shore Leave to compete in the Masquerade. Rules are subject to change. The Worldcon 76 Masquerade will be held on Saturday, August 18, 2018 in the Grand ballroom of the San Jose Convention Center. Re: Workmanship Judging in the Green Room: Documentation of your costume source and/or construction process is highly preferred (please see all prior references to . Please just let us know. The Masquerade Director reserves the right to disqualify any entry that is deemed problematic for any reason. We appreciate initiative and ingenuity! Once 25 entries have been reached, we will post here that Cosplay signup is full. Master costumers are those who have won more than three (3) Best in Show or Best Overall awards. They are there to help you with a hand up, to move your props onto or off the stage, and to prevent you from falling off the stage. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. For additional information, please see . All participants must have reference pictures of their costume character; without proper reference material, the judges cannot assess the accuracy of a costume. so that we can confirm that you are here!! The only person who has a microphone and is allowed to actually speak from the stage is the Master of Ceremonies (MC). If you are pointing a weapon at each other or at anyone in the audience, it must be demonstrated to NOT WORK and not shoot before the Masquerade. Contestants will go off stage to the fan photo area. All entries must be pre-registered online to participate in the Masquerade. Due to hotel fire regulations, no fire, open flame, flash paper/powder may be used. ), As stated earlier, if you are entering workmanship judging, please try to provide. Masquerade | Comic-Con International: San Diego If you are using only a music track from a commercial CD, the Tech Crew will typically start at the beginning of your track and fade out when you reach your time limit. If you do not make a selection, a standard entrance, lighting, and exit will be chosen. Masquerade Rules - Comiccon de Qubec Any contact with the Presentation Judges prior to the masquerade while a contestant is in costume may be grounds for disqualification of the entrant. Workmanship judges provide kind, valuable feedback and suggestions for making your next costume even better. Our steps are six feet wide, one foot deep and eight inches high. Viewers will be ejected from the room should they be found to be taking flash pictures from the audience. Anime Milwaukee is an all-ages event. Our Registration FAQ can help! Entrants may choose to have only parts of their costume judged, such as a prop, armor piece, or headpiece. var addy5b641b2b90a13192639f5cfd0136260b = 'masquerade' + '@'; Due to the unique planning , Weve all had a hard few years, but now that FanimeCon is back again, we are here to help you unwind with some delicious manga , 2020 Parent or Guardian Consent Waiver and Release, this page for more information on the stage, FanimeCon 2022 No Longer Using WaitWhile Virtual Queuing For Registration. You may bring image documentation to the judges electronically (eg: on a tablet), but this is not preferred, as they will be able to better assess your work by having prior access to your documentation. Actions, dress, or mannerisms that would not be allowed on a public street or thoroughfare must be avoided. Do not run, skip, jump, or dance so fast that the best they can do is to let you go. Music can be reclaimed after the Masquerade awards are presented. We will show the recording of the Masquerade in several locations later that evening. . Does Masquerade Dance offer any discounted rates for hotels in the area? Masqueture and Masquerade merchandise items are now available on our website, as well as at each Masquerade Dance event. The MC will be happy to work with you in reading a short script or to interact with you during your presentation. They will be judging costumes not bodies. Try on your entire costume and practice the moves you will be making on stage to ensure the costume does not come apart or leave a trail of pieces. Awards categories may include: Best Costume, Best Presentation, Best in Show, Best Re-Creation, Top Novice, Top Journeyman, Top Master, and Judges Choice. It is entirely up to you whether to allow people to take your picture. Please send your completed forms to, Your performance props must be easy to assemble and disassemble. Excluding a short amount time for stage setup (stage crew putting a prop, portable backdrop made for the entry, or a chair onstage for your presentation, for example) Individual presentations have a default time limit of, while larger group entries (typically 4 or more). Our panel of judges is empowered to make independent decisions on the awarding of prizes and recognition. Only holding the hairpiece for pinning is allowed. Does Masquerade allow dancers to register as Independent? All skits and rehearsal performances must be reviewed and approved by the Masquerade Team before being allowed in the Masquerade Event. All dressing rooms will be assigned. In-Person Masquerade Rules - DisCon III However, you may take personal photos and videos during the Improv Contest and at all awards sessions. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. When the Official Photographer is ready, they will make their photographs available for sale, the details of which we hope to be able to announce at this presentation. Any entrant may choose to compete in a higher category. Are Masquerade photos and videos available for purchase? Masquerade Rules Registration Participants must have an Otakon membership badge. Entrants will still be able to check in there until noon on Saturday, August 18, but. At competitive dancing, there may be separate competitions for dance categories like Jazz, Ballet, Lyrical, and Hip-Hop, etc. Judges will make any necessary determination of suitability and safety. Do not construct or decorate yourself or your costume or props with anything messy, smelly, or slimy. Contestants may either perform a Walk-On or a Skit. It is also recognizes creativity, workmanship and stage presentation. We will send an email to you and/or your groups primary contact when and if the video is for sale at a later date. Is the schedule the same at each regional event? The Green Room will be secured while the Masquerade is taking place. If you are thinking about participating in the Renovation Masquerade, please start by reading our Masquerade Rules. Do not expect to use the table for large projects; it is only here to cover last minute costume emergencies. : come onstage, make a couple of turns so that all parts of your costume can be seen, walk off), PLEASE bring at least a music CD with a track that complements your costume! Their costume judged, such as CDs rather than from downloads bring out best. Minute slots change into another costume and present it, too entrance and exit will be no more than (. Like confetti, streamers, beads, Silly String, feathers, etc onFriday afternoon to an hour the! Or offer discounts to any other Rules you & # x27 ; VE READ before Rules start on page )... Entries have been reached, we will either return your media at the entrance and exit will be accepted at. 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