How does the Nikon D7500 compare to the D3s? Fully multicoated optics: The AT102ED objective lens has the latest state-of-the-art antireflection multicoatings on all air-to-glass surfaces for high light transmission and excellent contrast. I was skeptical then it came up for sale for 499. I am sure you have been in situations where you got out at night in a remote location and saw an incredibly beautiful night sky with millions of stars shining right at you, with patches of stars in a cloudy formation that are a part of the Milky Way. Figure 1 An illustration of the back focus of a refractor and a Newtonian reflector telescope. Besides observing from his heavily light polluted backyard in Los Angeles, Manish enjoys conducting astronomy outreach programs in local schools. Lenses designed to correct for two wavelengths are called achromatic, while photography lenses designed to be highly corrected for red, green, and blue wavelengths are referred to as apochromatic. Excellent images with little if any color. For the price this beautifully constructed telescope is a Great Buy and as a "grab and go" telescope on it's Porta Mount, it is wonderful. The focusing device (Bahtinov mast) is intriguing. The AT102ED is bringing ED optics to you at a fantastic price. If you have any more questions, please contact us at FTM (Full Time Manual) focusing is enabled and the manual focus ring does not rotate during AF. And lets use a ZWO ASI1600-series-Pro camera instead of a DSLR. M42, even under a bright sky was quite nice. That has a flange to sensor distance of 20mm. The confusion arises because amateur astronomers often mean different things when it comes to back focus. If you use the less conservative 600 Rule, you end up with a 30 second exposure. Affinity Photo for Focus Stacking Of course, since the camera is place up top in front of the corrector plate and blocks light from entering the telescope, it makes sense to keep optical elements to a minimum. Very good color correction. Your setup may only have some of these components, and they may be in a different order. [2][3], Also, when considering lens design, the "APO" designation is used more conservatively in astronomy-related optics (e.g. There are two common methods of defining and measuring hyperfocal distance, leading to values that differ only slightly. The replacement focuser - the original was damaged due shipment - is silky smooth with a wonderful feel. Still not sure what is the right gear for you? Achromatic lenses are corrected to bring two wavelengths into focus in the same plane typically red (~0.590m) and blue (~0.495m). A system with a shorter focal length bends the rays more sharply, bringing them to a focus in a A related auestion is where in the optical train the reducer (or flattener/reducer) must(!) What I would do first, is start out by determining the length of exposure. The hyperfocal distance is entirely dependent upon what level of sharpness is considered to be Since most planetary cameras use very small sensors unlike cooled astronomy cameras for deep sky, back focus is not nearly as critical and the effects of incorrect back focus spacing are usually unnoticeable. Dew shield: A retractable dew shield slows the formation of dew on the lens in cold weather to extend your undisturbed observing time. Most of these factors have zero effect on purple fringing, though, and none are the primary cause in most photos. Now years later I'm thrilled to see it back and available at an incredible price. Care must be taken to distinguish between the advantages to be gained in enlargement by the use of a smaller lens, with the disadvantages that ensue from the deterioration in the relative values of light and shade. Usually, with my 2 inch dielectric diagonal, I enjoy it's wide field views to scan the area southern skies over Long Island and enjoy viewing the DSO's around Sagittarius. All of the guys in my club were impressed. The other hardware is very nice, too. The telescope is extremely well baffled (4 baffles in the main tube and 12 in the focuser drawtube), has excellent coatings, and a robust 2.5" focuser. Mountain Landscape Photography: 17 Tips for Epic Shots The Nikon P900 is a consumer class camera designed for novices, not a professional-grade one with adequate manual controls. Adjacent to Table I in his appendix, he further notes: If we focus on infinity, the constant is the focal distance of the nearest object in focus. This is a gem! Then using similar triangles dotted in purple. The most common required back focus specification for these corrective optical components is 55mm, a quantity thats based on the dimensions of SLR and DSLR cameras, as explained below. Is it the camera manufacturer or the telescope manufacturer? I like it better than the crayfords I have on my other scopes. This has to be one of the best kept secrets in amateur astronomy! Many focal reducers, especially for refractors, also incorporate field flattening elements, so they can be more sensitive to back focus. If it is out and it is not too bright, you could use it to your advantage to illuminate foreground elements, or perhaps make it part of your final image. A wide (M48) T-ring for use with Canon cameras. Move the focus ring until you can clearly see the defined shape of the moon and simply turn off Live View you are done. All rights reserved. That extra inch helps with my right eye. Only 599 for 102 mm Apo ? False color is barely noticeable in focus. Now my only problem is I need a better mount to compliment this excellent scope. So I need 87.5mm of length. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); document.getElementById("ak_js_2").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Thanks for the article. Not quite flourite level, but still quite good. Telescope If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us in the comments section below! My friend lent me this telescope a few weeks back for me to use in Harmon IL as I was traveling there at first just to see the milky way since I cannot see it here in the suburbs of the city of Chicago. Take a practice shot or two, and zoom in on your camera screen to check how it looks. I have to concentrate on seeing color fringing visually on very bright objects and we are talking moon level bright objects here at 200+ X. I have done some imaging with this scope and find the views very well color corrected, however I have yet to image with a bright object in the field of my sensor. Example of 55mm back focus with an off-axis guider in the imaging train. This is when you take a large series of photos and average them together to reduce noise. All in all I've been having fun with it and wish Astronomics would make this in a 127mm. My only wish is that the dew shield could retract, but it's not a deal breaker. An object at distance H forms a sharp image at distance x (blue line). I've had this for several months now and while I knew it was a good telescope I didn't realize how good until I was able to compare it side by side with a very high quality telescope. {\displaystyle d} Click here to watch the video now. I got the scope out with good conditions and Jupiter high in the sky. Personally, I turn off autofocus right away and only rely on manual focusing using Live View the goal is to set focus to infinity. Telescope objective lenses for wide-band digital imaging in astronomy must have apochromatic correction, as the optical sensitivity of typical CCD imaging arrays can extend from the ultraviolet through the visible spectrum and into the near infrared wavelength range. Common (Not Fully Satisfactory) Explanations, Common (Not Fully Satisfactory) Explanations, Landscape Photography Post-Processing Tutorial in Lightroom, Attempting Realistic Tabletop Landscape Photography. It is worth noting, too, that if a camera is focused on Refractors intended for imaging only (called astrographs) tend to have a smaller back focus because no diagonal is required, only a camera and a few accessories. Watch it here. Eventually, when the light rays become parallel, you have reached infinity focus. But he did point out that although the increase in the quality view MAY not have been worth the premium (it is :)), the build quality and longevity along with the images would be worth it. It allows you to improve your image quality or extend depth of field, whichever youre after for a particular image. Focus Back focus spacing becomes even more critical to get right when youre using a telescope/corrector with a fast focal ratio, or when youre using a camera with a large camera sensor such as full frame or larger. The Moon was spectacular and this instrument even took 223X on the Moon without a shred of CA. It's great on planets and open clusters sparkle like diamonds. I have a Meade 12" LX850 f/8 ACF OTA and I have the Meade #777 OAG attached to it. be positioned in the optical train to enable the best flat field as possible. There is no backlash, its extremely accurate and it dont slip. This is a great grab and go telescope that provides good images, good color correction and is simple and easy to use. Focal length As with all Astro-Tech scopes, the AT102ED gives you fully-multicoated ED optics that are essentially free of the annoying halo of unfocused violet light (chromatic aberration) that mars the bright-object images of lesser scopes, despite the fast focal ratio, and even at very high magnifications. It weights only 230g and measures only 71mm from front to back, but this is an autofocus lens, not manual. This provides a lot more space in the 55mm working distance of the Askar focal reducer (and any similar focal reducer used with other telescopes). It usually doesn't matter where, but if you're using filters or a filter wheel of any kind, you'll want to keep the filters as close to the camera sensor as possible. For any practical f-number, the added focal length is insignificant in comparison Celestron and Meade offer focal reducer/correctors for their f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes that alter the effective focal ratio to f/6.3. And tall ones at that. Focal Range. As mentioned earlier, the focal ratio of the telescope may change slightly, but its too little to notice. If we want to use a monochrome camera, say the ASI1600MM-Pro, then we might want to add a filter wheel to the optical path, for example, the ZWO 5-position 2 electronic filter wheel. Using similar triangles shaded in yellow. For visual observation, simple thread the visual back onto the reducer, insert a diagonal and eyepiece, and you can use the telescope at f/6.3. This one has a confusing name, because some people refer to this method as the 500 Rule, while others go with the 600 Rule. No field flattener is required for this telescope since it has its own corrective optics. Since chromatic aberrations are an optical issue, naturally, a different optical design could address them. Of course, the D7500 is 20.9MP where the D3s is 12.2MP, so thats part of the reason. Image size was about that of a marble so very reasonable. But using additional imaging accessories like filter wheels or off-axis guiders can still be challenging on Newtonians, even with non-DSLR cameras. Just finished up a lunar session with my AT102ED, under the best seeing conditions I've experienced in years. Heres a crop from the final result: If you want to extend your depth of field at night, you may be tempted to use the same focus stacking method that is relatively common among landscape photographers during the day. There is a point, however, beyond which everything will be in pictorially good definition, but the longer the focus of the lens used, the further will the point beyond which everything is in sharp focus be removed from the camera. Therefore, a 55mm back focus with a filter that is 3mm thick added to the imaging train would become 56mm. We do so by adding the 21mm and 16.5mm M42x0.75 rings that are supplied with this camera. The idea of back focus isn't particularly complicated. As mentioned in Section 2, many guidescopes have a limited back focus because theyre designed to work with only a small guide camera. After all, the apochromatic or APO designation isnt controlled by some official body, and there are still low-level chromatic aberrations on almost all lenses. I believe that should have been included or shipped ASAP so the scope would have a "finished/complete" look, and not appear like some of those "generic" achros being sold on Ebay. The most important thing is to know how to remove purple fringing when you notice it, or prevent it in the first place, which iswhich is what Ill talk about next. Im struggling to achieve focus. Big city lights can be a huge problem due to air and light pollution, so it is best to get out of town/city and find a good location that does not have such problems. If we measure this distance extra-focally it is equal to H, and is sometimes called the hyperfocal distance. Please note that sensor tilt and optical aberrations, such as coma and astigmatism, can also cause stars to appear elongated on their own and are unrelated to back focus. for hyperfocal distance, Compression ring eyepiece holders: The focusers drawtube terminates in a 2" eyepiece holder that uses a non-marring soft brass compression ring to hold a 2" star diagonal and/or accessories in place. If the moon is not in the sky, try to find another source of light perhaps a very bright star or some distant light. Chromatic aberration is well controlled. There's more lateral aberration from my eyepieces than there is CA. d See Agenas focal reducer guide for more about this. The Focus On Stars device is mounted on the lens for a proper night landscape astrophotography Although it seems obvious, but it doesnt matter if you rotate the optics to the infinite signal, because this signal is only approximate. Other explanations Ive seen are all over the board, and occasionally even contradict one another. PL provides various digital photography news, reviews, articles, tips, tutorials and guides to photographers of all levels, By Nasim Mansurov 129 CommentsLast Updated On September 16, 2022. Learn about every camera spec you need to know about your DSLR, Mirrorless, or Astro camera! I already had a 4" (Meade Infinity), would this really show anything different? I have a question about the 500/600 rule. This is a very helpful method of image blending that is quick and easy, with relatively low propensity for errors. The back focus for EdgeHD 9.25, 11, and 14 scopes is 146mm (5.75). That said, be careful not to overdo the Amount slider, as this can be a very aggressive correction. I purchased this scope several months back during the $499 sale. In your particular case on the Esprit 120, the included Field Flattener does have a back focus of 75mm as you mentioned, but also comes with a 20mm long adapter that results in an M48 male connection on the camera side. You can reach that using a T-ring, which are used to attach cameras to telescopes and other optical accessories. The depth constant and the hyperfocal distance are quite distinct, though of the same value. I highly recommend it. Can you please guide me from beginning for the mentioned subject? First, lets look at the back focus of a telescope and guide scopes. / I have not used the D7500, but I have used the D3s. The CA I saw and reported was simply not there once the scope was given a chance to cool down. The Rokinon 14mm Ultra-Wide-Angle f/2.8 lens is designed to provide a dramatic 115.7 view on full frame cameras.and is perfect for astrophotography, landscapes and real estate imagery. I've split stars at magnifications lower than I could ever use with my reflector. I wasnt sure of adding or removing. Filter wheels, filter drawers, and off-axis guiders all have thicknesses that will add to the overall length of your imaging train, and these need to be factored in when calculating back focus. All of the reviews were excellent, but 599 is a lot of money. Both values are for the circumstance when no Baader glass-path corrector (GPC) is used. Now that I see many good reviews on this scope. Cheers!! Some Newtonians, by contrast, have a back focus thats too small to even accommodate the much smaller distance of 55mm taken up by a T-ring and DSLR camera. I grabbed one of these during the sale also and have been quite impressed with the cost to performance. The essential tech news of the moment. So I would expect literally any Instax Wide camera (which is closest Instax format to 600, in terms of image size), even the most basic one, to outperform a basic Polaroid camera. I would recommend though to get a focal reducer for this telescope if you are looking to image with this telescope so your images come out better. This lets you quickly accommodate changing balance conditions as you exchange an eyepiece for a camera, a 1.25" diagonal for a 2" diagonal, etc. H This back focus spacing guide is sized to be saved on your phone for easy reference. To sum it up quickly, you can typically edit in three different precision formats with image editing software: 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit. Insert the tube into the telescopes focuser and rack the focuser all the way in. When the DSLR and T-ring are attached to the reducer, they take up all the working distance. I appreciate the article, but a change log would really help us veterans of PL know whats new and whats not with all the old file updates. The focuser is well made, precise and smooth. They also come in a variety of thread sizes, such as M42 and M48, so be sure to choose the right size threads for your system. 1. The correct back focus spacing for that reducer/flattener is 55mm. Can you please tell me if I have to take care of the back focus (55mm according to the cameras notice + back focus added by filter?) I saw colors in the Pleiades that I had never seen before and the Hyades were beautiful pin points. If you do not have either one of those, then another option is to turn your flashlight on and set it far enough away from you that it is at infinity, then focus on the flashlight using Live View. For EdgeHD 8 scopes, the back focus is 133.4mm (5.25). This is a great little scope, and a great companion to my C8/AVX. , this gives the equation for the first definition above. I purchased a generic "Vixen finder base" which mounts perfectly on the focuser tube using the two machine screws on the focuser body. Both work very well on this telescope. I wanted to follow up my review. Before we talk about exposure settings, lets first go over some important steps in ensuring that we end up with properly focused shots. 2" Rack and Pinion dual-speed focuser: The precision-made no-backlash dual speed 2" rack and pinion focuser is based off our EDT line of telescopes. Id recommend the NPF Rule if you want sharper stars and larger prints. C. Welborne Piper may be the first to have published a clear distinction between Depth of Field in the modern sense and Depth of Definition in the focal plane, and implies that Depth of Focus and Depth of Distance are sometimes used for the former (in modern usage, Depth of Focus is usually reserved for the latter). Other guidescopes such as the William Optics UniGuide 30mm guidescopes or ZWO mini guidescopes (see Figure 2) have a more generous back focus of around 20mm that can accommodate a wider range of guide cameras with larger round bodies (such as the ZWO ASI290MM, for example). Thats only a significant change in the most demanding applications with fast telescopes. ( Are you familiar with the D7500? {\displaystyle s=\infty } The Explore Scientific 102/f7 is a good example ( got one).. Article Agena AstroProducts, 2021. D Add Your Review, Regular Price: is measured from a thin lens, or from the front principal plane of a complex lens; it is also exact for the first definition if If you are still shooting JPEG, slap yourself in the face time to move to RAW and finally explore its benefits, especially when it comes to photographing the Milky Way. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. / With Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes (SCTs), back focus works a little differently. 2. In addition, the dovetail plate can be unbolted from the split rings to allow you to mount the rings directly on other equatorial mounts for example on the D-plate used on Losmandy mounts something that is difficult to do with the short mounting foot on competitive clamshell rings. I have seen two separate opinions? of the correct spacing for the reducer, common is 105MM and another for 85MM. One of the most powerful and engaging genres of landscape photography is taking mountain images. Put the camera into manual focus mode: press down on the multi-selector, select MF and press OK. Not for dummies. camera sensor) at the recommended distance away from the corrector, then the corrector will not work as intended. {\displaystyle c=d} Astrophotography In the same lens, the focal range will depend upon the size of the diaphragm used, while in different lenses having the same apertal ratio the focal ranges will be greater as the focal length of the lens is increased. You do this in specialized software that aligns the stars (without rotating the foreground) before blending the images together. This distance (6 yards) is termed the hyperfocal distance of the lens, and any allowable confusion disc depends on the focal length of the lens and on the stop used. p Had the scope out twice so far, first time I imaged with it, the 2nd time I used it visually. 1 For Nikon F-mount cameras, the FFD is 46.5mm; for Canon EF-mount cameras its 44.0mm. The drawtube has a scale marked in 1mm increments so you can note individual focuser positions for easy return to the correct focus when switching between visual use and photography. The reasons for this are simple. Acceptably sharp focus" is defined using a property called the "circle of confusion".The depth of field can be determined by focal length, distance to subject, the acceptable circle of confusion size, and If you found your way to this article from Google, its probably because you have a photo with some unwanted purple fringing, and youd like to get rid of that. They really make observing much easier and enjoyable. However, for many of us, mountain landscape photography can be challenging both mentally and physically. The reducer has female M68x1 threads that connect to the M68x1 threads on the telescopes focuser (the M68-M48 adapter thats included with the telescope must first be removed from the focuser). When looking into the visual use of this telescope, it is best to view in a somewhat "darker" place with not as much light pollution such as suburbs of the city of Chicago, etc. But now I am taking interest in astrophotography. Telescopes | Meade Instruments The dovetail plate fits directly into the head of many equatorial and altazimuth mounts. The FFD is the distance from the cameras focal plane (where the sensor is located) and the front circular metal flange where the camera lens goes (Figure 6). On good nights of seeing I use my Baader Prism diagonal with Nagler 3-6 zoom and various other planetary ep's and Lunar viewing is sharp. To reduce noise infinity focus astrophotography I have used the D7500, but I have used the D3s 12.2MP... Got the scope out with infinity focus astrophotography conditions and Jupiter high in the.! My AT102ED, under the best kept secrets in amateur astronomy see good... For that reducer/flattener is 55mm with the cost to performance therefore, a 55mm back focus into manual focus:! Overdo the Amount slider, as this can be challenging on Newtonians, under... Quite flourite level, but it 's not a deal breaker a DSLR in local schools how it looks properly. 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