The MessageDeduplicationId is available to the consumer of the message (this can be useful for troubleshooting delivery issues). Otherwise, ClientId is mapped to the client. Optional parameter to be used as the "Subject" line when the message is delivered to email endpoints. An identifier for the message in this batch. Valid values: Any Amazon SNS action name, for example Publish . Returns True if the operation can be paginated, False otherwise. The length of SequenceNumber is 128 bits. This guide provides descriptions of the STS API. Scale more than ten times per rolling 24-hour period per stream, Scale up to more than double your current shard count for a stream, Scale down below half your current shard count for a stream, Scale up to more than 10000 shards in a stream, Scale a stream with more than 10000 shards down unless the result is less than 10000 shards, Scale up to more than the shard limit for your account. A list of provider names for the identity providers (IdPs) that are supported on this client. If you don't specify a value for the PhoneNumber parameter, you must specify a value for the TargetArn or TopicArn parameters. CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.NotAuthorizedException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UserImportInProgressException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.InternalErrorException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UserNotFoundException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UnexpectedLambdaException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UserLambdaValidationException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.TooManyFailedAttemptsException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.InvalidLambdaResponseException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.LimitExceededException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UsernameExistsException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.InvalidPasswordException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.CodeDeliveryFailureException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.PreconditionNotMetException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.InvalidSmsRoleAccessPolicyException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.InvalidSmsRoleTrustRelationshipException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UnsupportedUserStateException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.AliasExistsException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.InvalidUserPoolConfigurationException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.MFAMethodNotFoundException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.PasswordResetRequiredException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UserNotConfirmedException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UserPoolAddOnNotEnabledException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.InvalidEmailRoleAccessPolicyException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.CodeMismatchException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.ExpiredCodeException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.SoftwareTokenMFANotFoundException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.ConcurrentModificationException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.ForbiddenException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.GroupExistsException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.DuplicateProviderException, 'AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate', AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UserPoolTaggingException, 'EnablePropagateAdditionalUserContextData', CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.ScopeDoesNotExistException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.InvalidOAuthFlowException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UnsupportedIdentityProviderException, 'CompromisedCredentialsRiskConfiguration', CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UnauthorizedException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UnsupportedOperationException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UnsupportedTokenTypeException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.EnableSoftwareTokenMFAException, CognitoIdentityProvider.Paginator.AdminListGroupsForUser, CognitoIdentityProvider.Paginator.AdminListUserAuthEvents, CognitoIdentityProvider.Paginator.ListGroups, CognitoIdentityProvider.Paginator.ListIdentityProviders, CognitoIdentityProvider.Paginator.ListResourceServers, CognitoIdentityProvider.Paginator.ListUserPoolClients, CognitoIdentityProvider.Paginator.ListUserPools, CognitoIdentityProvider.Paginator.ListUsers, CognitoIdentityProvider.Paginator.ListUsersInGroup, CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.admin_list_groups_for_user(), CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.admin_list_user_auth_events(), CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.list_groups(), CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.list_identity_providers(), CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.list_resource_servers(), CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.list_user_pool_clients(), CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.list_user_pools(), CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.list_users(), CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.list_users_in_group(), Specifying Identity Provider Attribute Mappings for Your User Pool, Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers, SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools, Adding user device and session data to API requests,,, Verifying updates to email addresses and phone numbers, Using Service-Linked Roles for Amazon Cognito, How to use an external ID when granting access to your Amazon Web Services resources to a third party, Specifying IdP Attribute Mappings for Your user pool, Adding user pool sign-in through a third party, Searching for Users Using the ListUsers API, Adding Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to a user pool. The encryption type to use on the record. The status of the most recent running of the query. Depending on the type of object, this could be a commit ID (GitHub) or a revision ID (Amazon S3). Adds or updates an inline policy document that is stored in the specified Amazon SNS topic. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListShards to list the next set of shards. This name might be system-generated, such as "MyBuiltApp", or it might be defined by the user when the action is created. For example, if the method name is create_foo, and you'd normally invoke the operation as client.create_foo(**kwargs), if the create_foo operation can be paginated, you can use the call client.get_paginator("create_foo"). The user name of the user you want to describe. If the linked identity has not yet been used to sign in, the ProviderAttributeName and ProviderAttributeValue must be the same values that were used for the SourceUser when the identities were originally linked using AdminLinkProviderForUser call. A dictionary that provides parameters to control pagination. For an action type with a queryable property, you must supply that property as a key in the map. For more information about the external ID, see How to Use an External ID When Granting Access to Your Amazon Web Services Resources to a Third Party in the IAM User Guide . Amazon SQS continues to keep track of the message deduplication ID even after the message is received and deleted. However, if you do not pass any session policies, then the resulting federated user session has no permissions. This is a required property of the ShardFilter parameter. The ARN of the topic you want to subscribe to. The JSON serialization of the topic's DataProtectionPolicy . You must shut down any applications that are operating on the stream before you delete the stream. The value in the SourceIdentity attribute in the SAML assertion. Parameters. The queue's owner must grant you permission to access the queue. Creates an iterable of all Queue resources in the collection. The value of the USERNAME attribute must be the user's actual username, not an alias (such as an email address or phone number). Returns True if the operation can be paginated, False otherwise. A key is a general category for more specific values. Your role session lasts for the duration that you specify, or until the time specified in the SAML authentication response's SessionNotOnOrAfter value, whichever is shorter. The property name that is displayed to users. Log stream names must be unique within the log group. Log stream names can be between 1 and 512 characters long. You must include the sequence token obtained from the response of the previous call. When active, DeletionProtection prevents accidental deletion of your user pool. The shard ID of the adjacent shard for the merge. Writes a single data record into an Amazon Kinesis data stream. When a POST request is made to this URL, the defined pipeline is started as long as the body of the post request satisfies the defined authentication and filtering conditions. WebThe ARN of an Amazon Kinesis stream to which to deliver matching log events. Represents the output of a GetPipelineExecution action. For these and additional limits, see IAM and STS Character Limits in the IAM User Guide . For example, if a stream's retention period is set to 24 hours and is increased to 168 hours, any data that is older than 24 hours remains inaccessible to consumer applications. Represents information about an action declaration. For more information, see Grant cross-account permissions to a role and a user name in the Amazon SQS Developer Guide . The challenge name. The date the provider was added to the user pool. The AWS Region for the action, such as us-east-1. After the update is complete, Kinesis Data Streams sets the status of the stream back to ACTIVE . The ProviderAttributeValue must be the name that is used in the user pool for the user. Valid values are as follows: The configuration to override the risk decision. This name might be system-generated, such as "MyApp", or it might be defined by the user when the action is created. Kinesis Data Streams attempts to process all records in each PutRecords request. For more information about this product see the Amazon SNS product page . However, consumer names don't have to be unique across data streams. WebThe returned release label application name. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the log group. This is the same name as the method name on the client. You can use this action up to 5 times per second, per account. To update a query definition, specify its queryDefinitionId in your request. The lastEventTime value updates on an eventual consistency basis. You call the ConfirmSubscription action with the token from the subscription response. A consumer can't read data while in the CREATING or DELETING states. For SAML, the ProviderAttributeName can be any value that matches a claim in the SAML assertion. The documentation for an individual operation indicates whether that operation returns an encoded message in addition to returning an HTTP code. You can use the returned EndpointArn to send a message to a mobile app or by the Subscribe action for subscription to a topic. Non-string values will cause the key to be ignored. The unique system-generated ID of the job that failed. After you write a record to a stream, you cannot modify that record or its order within the stream. To use this API, your user pool must have a domain associated with it. This is the timeout for a single job, not the entire action execution. Lists the specified export tasks. The results are ASCII-sorted by filter name. For a list of code values, see ASCII Printable Characters . This means that you cannot have separate Department and department tag keys. This is returned in the AdminInitiateAuth response if you must pass another challenge. If AdminInitiateAuth or AdminRespondToAuthChallenge API call determines that the caller must pass another challenge, they return a session with other challenge parameters. The plain text session tag keys cant exceed 128 characters. The ciphertext references a key that doesn't exist or that you don't have access to. WebThis is the same name as the method name on the client. A map of the attributes requested in `` ReceiveMessage `` to their respective values. Two streams in the same Amazon Web Services account but in two different Regions can also have the same name. When you use queue tags, keep the following guidelines in mind: For a full list of tag restrictions, see Quotas related to queues in the Amazon SQS Developer Guide . The name can be up to 256 characters long. ; Exceptions. Zero is the highest precedence value. Creates an iterable of all Topic resources in the collection, but limits the number of items returned by each service call by the specified amount. This operation may result in lost data. For OpenID Connect ID tokens, this field contains the value returned by the identity provider as the token's sub (Subject) claim. Failure to parse or validate any key or value in the message will cause the, be a syntactically valid JSON object; and. You cannot specify this parameter if you specify the NextToken parameter. If set to true , there are more streams available to list. You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. Each object represents one shard and specifies the IDs of the shard, the shard's parent, and the shard that's adjacent to the shard's parent. Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions. DefaultSMSType The type of SMS message that you will send by default. WebUsually the class that implements the SerDe. ErrorCode reflects the type of error and can be one of the following values: ProvisionedThroughputExceededException or InternalFailure . When you use the PurgeQueue action, you can't retrieve any messages deleted from a queue. Boto3 DeleteStream has a limit of five transactions per second per account. Whether or not ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice is true, users who sign in with devices that have not been confirmed or remembered must still provide a second factor in a user pool that requires MFA. If you don't specify a value, Amazon Cognito generates one for you. This value can be a globally unique identifier, a fully specified ARN to either an alias or a key, or an alias name prefixed by "alias/".You can also use a master key owned by Kinesis Data Streams by specifying the alias aws/kinesis . MessageDeduplicationId can contain alphanumeric characters (a-z , A-Z , 0-9 ) and punctuation (!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>? A resource representing an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) Subscription: (string) The Subscription's arn identifier. For example, if the method name is create_foo, and you'd normally invoke the operation as client.create_foo(**kwargs), if the create_foo operation can be paginated, you can use the call client.get_paginator("create_foo"). The value can be an integer from 0 - 100. There must be an artifact store for the pipeline Region and for each cross-region action in the pipeline. Notes. To prevent unexpected high charges, do not specify high-cardinality fields such as IPAddress or requestID as dimensions. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications . GetThirdPartyJobDetails , which requests the details of a job for a partner action. Represents the output of a ListPipelineExecutions action. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified in max-items then a NextToken will be provided in the output that you can use to resume pagination. For example, you would use the Bytes property to pass a document loaded from a local file system. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of AWS CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy. Properties from the target action configuration can be included as placeholders in this value by surrounding the action configuration key with curly brackets. The UserContextData parameter sends information to Amazon Cognito advanced security for risk analysis. To specify the time unit for IdTokenValidity as seconds , minutes , hours , or days , set a TokenValidityUnits value in your API request. Specified as epoch time, the number of seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. This parameter can be one of the following values: Registers a consumer with a Kinesis data stream. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). Details about the Lambda executor of the action type. If the stream is in the ACTIVE state, you can delete it. Allows the developer to delete the user pool client. This API also returns any secret values defined for the action. Represents the output of a CreateCustomActionType operation. Simple example of using aioboto3 to put items into a dynamodb table. We also provide SDKs that enable you to access Amazon SNS from your preferred programming language. A query definition contains details about a saved CloudWatch Logs Insights query. Users won't be able to modify this attribute using their access token. CreatePlatformEndpoint requires the PlatformApplicationArn that is returned from CreatePlatformApplication . FREE Questions on AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty The number used to identify the Amazon Web Services account. A resource representing Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS): These are the resource's available actions: These are the resource's available sub-resources: These are the resource's available collections: Actions call operations on resources. Use GetShardIterator to get the shard iterator to specify in the first GetRecords call. Each session tag consists of a key name and an associated value. If the two groups have different role ARNs, the cognito:preferred_role claim isn't set in users' tokens. Valid range is displayed below in seconds. The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of characters consisting of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces. Specifies whether SMS is the preferred MFA method. The Amazon CloudFront endpoint that you use as the target of the alias that you set up with your Domain Name Service (DNS) provider. This rate is unaffected by the total number of consumers that read from the same stream. Department and department are not saved as separate tags, and the session tag passed in the request takes precedence over the role tag. The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can pass up to 50 session tags. Consider your average record size when determining this limit. For more information, see Java JsonPath implementation in GitHub. You can use the Amazon Pinpoint project to integrate with the chosen user pool Client. The value "ALL " enhances every metric. The total number of log events scanned during the query. Partition keys are Unicode strings, with a maximum length limit of 256 characters for each key. The In the Use Case Description field, explain that you are requesting an SMS monthly spend limit increase. It can take up to 5 minutes for this operation to take effect. Pipeline names must be unique under an AWS user account. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptions call to get further results. To successfully create a new queue, you must provide a queue name that adheres to the limits related to queues and is unique within the scope of your queues. The format for this parameter, as described by its regex pattern, is a sequence of six numeric digits. Events with a timestamp before this time are not exported. Cross-account permissions don't apply to this action. The external ID of the run of the action that failed. The source identity specified by the principal that is calling the AssumeRole operation. Boto3 This parameter can be one of the following values: The GUID for the customer-managed Amazon Web Services KMS key to use for encryption. The response includes a maximum of 1,000 results. AWS_CONFIG_FILE The location of the config file used by Boto3. Used for custom actions only. Lists log events from the specified log stream. When you add your new certificate in ACM, you must choose US East (N. Virginia) as the Amazon Web Services Region. This operation has a limit of 1000 This example shows a request and response made with the credentials for a user named Alice in the AWS account 123456789012. Your role session lasts for the duration that you specify for the DurationSeconds parameter, or until the time specified in the SAML authentication response's SessionNotOnOrAfter value, whichever is shorter. Lower-Case alphanumeric characters with no spaces is a string of characters consisting of upper- boto3 kinesis example. Consistency basis to access Amazon SNS from your preferred programming language charges, do not pass any session,... 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