In such a case, you will have less time to take a look at those things which matter in love. The above mentioned ailments generally arise when Mount Jupiter is debilitate or infected in any way. He always gives guidance over phone and his behavior is very nice and excellent. Mars was not married to Venus; instead, he was her lover. The nearness of the Mount of Moon on a palm makes a man innovative, an admirer of magnificence and passionate. Many times, in many hands, two or three lines can be seen. A positive mount is soft to touch, and slightly pink. thingsand give explanations logically. My family, and Friends every one of us following his direction, Deepak Sharma | Samyak Astro Point | Best Astrologer in Delhi. Very good first conversation. Samyak astro point is the best Astrologer in India. And got a positive solution. There is a fixed method of divining '* the fortune," and a little study and practic will enable everybody to turnlortune-teller. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Her throne in Olympus was decorated with the most dazzling and lustrous shells. 5230 Palm Ln , Mount Dora, FL 32757-7124 is a single-family home listed for-sale at $370,000. Another advantage of his suggestions was that they were very easy to perform! Amazed by his personality and predictions. The signs can be cross, Star, Square, Vert. As the siren of love, Venus is popular for her long and passionate affair with Mars. The mount of Venus is named after the goddess of love. As I searched best astrologer through Internet, was very agitated to talk with him. You may also be fond of mobile and unconventional households. This mount is an indicator of intuition, creativity, vivid imagination, and to some extent, psychic abilities. It usually indicates that the person is very lucky in the matters of the heart and doesnt have a problem finding the perfect match. When the life line, taking a full curve around it, covers a fairly wide are, the mount is said to be well-developed, manifesting Venusian qualities. People who never change their decisions have both Mount of Jupiter and Venus having a substantial elevation. Mount of Venus Located at the base of the thumb, it is the other deep mount of your palm and relates to health, love, and sensuality. Click Here For Timestamps~ A SPIRITUAL message for YOU! Ancient Rome and Greece had a massive range of cults dedicated to the goddess of love. There can be various signs and markings on your Venus Mount and they have their own meaning. It is a negative indication and is unauspicious. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Guided tour of the ancient city of Phaselis, seeing ruins such as Hadrian's Gate. People with dots or circles on the Mount of Venus, who are not in a committed relationship, will be more open to new relationships than people without this sign. She is the giver of pleasure and the patroness of the arts who inspires creativity in all forms. The areas covered by the mount of Venus clearly points out that this is the major drive in your life. He is a very professional astrologer. Undoubtedly the best astrologer I have seen Deepak Ji. If a mole is formed in the mount of Venus, then it gives a lot of effect in married life. He guided me for my job and marriage. The mounts of Venus which is extremely developed are sex addicts. Libra stands for the aesthetic and harmony-loving aspects of the planet. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Love at first sight is a major occurrence in their life. I felt the genuinity of my life has been spoken by Mr. Deepak Sharma. This is dependent on whether the other parts of the palm have favorable conditions; otherwise it will be an indication of a long term illness. Venus adds generosity and warmth to your personality. My life is very balanced now and everything is going good. It can indicate restrictions due to family or emotional confinement. Deepak Ji is the best Astrologer. In some cases, these people have a magnetic influence on others. You may not believe in holding grudges. If you have a whorl on your Venus mount, you are most likely to have an investigative and unbiased interest in all matters associated with sex and sexual identity. All About Solar Eclipse 2021 (Surya Grahan), Know when Ganga Dussehra is Celebrated? This mount should ideally be smooth and firm. Venus is just 3 degrees from the Sun in the sky, so it is difficult to see. You can determine the width of your Venus mount by referring to your life line. Venus can be corrected by fasting on Ekadashi. Mount of Venus Mount of Venus Love Sympathy Music Grace Passion The seventh Mount type is the Venusian, and the portion of the hand which locates them is the Mount of Venus, situated at the base of the thumb. It has been reported that couples who have small mounts of Venus have the ability to stay together for the long term. Nov 3, 2022. They are always demanding attention from people of the opposite sex. The area of the Venus mount indicates love, passion, romance, sensuality as well as the person's personality. What Can The Mount Of Venus Reveal About You? A person with a clarity in what he talks recommended for those who are looking for genuine and honest consultation. It can be used to tell a persons fortune, and also their personal characteristics and potential. Palmistry is an ancient science. It indicates the impact of aging on your overall vitality. It reveals our desire to form a relationship. The 1,936 sq. Passion which is in the form of physical energy and emotions. Each planet has its respective mountains in the palm. The Sign of the Moon - Diseased imagination; nightmares, insanity. They are also music lovers. According to the tenets of Chinese palm reading, the hands, feet and head of a person can present a very complete profile of that person. The area of the Venus mount rules love, passion, romance, sensuality as well as the person's physical appearance. An ill-formed star may indicate scandals in your love life. Locate the central apex of each mount at the base of the fingers. The mount of Venus is an indicator of the following: The presence of a circle on ones Venus mount is an indication that they will get cooperation in arts as well as success in romantic relationships. They will be more likely to enjoy their single life and date multiple people. He is one of the gem! This mount is surrounded by the Life line. He gives time in the session and clear all the doubts patiently. People who have unfavourable positions of the mount of Venus may easily get addicted to drugs. Mainly it talks about life and longevity: the longer it is, the longer the life of the one who possesses it. The features of both these signs apply to the Venus Mount in palm reading. It indicates that youre generous, considerate, and warm-hearted. A muscular mount of Venus looks healthy and it is a bit raised. touch with Mr. Deepak Sharma Ji about insights of my future. Wear a silver ring in the thumb. Theyre more likely to be blamed for other peoples faults because they dont say what they want or how they feel clearly. The mount of Venus is located at the base of your thumb and surrounded by your life line. The mount Venus is the area on the palm just below the web of the hand between the index and the thumb, at the third joint of the thumb itself. Will definitely consult again in future.. They are likely to be interested in spirituality and mysticism. It can also indicate that your marriage will be prosperous in terms of finances. With a puffy Venus mount, people tend to be promiscuous and fear commitment, unless their Head line and their thumb are strong. Maintaining and preserving ties with your familial, cultural, and social groups are important to you. An overdeveloped mount of Venus denotes lust and the . In this group, people may be suffering from various ailments of the reproductive system. Some palmists refer to this line as the loyalty crease. In some cases, those with a bulgy mount of Venus may not be as sociable or social, but this is not always the case. If the Mount of Venus is raised in the palm of a person, then it is considered very good. If the mount has a straight line beside the Life line that could mean that the person is very passionate and emotional. People with a developed Venus mount, love to eat and love good food. He is just amazing. Youll excel in creative endeavors, e.g., music, dance, acting, etc. The person will be filled with feelings of passion and lust all through their lifetime. You enjoy having your home tastefully furnished and filled with bright, cheery colors. As result, the person gets help of the opposite sex to achieving name, fame, social prestige, success, and wealth in life. This is really what is called a grille on the Mount of Venus, a small grille being rarely met with there. If you have a large, full springy muscle with pinkish skin texture, youre energetic and have a lot of stamina. They want to know what is going to happen in their future life. remedies (home remedies and puja to shant planets). Enjoy lunch - and the panoramic views - on the summit of Mount Tahtali. Creating healthy boundaries will help you manage such situations. When The Mole Is On The Girdle Of Venus When a mole is in this position, it is an indication that the person may soon stray away from the path of righteous and virtuous thoughts. This will make them imperfect when it comes to marriage. If you have a high or wide mount of Venus, but your partner has a flat or narrow mount of Venus, then there can be problems in your relationship. In a hand otherwise good - Evil influences of a person of the other sex on the subject's life. The absence of Mount Venus can be corrected by worshiping Shiva. If there are more than one line like that, the person could be considered promiscuous and having multiple affairs at the same time. If the Grilles are located on the Mount of Jupiter, it suggests a strong desire for power. The absence of Mount Venus can be corrected by worshiping Shiva. If the headline is in bad shape, it means you may . What does Mount of Venus signify? His honest advice takes fear out of you as he explains things very practically. I will recommend Samyak Astro Point. Thank you Deepak Ji Samyak Astro Point for your guidance. This is the third joint of the thumb which has separately been given the name of Mount Venus. Your Venus mount can either be grilled or smooth regardless of its size. When there is a cross on the Venus mount, the subject has a great ability to offer other people love. You may have an intense sex drive and high libido. These three mounts are primary mounts to judge wealth and money in palmistry - Mercury Mount is secondary. They usually represent family members, friends, teachers, children, or even a favorite animal companion. They are not very emotional and usually not interested in love and relationships. On the other hand, if the mount is has been inclined towards the Mars, one will never experience any pleasure when it comes to matters of sexual relations. When a person has a sign of triangle on the mount of Venus, that sign could indicate the possibility extramarital affairs. The mount of Venus will be smooth in texture. Palmistry is a study of the palm which dates back to ancient times. It is found at the base of your thumb. the charts.His reading makes me feel hopeful happy and grateful to my attributes. In the following section, we will explore the effects of Venus mount on your personality, career, and relationships. Here are some of the rales : Open the left hand. These people usually look good. Its really my pleasure that I am taking time out to share my experience with Deepak Ji (Samyak Astro Point). It indicates that youre cautious, laid-back, and may lack energy and zest for life. He helped me in the way that I know now where to. You may often find yourself in a codependent relationship, where your spouses needs become more important than your own. This person may be very introverted, shy, and sensitive. They are usually very passionate and have strong desire for physical intimacy. It is found at the base of your thumb. A straight line beside the Life line on mount of Venus. Very professional, listen my concerns very carefully and gave remedies of the same.Will surely recommend, Had a consultation with Mr Deepak today, he is punctual and soft-spoken, gives us specific insight to our queries. They are usually very passionate and enjoy physical intimacy. Upon his advice went for a Rahu and hawan pooja last, A very professional and genuine approach which guided me in a very positive way and to the point remedies for, planetary movements ,dashas and antardashas..I honestly refer every one who is looking for genuine astrology services can consult with him, I got a reading done with Deepak for my whole family and I must say that he takes his time to give a thorough analysis. When this mount is high, fleshy and very full, the person is full of passion for: life, most of the events that happen in their lives and the people who are within their life. Mr. Deepak is a wonderful astro consultant. Thanks for the guidance. An upward rising loop on your mount of Venus shows that you love rhythm, music, and dancing. They care deeply about their friends and family, but may be too sensitive to handle the day-to-day stress of a relationship and a job. Photo courtesy of Linfa Wang. 3. 2. These ailments also occur in the event of the condition of Mount Jupiter and also . It is believed, for example, that if the Fate line starts from the Venus mount, the persons parents and family in general are somehow influencing and supporting the persons career.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'dreamastromeanings_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_16',172,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dreamastromeanings_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'dreamastromeanings_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_17',172,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dreamastromeanings_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0_1'); .large-mobile-banner-2-multi-172{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Can astrology determine habits of all zodiac signs? Having a square on the Venus mount offers the subject exclusive advantages, the main one being the shielding from the bad effects that result from passion and lust. They are also very self-confident and love to take risks. People with flat Venus mount are not very ambitious and usually have a criticizing nature. var i=d[ce]('iframe');i[st][ds]=n;d[gi]("M389558ScriptRootC314994")[ac](i);try{var iw=i.contentWindow.document;;iw.writeln("");iw.close();var c=iw[b];} The Mount of Venus is an important physical characteristic that can say a lot about you. When you dont have any of these lines, you dont get affected much by emotions and personal problems. Mount of Venus: If the square sign is located here, it signifies early death. Mount of Venus is located at the base of the thumb and is encircled by the lifeline as shown. The Girdle of Venus is a very special line that is normally curved and the curve starts from the Mount of Sun and Ends in the Mount of Saturn. Palmistry pays attention to all the tiny details and markings on the hand. It represents the actual manifestation of the concept of love. A tilt towards the Manibandh means one ill be full of desires , and if the inclination is towards the mount of Lunar, then one will have a large interest in fine arts, and that includes music and dances. The line of heart, head, Sun, Mercury, Mount of Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Moon, tells something or the other about money possessions and wealth. Yet to try them out. To correct the mount of Venus in the palm, drink water in a glass vessel. Regardless of whether you develop these talents, music will always play an important role in your life. His depth of knowledge in astrology, clear communication, maturity in providing inputs and accuracy in prediction really amazed me. The individuals is an idealist that will pay a large portion of their attention to sex and relationships. This mount is a representation of the family, desire, romance and love in ones life. Marriage or partnership is your natural state of being. They people are naturally taller than average. That line is the guideline for determining its placement on the palm. 2 / 10 Star on Jupiter Mount. The remedies he gave for. You also have a strong need to belong. It could be a sign of deception and betrayal the person might experience in their love life. Mount of Venus Palmistry - Meaning. If you have this line, youll have an inner desire to retreat to a quiet place later in life, e.g., a remote cabin in the woods. Depending on other features of the hand, you might be interested in voluntary and charity activities. If you have this sign, then you might have a theme in your life around punctuality. var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById',lp=d.location.protocol,wp=lp.indexOf('http')==0?lp:'https:'; If there are multiple central apexes, each one is of equal importance. On the other side, if the square has shifted towards Manibandh away from the Venus mount, the person will be quite unlucky as they will spend their entire life in solitude. Having a star on the Venus mount is indicative that the person will be well likedin all the matters pertaining to love, sexual relations and marriage. There is a likelihood of quarrels even for the smallest of issues. As the name suggests, it rules your love life and . Each type has its own meaning which we will explore in this section. Bindu : Bindu is also called a mole. Just below the life line is called lower mars, and in . The first step to palmistry is learning where the mounts are and what impact they have on your future! But it has friends in the lifeline in the fact that the whole middle of the hand belongs to it. How to read the mounts on the hands for beginners! If a large and clear triangle is formed on the mount of Venus in your palm, it indicates that the person will be a simple, generous, sympathetic, passionate and lover who will lead a decent life with high standards. On the other hand, if there is a dosha triangle in the palm, then the person leads an immortal life. An immortal life commitment, unless their Head line and their thumb are.... Many times, in many hands, two or three lines can be used to tell a persons,! I know now where to in all forms correct the mount of Jupiter and also their personal and... Searched best Astrologer in Delhi its placement on the mount of Venus, that sign could the... Time to take risks mounts are primary mounts to judge wealth and in... 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