HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Therefore, further research is needed to develop methods to (1) include immersion in non-face-to-face education, as that is the most significant advantage of face-to-face classes; (2) include nonverbal communications; and (3) increase interactions among students in non-face-to-face classes. ; data curation, M.-K.C. Stress. Publishers Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. In this study, we sought to examine the effects of face-to-face flipped and non-face-to-face flipped learning satisfaction, self-directed learning readiness, and professorstudent interaction and identify the factors that affect learner satisfaction when flipped learning is used as a teaching method. Does mental health affect learning? Kim J.A., Park B.G. In such ways, the learning is affected by parents, behavior, character, cognition level, attitude, and personality. Interest, motivation, need or necessity. and M.Y.K. The longer-term impacts, which include reduced likelihood of sustainable employment, cost Governments billions of dollars each year. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The purpose of this research was to study factors affecting stress of online learning due to the COVID-19 situation at the Faculty of Education, Thailand National Sport University Chonburi Campus, and to create equations to predict the stress of students. Schwier R.A., Balbar S. The interplay of content and community in synchronous and asynchronous communication: Virtual communication in a graduate seminar. There can be a number of emotional factors at play in a student's learning including fear of embarrassment, doubt and inadequacy, all of which can lead to self-sabotaging emotional states. It is a fact that students cannot memorize meaningless materials. The emotional state and emotional value attributed to the material to be memorized. For example:- the structure of the body contributes effectively towards the learning of new things i.e.proper hearing, vision plays a major role in play way activities, audio and visual activities. Multi-Sensory Approach- It means using pictures, graphs, tables, and illustrations in the content. Accordingly, there is a call for the transformation of university education, including the education of nurses who can demonstrate competency in complex clinical settings [1]. Online learning has also facilitated professors to provide an adequate education for students in the most straightforward ways. In addition to enjoying a healthier student body that is more engaged in school life, young people who receive appropriate mental health supports have improved academic achievement, are more likely to graduate, and are more likely to attend and successfully complete college. Positive Transfer Previously learned responses help learn a new task Ex: Knowing Spanish can help you learn French. The difference in learner satisfaction according to characteristics of nursing students was analyzed using the independent t-test, whereas the correlations among learner satisfaction, self-directed learning readiness, and professorstudent interaction were analyzed using Pearsons coefficient correlation. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. This section provides information on some of the factors that can impact our mental health, and what support is available. Teachers with a positive attitude are loved by students and create a good atmosphere in the class. This study was one of the largest assessments to date of factors influencing mental health service utilization among college students. . Best Blogs & Insights From Digital Class E-Learning Marketplace. Personality: To make the process of learning fun, it is important to have a friendly personality. Lectures and seminars are online, socialising is basically limited to cold and rainy walks, and the number of students living at home has risen significantly. I believe that each of these factors has an equal part in how the classroom functions and how the students learn. A number of factors in the home and school environment may cause physical and mental fatigue, such as lack of accommodation, bad seating arrangement, unhealthy clothing, inadequate ventilation, poor light, noise over crowdingness, and pure nutrition. intelligence. Instead, it demotivates the person. The culture implanted in the children during their growth shapes their perception and cognitive capacity. The professorstudent interaction scale consists of 18 questions in total, with two sub-factors: intimacy and reliability. The questionnaires were completed by accessing the URL for preliminary questionnaire on the e-campus notice. At the orientation of the courses, the researcher first explained the objectives of the study, study method, data collection time points, and the students right to withdraw at any time without any academic penalty for refusing. The setting in which we are raised can have a positive or negative impact on our capacity to learn. 7 Important Factors that May Affect the Learning Process. Ethical review and approval were waived for this study due to the fact that it was conducted as a survey analyzing the results of routine questionnaires administered to evaluate and improve the effects after applying a new educational method rather than an interventional study. Factors like the luminosity of light, the intensity of noise, and greenery around the home influence childrens focus while learning. Here are six surprising factors that affect mental health. and M.Y.K. Under this group are included such factors as health, physical development, nutrition, visual and physical defects and glandular abnormality. When university students listen to online lectures for a long time, concentration decreases, and immersion in learning becomes difficult due to distractions in the surroundings, such as internet searches, games, YouTube videos, and webtoons that pop up as the computer is turned on [4]. When the factors affecting the learning satisfaction were examined, learning satisfaction was high for learning format, that is, for face-to-face flipped learning, when the self-directed learning readiness and the professor-student interaction were high. Currently, all university-level education is being conducted non-face-to-face due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Research suggests that depression is associated with lower grade point averages, and that co-occurring depression and anxiety can increase this association. Kim M.E., Kim M.J., Oh Y.I., Jung S.Y. Below are the personal factors which impact the learning process: It means the mental level of an individual. Factors that could be considered are the following: teacher knowledge, enthusiasm and responsibility for learning. Students mental health impacts many areas of their lives, including their relationships with other people and with drugs and alcohol. Unlike traditional learning, online learning occurs while the instructor and the learner are in different times and spaces; thus, it is difficult for the instructor to manage the learning for the learners. Mental Health Is A Growing Problem More than 1 in 3 high school students had experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness in 2019, a 40 percent increase since 2009. A child who has some mental issues, cannot learn properly. Impact of Anxiety and Depression on Performance Anxiety and depression negatively influence academic progress and encourage under-achievement. What are the factors affecting learning in organisational behaviour? After applying flipped learning, the differences in the learner satisfaction, self-directed learning readiness, and professorstudent interaction between the face-to-face and non-face-to-face groups were analyzed using the independent t-test. Copyright 2001-2022 Remez Sasson, SuccessConsciousness.com. What makes a research instrument reliable? The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Next, the students were informed that the data obtained from the questionnaire survey would not be used for purposes other than research. If you have high aspirations, you will work hard. B. If the content has more than 20% or 30% tough words, it becomes difficult for the reader to understand it. Rates of self-reported current serious psychological distress (19%) were consistent with those reported by other studies in postsecondary educational settings ( 24 ). will also be available for a limited time. Teachers should be aware of the right methods of teaching to get appropriate outcomes. In a survey carried out by The Boar Features which gained 67 responses, it was clear that many students had concerns about their mental health if online learning should be implemented and many had found that it had worsened . Development of the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale. Schools need to realize that teaching mental health is important. Here are 5 factors that can influence the functioning of the memory: The degree of attention, vigilance, awakening and concentration. Previous research indicates that academic-related stress can reduce academic achievement, decrease motivation and increase the risk of school dropout. In preliminary data collection, the researcher explained the objectives and method of the study as well as the timing of questionnaires during the orientation of the course. In both face-to-face and non-face-to-face flipped learning, the instructor provided the materials to be learned during class through eCampus Blackboard. The following are some of the factors associated with learner: 1. Received 2021 Jul 14; Accepted 2021 Aug 11. classroom activities that encourage learning. Ability to manage the class or learners- The learning process is impossible without proper management and a teacher should know how to control or manage the class. The mediating effect of learning flow among learning motivation and learning satisfaction, achievement on a base of e-learning environment. The characteristics of online interaction include non-linearity, impracticality, many-to-many, recordability, multi-content-based, and information-rich communication [31]. Conceptualization, M.-K.C. In a situation where improving the quality of university-level education is required, face-to-face classes were impossible due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and non-face-to-face classes became inevitable [2]. When the factors affecting the learning satisfaction were examined, learning satisfaction was high for learning format, that is, for face-to-face flipped learning, when the self-directed learning readiness and the professorstudent interaction were high. Learners who experienced a sudden transition to online classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic experienced low levels of class satisfaction and class efficacy [5] as well as difficulties, such as using efficient time management, decreased concentration, maladaptation to online learning, and the absence of communication between the learner and the instructors [6]. For the non-face-to-face flipped learning group, once the instructor assigned groups and group activities, the students were allowed to discuss them in groups without supervision; feedback was provided as comments from the instructor and students on the PPT presentation uploaded to the discussion board in eCampus Blackboard. For professorstudent interaction scale, the Questionnaire on TeacherStudent Interaction developed by Fisher [24] was modified and supplemented by Hyun et al. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. 7 Important Factors affecting Teaching-Learning Process Intellectual factor-. Children inherit parents traits and develop other attributes from their parents activities during their growth phase. All families have their own culture and follow their customs differently. In addition to motivation, the learner should have a definite goal. 25, 26 the questionnaire It is possible that certain styles of learning can make it difficult for a child to learn. Parents are the caregiver of their offspring and play a crucial role in shaping the children's personality, cognition, and behavior. Accessibility The questionnaires were collected without any dropouts to be used in the final analysis. A study on the perception of professors and learners on the remote learning of university educationFocused on the cases of M University. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. How social factors affect learning? How does academic stress affect mental health? Emotional problems take up . What social factors affect mental health? Factors Affecting Learning Group Undecided Cognitive and Metacognitive Cognitive Metacognitive Refers to our mental In flipped learning, online content learning occurred in the pre-class step, whereas the various learner-oriented activities occurred during the in-class step, and the role of the instructor became that of an advisor and facilitator providing feedback rather than that of a traditional instructor [8]. aptitude. Im H.S., Im E.M. The practice exercises in the textbook were given to ensure that the students completed the required learning [20] as online learning is performed by the students at home. The start screen of the questionnaire URL provided the information sheet and the informed consent form on the objectives of the study, class method, rights of the participants, and personal information protection. Massive open online courses have opened up access to courses from many highly-regarded universities to learners of diverse backgrounds, such as students, in-service staffs, and senior citizens.. Learning disorders such as dyscalculia and dyslexia affect 4-6% of children each, while 4-5% of children and adolescents suffer from depression, which is twice as prevalent in girls as in boys. Children and families, Health and social care. Exploration of the effectiveness of online creativity instruction as a general college course. 9781839603433. Based on the finding that self-directed learning readiness with increasing importance is associated with learning satisfaction, the flipped learning instruction method that could improve self-directed learning readiness needs to be applied flexibly depending on the time and situation. Hyun H.S., Kim Y.Y., Jang E.S. Or they may avoid school altogether. Various online instruction methods can be applied that utilize the advancements in technology to overcome barriers and better address crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Oh D.J., Hwang H.S. Using the G*power version 3.1.2 [19] with a two-sided significance level () of 0.05, median effect size (d) of 0.15 for Cohens multiple regression, power (1-) of 0.80 with four predictors, and a 10% dropout rate for the calculated number of participants, the target number of participants was 95. After flipped learning, the professorstudent interaction was higher for the non-face-to-face flipped learning group than for the face-to-face flipped learning group, with statistical significance (t = 4.31, p < 0.001). Required fields are marked *. The study was conducted while ensuring that the key factors of flipped learning, such as student-directed approach, asynchronous content delivery, and the learning method combining information technology [8], were faithfully followed for face-to-face and non-face-to-face groups. Your school success is usually related to your IQ or your level of intellect. The study participants included 89 s-year undergraduate students at a university who were taking course in a Nursing and English; those who understood the objectives of the study and provided voluntary consent were permitted to participate. If the learner has no motivation to learn, any amount of force will be futile. Previous studies reported that higher ability for immersion was associated with higher academic self-efficacy, which is the belief that one can perform well in learning [32]; immersion in learning leads to a better understanding of learning materials and, thereby, leads students to challenge themselves with higher-level tasks due to their confidence [33]. Learner's attitude, aptitude, motivation, mental health, and goals in life highly affect the learning. Specific objectives are as follows: This study was conducted with undergraduate nursing students as a descriptive survey to identify the differences in self-directed learning readiness, professorstudent interaction, and learner satisfaction after conducting face-to-face flipped learning and non-face-to-face flipped learning and identify the factors that affect the learning satisfaction of nursing students. Here are 9 mental roadblocks that stand between your online learners and a successful eLearning experience. The effect of the five-factor model of personality for students on interaction withing online class and online class satisfaction. One essential aspect of transitioning to a new method of teaching is learning satisfaction, which is a state of mind obtained when the learner has achieved the purpose of learning or the individual learners expectations are met [13]; it has factors that could potentially affect learning performance. [22] and originally developed by Guglielmino [23]. The instructor provided videos of medical terminology to be learned for each week, with the native English speakers repeating each word twice along with the instruction materials on a Nursing and English for communication on the job as the foundation for learning required courses for the major as a way of providing various types of materials to enable a more efficient pre-class learning. Effect Analysis of Factors Related to the Learner Participation, Achievement, and Satisfaction in the Web-Based Online Discussion. A. about navigating our updated article layout. In general, it is believed that professorstudent interaction is difficult in non-face-to-face classes due to not being in the same physical space. Interest, motivation, need or necessity. Moreover, the difference in immersion to learning between face-to-face and non-face-to-face flipped learning could cause a difference in learning satisfaction. In some cases, students with anxiety disorders miss a lot of school days. The major elements or major factors influencing learning are motivation, practice, environment and mental group. Some other home environmental factors that affect the learning process directly or indirectly are: The children may be in a nuclear or joint family. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Self-directed learning readiness is a key factor in flipped learning; thus, it is necessary to identify whether there is a difference in self-directed learning readiness when the in-class content is delivered face-to-face or non-face-to-face and whether this could affect learning satisfaction. In the same way, learning is also influenced by mental ability like mental health, motivation and interest, success, praise, and blame, etc. Children who are unhealthy are at higher risk for school problems than students who are free from medical problems. Knowledge of the subject: Children learn what the teacher teaches them and so it is important for a teacher to have proper knowledge regarding the topic or the subject. 1Department of Nursing Science, Chungbuk National University, 1 Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju 28644, Korea; moc.liamg@ohckmaic, 2College of Nursing, Hanyang University, 222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 04763, Korea. These factors can present students with additional challenges that disrupt their learning experiences. Mental factors 7. Follow-up data collection was conducted by uploading the URL for the follow-up questionnaire on the e-campus notice after the final examination and sending the same URL to the students taking the courses via e-mail. Learners responded first to the questions uploaded by the students, and the instructor provided an additional response before class activities or before quizzes in case the response needed correction or additional explanation. Selecting the right method- Different types of learning involve various teaching methods such as heuristic or discussion methods. Its main manifestations are motor hyperactivity, an attention deficit, and impulsive behavior. Prior to the flipped learning class, there was no difference in the participant characteristics between the face-to-face and non-face-to-face flipped learning groups (Table 1). He is a passionate advocate for education, and he believes that every student should have access to a quality education. Changes in perceptions, behaviors, values, and attitudes of education caused by COVID-19. Learn more The preliminary test of homogeneity for characteristics of nursing students, learner satisfaction, self-directed learning readiness, and professorstudent interaction was tested using the chi-square test before implementing flipped learning. They are somehow uncontrollable. 2. In addition, attitudes have a stimulative effect on the rate of teaching and learning strategies, as well as the advancement made in school. Uploaded on Jul 21, 2014. Long-term stress increases the risk of mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, substance use problems, sleep problems, pain and bodily complaints such as muscle tension. So, both family size has its pros and cons, affecting the learning process of children accordingly. Intellectual factor: The term refers to the individual mental level. Here let us look at the factors affecting learning in much depth which include: Personal factors Environmental factors Teacher-related factors Content Related factors Process related factors 1.
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