The word used for inspiration is theopneustos which means "God-breathed," implying that what was written had its origin in God Himself. . GE 11:12Arpachshad [Arphaxad] was the father of Shelah.LK 3:35-36Cainan was the father of Shelah. 1KI 7:15-22The two pillars were 18 cubits high.2CH 3:15-17They were 35 cubits high. And they brought the colt to jesus and threw their garments on it; and he sat upon it. Therefore all those Scriptures are profitable for studying, to know where we have come from, and where we are going. 86. He reserves wrath for, and takes revenge on, his enemies. 78. "Who Wrote the Bible"-(excerpts from book by the same title) Jewish Scholar of Old Testament - Richard E. Friedman (b) amaziah (2 chronicles 26:1). ), MT 12:39,MK 8:12,LK 11:29Jesus says that he will give no sign.JN 3:2,20:30,AC 2:22Jesus proceeds to give many such signs., MT 13:34,MK 4:34Jesus addresses the crowds only in parables, so that they would not fully understand. This accusation is indeed trivial. (a) matthew (matthew 9:9). Had it been from any other than Allah, they would have found there-in many a discrepancy.". \" then, \"on the sabbath they rested according to the commandment\" (luke 23:55 to 24:1). Arpachshad lived 438 years. His son shelah lived 433 years. Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi. With some samples of Quranic contradictions and erroneous science has been prepared to rebut wishful Islamists who are claiming science in Quran. Blomberg, Craig, The Historical Reliability of the Gospels, IVP, Leicester, 1987 (a) tell my brethren to go to galilee, and there they will see me (matthew 28:10). The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart. Apart from Jesus there was no-one else (John 3:13) or there were others (2 Kings 2:11) who ascended to heaven? Therefore prediction (a) failed. When she saw jesus she did not recognize him. He does not answer.PS 46:1God is a refuge, a strength, a very present help. Contradiction #100was baby jesus\'s life threatened in jerusalem? (a) after \"the sabbath was past\" (mark 16:1). MT 20:23,MK 10:40Jesus responds that it is not his to give.MT 28:18,JN 3:35All authority has been given to Jesus. All of these cities are south-west of Jerusalem. The names abiud and rhesa do not fit in anywhere. He sees everything. If Islam is true, why would Allah fake Jesuss crucifixion and intentionally deceive people for 600 years only to later reveal this to Prophet Muhammed? (a) the ishmaelites bought joseph and then \"took joseph to egypt\" (genesis 37:28). As isaiah 1:18 says: \"come now, let us reason together. (Rom 15:33), Who is the father of joseph? Among the Jews of that time (as well as those living in the East), a person had a name, title, and surname. If people follow this Messiah and accept his payment of the penalty for sin for them, then God will write the law on their minds and hearts, and God can be merciful to them as His justice has been satisfied. (b) on her second visit to the tomb mary met jesus just outside the tomb. (b) no. I promise not to be long-winded. (b) 31, 089 (nehemiah). (b) two thousand eight hundred and eighteen (nehemiah 7:11). . With the group as large as the 3,300, sickness and death certainly did occur, requiring reserves who would be called up as the need arose. (a) four hundred and fifty-four (ezra 2:15). It was rolled away later.MK 16:4,LK 24:2,JN 20:1The stone had already been rolled (or taken) away. This apparent contradiction asks, 'What was Jesus' instruction for his disciples?' In (Matthew 16:2; 28:7; Mark 16:5-6; Luke 24:4-5; 23), the women were told what happened to Jesus' body, while in (John 20:2) Mary was not told. I think we can all agree that this is a fair statement. Did Jesus instruct his disciples to wait for him in Galilee (Matthew 28:10), or that he was ascending to his Father and God (John 20:17)? Therefore it depends on where you measure from. The Problem of the Bible: Inaccuracies, contradictions, fallacies, scientific issues and more. It is clear that there is only one animal referred to. (a) seventy souls (genesis 46:27). Joh 19:2 purple, What did they give him to drink? Thirdly, in some ways the Gospels couch the last supper in terms of fulfillment. . After that, jesus decided to go to galilee (john 1:43). What is important to remember, however, is that no well-attested variation in the manuscript copies that have come down to us alter any doctrine of the Bible. Yes. Some of these false expectations include: Selection (or omission) of certain facts is a denial of other facts. shawn smith, for god is not the author of confusion, but of peace. Did those who were with him hear the voice? JN 5:22God does not judge.RO 2:2-5,3:19,2TH 1:5,1PE 1:17God does judge. Contradiction #74when jesus said \"my god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me? This apparent contradiction comparing Matthew 26:36-46 with Mark 14:32-42, and in particular verses 42 and 39 respectively, is not a contradiction at all. (mark 1:12-13). Contradiction #90to whom did the midianites sell joseph? 11. (b) before the sabbath. Contradiction #22ezra 2:64 and nehemiah 7:66 agree that the total number of the whole assembly was 42,360. When we look at the Septuagint (LXX), we find the name of Cainan included as the father of Shelah, echoing what we find in Luke. Luke, however in his report in Acts1:18-19 wants to cause the feeling of revulsion among his readers, for the field spoken about and for Judas, and nowhere denies that Judas died by hanging. Moreover, the event certainly did happen 'in the days of Abiathar', as he was alive and present during the incident. I believe the traditional Muslim answer would be to say that we (the Jews) changed the Torah and the Jewish answer would be to say that the Quran is incorrect when the Torah and Quran contradict each other. MT 13:58,MK 6:5In spite of his faith, Jesus is not able to perform mighty miracles.MT 17:20,19:26,MK 9:23,10:27,LK 17:6,18:27Jesus says that anything is possible to him who believes if he has the faith of a grain of mustard seed. Contradiction #52where was jesus at the sixth hour on the day of the crucifixion? Why would he get himself involved in this affair (according to 1 Chronicles 21:1) if God had already prompted David to commit the folly he had in mind? Although not obvious in English translations, this would strike anyone reading the Greek, who would realize that it was tracing the line of Joseph's wife, even though his name was used. -he confused an incident with another - 1 time Psalm 119:105 mentions, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path," yet says the same thing twice in succession). (Ch 9:25), Human vs Ghostly impregnation We know that they went to the tomb in order to put further spices on Jesus' body, as Luke and Mark tell us. It is incumbent upon every Muslim to obey both the Quran and the Sunna. In 1 Chronicles 21:12 we find an alternative imperative, "take for yourself either three years of famine" From this we may reasonably conclude that 2 Samuel records the first approach of the prophet Gad to David, in which the alternative prospect was seven years; whereas the Chronicles account gives us the second and final approach of Nathan to the King, in which the Lord (doubtless in response to David's earnest entreaty in private prayer) reduced the severity of that grim alternative to three years rather than an entire span of seven. (Mat 5:1,2), And he came down with them, and stood in the plain, and the company of his disciples, and a great multitude of people came to hear him. 2KI 9:27Jehu shot Ahaziah near Ibleam. AC 9:7Those present at Pauls conversion heard the voice but saw no one.AC 22:9They saw a light but did not hear a voice. Matthew, Mark and Luke are all clear on this. Shabbir maintains that in the passage in Mark, "that the words were the same as the first prayer (Mark 14:39)." Eat nothing made with yeast. Though the women were aware of the stone, they were obviously unaware of a guard.). 2CH 22:2 42, Who was Josiah's successor? Did Jesus say everything openly (John 18:20) or did he speak secretly to his disciples (Mark 4:34, Matthew 13:10-11)? The number of contradictions vary depending on whom you are talking to. Here again, as we found in challenge number 2 and 4, the author of the Chronicles has been more specific with his numbering, whereas the author of Kings is simply rounding off the number of months, assuming that the additional ten days is not significant enough to mention. This reveals his fondness for numbers and links in directly with the designation of Jesus as the son of David. The sacrifice of children was for the purpose of horrifying the people so that they would know that God is Lord.RO 7:12,1TI 1:8The law is good. What do you possibly have to lose by taking up my challenge? (b) no. \" - (gary miller author of \"missionary christianity - a muslim\'s analysis\") \"but intellectual bondages are harder to shatter; the slave himself fights to retain them. ), MT 5:17:29Jesus delivers his most noteworthy sermon while on the mount.LK 6:17-49Jesus delivers his most noteworthy sermon while on the plain. When Jesus walked on the water, did his disciples worship him (Matthew 14:33), or were they utterly astounded due to their hardened hearts (Mark 6:51-52)? Why an Aunt of Prophet Muhammad is buried in Cyprus? Although no Hebrew manuscripts of Matthew's gospel are extant today, it is clear that he was a Jew writing from a Hebrew perspective and therefore completely at home with the Hebrew concept of son ship. We are fully aware that the Christian criteria for revelation is not acceptable to Muslims, as it is in seeming conflict with their own. Olivet.MT 28:16-20No mention is made of an ascension, but if it took place at all, it must have been from a mountain in Galilee sinceMTends there.). You would expect this to be the case if this was a rigidly formulated prayer that had to be repeated daily, as we find in Islam. Christ jesus who gave himself as a ransom for all . (note: because numbers 16-21 deal with the same census, I have included them as one). The Muslim ("One who submits") lives face to face with Allah at all times and will introduce no separation between his life and his religion, his politics and his faith. Contradiction #33who was the father of shelah? He will be quick to quote the verse from the bible in 2 timothy 3:16 where it says: \" all scripture is given by inspiration of god \" i like explanations. So it begins with the assumption that the field was bought by the blood-money, and then the author intending to cause revulsion for what had happened describes Judas bloody end on that piece of real estate. The procedure for conducting the census had been to start with the trans-Jordanian tribes (2 Samuel 24:5) and then shift to the northern most tribe of Dan and work southward towards Jerusalem (verse 7). PS 10:1God cannot be found in time of need. Of these 33 family units listed in Ezra and Nehemiah, nineteen of the family units are identical, while fourteen show discrepancies in the number of members within the family units (though Shabbir only lists six of them). (quran chapter 4:82) perhaps many of my readers have doubts that the quran is the word of god. Did Adam die the same day (Genesis 2:17) or did he continue to live to the age of 930 years (Genesis 5:5)? Neither witness would be incorrect, as they describe the event from a different perspective. Did 200 singers (Ezra 2:65) or 245 singers (Nehemiah 7:67) accompany the assembly? in the Qur'an?". Categories of the errors evidenced by Shabbir in his pamphlet: -he misunderstood the historical context - 25 times DT 23:1A castrate may not enter the assembly of the Lord.IS 56:4-5Some castrates will receive special rewards. (a) twenty-two (2 kings 8:26). A similar theme is picked up and repeated in another Sura, though with variations and even at times contradictory material (i.e. GE 17:15-16,20:11-12,22:17Abraham and his half sister, Sarai, are married and receive Gods blessings.LE 20:17,DT 27:20-23Incest is wrong. The fact that it is mainly these type of errors in evidence gives credence to the argument for copyist errors. This is because the Gospel of Barnabas confirms that Jesus was not God, nor the 'son' of God, and that he was neither crucified in the first place, nor subsequently 'raised from the dead' thereafter. Luke, on the other hand, shows that Jesus' true physical descendance was from David apart from Jeconiah, thus fully qualifying him to inherit the throne of his father David. Two hundred and twenty-three (Ezra 2:19) Three hundred and twenty-eight (Nehemiah 7:22) 21. (Category: misunderstood the Greek usage). (b) nathan (luke 3:31). Where there is a variant reading, these have been identified and expunged and noted as footnotes on the relevant pages of the texts. Additionally, if someone is offended by this book then toss it in the trash, or pass it on to someone else. Mark therefore just included more information in his account than the other gospel writers. The word of the lord came to samuel: \"i repent that i have made saul king . A Messiah not from the Levitical priesthood, but a perfect man from the tribe of Judah who would be a priest unto God. (b) no (luke 9:9) Contradiction #42did john the baptist recognise jesus before his baptism? (Mat 26:34) Additionally, if someone is offended by this book then toss it in the trash, or pass it on to someone else. Love your neighbor as yourself.MT 10:5Go nowhere among the Gentiles nor enter a Samaritan town.JN 8:58-59Jesus hid himself, apparently to avoid being stoned. MT 26:7,MK 14:3The oil is poured on Jesus head.LK 7:38,JN 12:3On his feet. Judged by the standards to human renown, the glory of what mortal can compare with his ('Islam and its Founder'). but, "Who do you say I am?" (a) \"to the ishmaelites\" (genesis 37:28). This apparent contradiction asks: 'Does every man sin?' Did the tree wither at once? Contradiction #54did jesus ascend to paradise the same day of the crucifixion? This is quite acceptable and results from Matthew's aesthetic telescoping of the genealogy, not from any error. Although a conclusive answer is not possible, plausible explanations can be found. 1KI 9:28420 talents of gold were brought back from Ophir.2CH 8:18450 talents of gold were brought back from Ophir. He had lived and worked with Jesus and he was now clear in his mind that Jesus was none other than the Christ (Messiah), the Son of the Living God. This is not a contradiction but rather a misunderstanding of sequence, as well as a misunderstanding of what the authors intended. (b) no (matthew 10:9; luke 9:3). If he had looked at the context of 1 Corinthians 10, he would have noted that Paul was referring to the plague in Exodus 32:28, which takes place at Mt. He sees everything. ISBN 0-310-43570-6. (b) after he bought the field with the price of his evil deed he fell headlong and burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out (acts 1:18). Contradictions In The Bible - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland. It is most likely that a similar misunderstanding prompted John's question in Matthew 11:2. At last, God was right when He said that his truly pure words are free from contradictions and inconsistencies. welcome to let us know by sending us an email. Shabbir asks the question: 'What were the words of the second prayer?' Jesus did make this last supper a sort of Passover meal (but not the real one). 55. The late amed deedat, a self-taught scholar of the bible, had this to say in is little booklet is the bible gods word? (b) no. Matthew 26:33-35, 74-75 "before the cock crows you will disown me three times", Luke 22:31-34, 60-62 "before the cock crows today, you will deny three times that you know me", John 13:38 "before the cock crows, you will disown me three times". (Joh 14:28), Which first beasts or man? There are textual difficulties with which scholars are still wrestling. 53. Here are some - but not all - contradictions in the Bible for you to reflect upon: God good to all, or just a few? (Gen 7:8), There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah. (Category: the text is compatible with a little thought & misunderstood the author's intent). No one has ever seen him. (a) immediately, because when they saw jesus in galilee some doubted (matthew 28:17). 2 Chronicles 13:2 correctly states that Michaiah is a daughter of Uriel. -he misunderstood the author's intent - 12 times But after the initial shock had warn off the Matthew account then explains that they worshiped him. We sent him the Gospel Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein, if any do fail to judge by the light of what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel" Again, in Sura Ma-ida 5:68 we find a similar call: "People of the Book!Stand fast by the law, the Gospel, and all revelation that hath come to you from YOUR LORD. 1KI 22:42-43Jehoshaphat did not remove the high places.2CH 17:5-6He did remove them. Neighbor as yourself.MT 10:5Go bible contradictions islam among the Gentiles nor enter a Samaritan town.JN 8:58-59Jesus hid himself, to. Obviously unaware of a guard. ) jesus and threw their garments it! Apparently to avoid being stoned sequence, as well as a misunderstanding of the. Explanations can be found in time of need him to drink and results from matthew 's telescoping. Taken ) away 8:18450 talents of gold were brought back from Ophir.2CH 8:18450 of... Is offended by this book then toss it in the trash, or pass it on someone. 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