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The civilizations had different ways they approached their societies, for example the works of women. The Aztec civilization adapted a more militaristic religion meanwhile the Maya adapted a more sophisticated numerically metaphoric religion. 0. Since the intra-connection between parts of one civilization is rapidly being established and strengthened, in contrast to the regional relations between civilizations, where cultural differences can become an insurmountable obstacle.Huntington believes that there are two levels of conflict of civilizations. Culture: An Introduction Notes 4 Indian Culture and Heritage Secondary Course MODULE . The rise of civilizations in Egypt and Mesopotamia occurred about the same time and both civilizations grew along mighty rivers. Similarities Between Rome and Greece in terms of "Social Classes". Culture is a Way of Life. Due to the strong Chinese influence for a long time, there are many similarities that these two cultures share. Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia are some of the oldest civilizations known in the world. In each case, it was the river valley and geography that dictated outcomes affecting agricultural prosperity, religious formation, and government . First, the governments between both Rome and Greece were very similar. 1047. Firstly, both of them spread their civilization along the river, Mesopotamian civilizations expanded from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and Egypt spread from the Nile River. Our ancestors learnt many things from their . The role of Judaism in Western culture and civilization Its historic role. Eastern culture believes that a human being is an integral part of the society as . Culture thus refers to a man made environment. Both have at different periods become wedded to governments and shaped empires. Both of these great civilizations had similarities in their religion and location, specific development in their political aspect, along with who their leaders were. There can be multiple civilizations deriving from the same culture. * Compare Social: Most civilizations looked down on women due to inequalities that developed with the rise of agriculture. ADVERTISEMENTS: The Indus civilization and Vedic culture constitute two great corner stone's in the history of Indian culture and civilization. The Western culture believes that one's future is unknown and that it is determined by God. Culture: An Introduction Notes 4 Indian Culture and Heritage Secondary Course MODULE . Give two similarities of culture and civilization. Give two similarities of culture and civilization. Culture: An Introduction Notes 4 Indian Culture and Heritage Secondary Course MODULE . To put the obvious aside, one way the Maya and Aztec civilizations are different lies in the political environment of both civilizations; the civilization of the Maya consisted of city-states ruled by an individual leader who was usually male, while the Aztec civilization were city-states and conquered territories ruled by one leader. Two of histories well-known civilizations, Mesopotamia and Ancient China had similar experiences in the beginnings of their histories, they still have a different cultural and political views. It is also a important part that makes a civilization special and particularly interesting, leading to it's rise or it's fall. Also, Egyptian civilization formed by 3000 B.C. One of major difference between the two cultures is their approach . These early civilizations experienced similar environmental situations that contributed to the shaping of their societies because both societies were . Chinese civilization seems to be tied to a brand of highly developed agriculture, which confined itself almost exclusively to the plains and valleys. thus, aspects of culture such as; religion, mentorship skills, language, inequality, ancestral worship and family ties across Asian communities show some commonness across Asian countries. The dissimilarities between China and India include social and individualism vs collectivism, language, celebration, wars between the two countries and their leadership styles. The similarities between New Kingdom Egypt and Han dynasty China are both stark and subtle. The result after seven years of study and research: "Ancient Egypt and Early China: State, Society, and Culture" (University of Washington Press, 2021), Barbieri's groundbreaking comparison of the two civilizations. Both Rome and Greece had a society, which was highly divided into social classes that included women, slaves, freedmen, plebeians, and patricians among others. Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt were two early human civilizations that lived during the bronze age in harsh desert environments located not far from each other. . Best Answer Copy Culture and civilization tend to occur in the same society and both of them are related because: 1. Similarities ;~ Both lived in the lowlands of Mexico~ Deeply religious and built pyramids~ Played games wth rubber balls~ Practiced "slash + burn farming"~ Gradually Disappeared~ They both wrote in HieroglyphicsDifferences ;~ Olmec did not build large cities like the Maya~ The Maya lasted much longer than the Olmecs~ The Maya practiced human . Western culture believes that the key to success is through material means. However . already existent and sometimes we give up some which we don t consider useful any. The two human advancements, were along these lines, ready to keep going quite a while keeping consistent with their underlying foundations and their esteems. (41) Minoan Civilization The Minoan Civilization (2700-1500 BCE) developed on the island of Crete, and rapidly became the dominant sea power in the region. Blondel, Jean and Inoguchi, Takachi. Eastern culture believes that one's future is determined by one's deeds today. The Mohenjo-daro and Harappan civilization is testimony to a rich cultural history that was found by the Britishers when they ruled India, during an excavation for laying down of a railway line. An idol with a human head and a lion's body known as sphinx is one of the most important symbols in humanity's records. The similarities between culture and civilization are as follows: All components of culture that a person receives as a member of the society include art, knowledge, belief, conventions, traditions, morality, festivals, values, attitudes, and habits. Because family was so significant . India Kush was pat of the great Kush empire and there was 2 Ethiopias, one in Africa and the other one in India. 4. Comparing those two civilizations, there are many similarities and differences from each aspect of their culture. In Mesopotamia, women could get permits to participate in trade, and even managed property. An idol with a human head and a lion's body known as sphinx is one of the most important symbols in humanity's records. The food habits, language, and religion you follow are aspects of culture. of that area. Differences between Greek and Roman Art. a change in either of the two leads to. Eating with fork and knife is the culture in the west but eating with the hand is the culture in the Arab world. Europe had domesticated animals and had more of a landmass. The Sumerians are often referred to as the "Pioneers of Civilization. As opposed to most other . It's a keeper of the holy places and the mysteries of life, and a guardian of knowledge and symbol of riddles and intrigue. These two cities of the Indus Valley Civilization were traced and later preserved as ancient heritage. Both are to some extent Buddhism influenced. Culture is a way of life. 0. Kluckhohn and Kelly define it in his sense", A culture is a historically derived system of explicit and implicit designs for living, which tends to be shared by all or specially designed members of a group.". The rise of civilizations in Egypt and Mesopotamia occurred about the same time and both civilizations grew along mighty rivers. The Sphinx Played An Important Role In the Ancient World. Along with Indian Civilization, Chinese Civilization has influenced all societies inhabiting the Eastern part of the globe. Another major difference between ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia has to do with religion and culture. already existent and sometimes we give up some which we don't consider useful any. Works Cited. Civilization means having better means of living and having organized societies with politically well-defined groups that work towards a better lifestyle. This continued to the 8th century C.E, after which, during the Heian Era, the Japanese culture began to evolve. Judaism has played a significant role in the development of Western culture because of its unique relationship with Christianity, the dominant religious force in the West.Although the Christian church drew from other sources as well, its retention of the sacred Scriptures of the synagogue (the Old Testament) as an . ABORIGENS are the most ancient people in the whole land of Asia. Culture can evolve and flourish, even if the civilization does not exist. Culture can be a part in a civilisation, and each civilisation may contain many different cultures! The waning of Minoan influence and waxing of Mycenaean dominance has been observed from the archaeological evidence, and the close connection between the two cultures is represented in similarities in the architecture of the palatial complexes, burial practices, and the transmission of iconography and goods from Crete to the mainland. 2.Culture can grow and exist . The two terms culture and civilization are often used interchangeably in general usage. Our ancestors learnt many things from their . Back to Mesopotamia, it was located between Tigris and Euphrates river. n 1. culture vs. nature civilization vs. savagery n 2 culture comes earlier than civilization which is an advanced level of development in society that is marked by complex social and political . Advertisement Advertisement SOMI13 SOMI13 Answer: When we make a comparison between the two, we notice more differences than similarities. On the other hand, the civilization is exhibited in the law, administration, infrastructure, architecture, social arrangement, etc. Secondly, both of two regions had their own writing . Answer (1 of 8): Asia is the daughter of Africa. E., and they benefited from trade and technological. This resulted in the Chinese culture having a great influence over the Japanese culture. Huitzilopochtli was born a warrior and went on to slay his sister along with 400 of her . It's a keeper of the holy places and the mysteries of life, and a guardian of knowledge and symbol of riddles and intrigue. A civilization is a complex human society, usually made up of different cities, with certain characteristics of cultural and technological development.In many parts of the world, early civilizations formed when people began coming together in urban settlements.However, defining what civilization is, and what societies fall under that designation, is a hotly contested argument, even among today . The social structure of China is very . China and India, two very distinct countries, appear to have more distinction than similarities in some of the mentioned sectors. So here we are comparing Japanese culture with that of Chinese to bring similar beliefs, traditions and cultural aspects as well as differences they hold. A central feature of Byzantine culture was Orthodox Christianity. Culture is the complex whole which includes knowledge, religion, beliefs, customs, laws, traditions, art and music, etc. There is evidence that these rivers had great influence on both the societies politics and culture. In the organization of its kingdoms and empires, the sophistication of its monuments and cities, and the extent and refinement of its intellectual accomplishments, the Mesoamerican civilization, along with the . Give two similarities of culture and civilization. already existent and sometimes we give up some which we don't consider useful any. They are dependent of one another i.e. In conclusion both India and China both showed many differences, but also showed political, cultural, and economical similarities in the Classical period during 1000 B.C.E.- 600 B.C.E. The Islamic world consists of diverse ethnic, cultural, and geographic populations, and faces the challenge of uniting diverse national cultures. However, civilization refers to a complex way of life that came about as people began to develop urban settlements. Maybe the greatest effect that the Egyptian and Greek developments had on our Western culture was on the skeptical beliefs and images.