103 (3), 829838. While the hydrophilicity of pectin is strong, it can extend into the aqueous solution. 55 (1), 185190. Experimental values obtained for Y1 and Y2 at the designed points are shown in Table 6.5. Tedelind, S.S., Westberg, F.F., Kjerrulf, M.M., 2007. Antioxidant properties of amaranthus hypochondriacus seeds and their effect on the liver of alcohol-treated mice. The Effects of pH on the Adsorption Rate of the AB-8 Resin The crude anthocyanin solutions (absorbance 5 0.465) were prepared, and each of them was adjusted to a different pH value (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0) using 1.0 mol/L HCl and 1.0 mol/L NaOH solutions. 65, 83508358. 2 (20), 14 (in Chinese). (Lam. 48 (1), 4448 (in Chinese). 130 (1), 184188. However, there were no significant differences at Ca21 concentrations between 3.0 and 5.0 mM. Preparative isolation of anthocyanins from Japanese purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) varieties by high-speed countercurrent chromatography. When the pH was 3.0, the cohesiveness and elasticity values Table 4.7 Effects of pH Value on Gel Texture pH Value Hardness (g) Gumminess Chewiness 2 9.01 6 0.88d 3.70 6 0.31d 2.17 6 0.28d 3 7.98 6 1.25 3.35 6 1.06 4 41.39 6 1.41 5 d 1.85 6 0.77d d c 15.20 6 1.06c 45.20 6 1.29a 24.44 6 1.12a 21.84 6 1.15a 6 45.91 6 1.79 a 24.91 6 1.01 a 22.01 6 0.78a 7 34.74 6 1.37 c 21.67 6 0.96 b 18.09 6 0.66b pH Value Cohesiveness Elasticity 2 0.41 6 0.05 c 3 0.33 6 0.04 d 4 0.42 6 0.05c 0.88 6 0.03a 0.031 6 0.005b 5 0.54 6 0.04 0.89 6 0.04 a 0.019 6 0.003b 6 0.56 6 0.02a,b 0.88 6 0.02a 0.018 6 0.008b 7 0.62 6 0.04 0.83 6 0.02 0.018 6 0.007b b b a 17.36 6 1.37 Recovery Rate 0.59 6 0.02 b 0.70 6 0.05a 0.42 6 0.05 c 0.81 6 0.07a a Values followed by the same letter in the same column are not significantly different (P . The most appropriate steaming duration is 11.2112.80 min for the manufacturing of sweet potato granules. Therefore, 1.0 BV/h was selected as the optimal flow rate because the adsorption capacity did not show any significant differences at rates of 0.5 and 1.0 BV/h, and the production Chlorogenic Acids From Sweet Potato 30 377 100 Feeding Eluting 80 20 60 15 D (%) Q e (mg CAE/g) 25 40 10 20 5 0 0 1 2 Solution rate (BV/h) 3 4 0 Figure 7.6 Adsorption and desorption ratios of AB-8 resin at different flow rates. 44 (3), 183185. 374 Sweet Potato Processing Technology 30 Qe (mg CAE/g) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 pH Figure 7.3 Effect of sample pH on the adsorption capacity of AB-8 resin. Compared with unmodified pectin, the digestion times of HT-29 and Bcap-37 cells treated with thermal-modified pectin were reduced by 6.6% and 20.73%, respectively. Zhang, L.L., Wu, X.K., Chen, L.L., 2010. Sato, Y., Itagaki, S., Kurokawa, T., et al., 2011. J. Cereal Sci. It was similar to that of cocoa dietary fiber (4.76 g/g) and Canavalia dietary fiber (5.53 g/g). Food Chem. In conclusion, response surface methodology is a useful tool for determining the optimal extraction conditions of anthocyanins from purple sweet potato. Miyamoto, A., Chang, K.C., 1992. Fujise et al. 86 (3), F178F181. For wound healing of raw sweet potatoes, the following parameters are used: Temperature: 30 C; humidity: 92%; duration: 47 days (Van Oirschot et al., 2006). (2000) found that in an alkaline environment chlorogenic acids were prooxidants, which could induce tumor cells that generated large DNA fragments and led to nuclear agglutination, thereby inhibiting of tumor cell growth. In the anthocyanin middle-dose and high-dose groups, no pathological changes were observed, and the cellular morphology was close to that of the control group (Table 6.16). Potato 9781501344312. (2004) reported that the water extracted from sweet potato leaves (mainly chlorogenic acids) could effectively inhibit the proliferation of human lymphoma NB4 cell, with an IC50 value of 449.6 6 27.73 g/mL. Antioxidative activity of anthocyanins from purple sweet potato, Ipomoera batatas cultivar ayamurasaki. Technol. Inhibition of activator protein-1, NF-B, and MAPKs and induction of phase 2 detoxifying enzyme activity by chlorogenic acid. 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid is the most common of the chlorogenic acids, with the molecular formula C16H18O9, and a molar mass of 354.30 g/mol. 5.1.3 The Texture of Bread Table 3.19 shows that the hardness of bread decreased as the added amounts of sweet potato dietary fiber and sweet potato residue Table 3.15 Phenotypic Evaluation of Bread Addition Amount Volume Color Texture Appearance Tactility Score Control 9.42 6 0.76 8.66 6 0.50 7.43 6 0.55 3.13 6 0.43 3.74 6 0.73 32.38 6 0.34 1% SPDF 8.75 6 0.45 8.72 6 0.39 8.45 6 0.86 3.15 6 0.48 3.83 6 0.67 32.90 6 0.27 2% SPDF 8.13 6 0.78 8.95 6 0.42 8.91 6 0.73 3.17 6 0.51 4.25 6 0.59 33.41 6 0.35 3% SPDF 7.82 6 0.62 9.07 6 0.34 8.96 6 0.67 3.26 6 0.72 4.79 6 0.48 33.90 6 0.22 4% SPDF 7.09 6 0.54 8.74 6 0.38 7.93 6 0.53 2.44 6 0.65 4.50 6 0.54 30.70 6 0.38 5% SPDF 6.83 6 0.81 7.45 6 0.42 6.86 6 0.44 2.63 6 0.57 3.80 6 0.46 27.57 6 0.40 3% SPR 8.56 6 0.39 8.73 6 0.28 7.56 6 0.37 3.26 6 0.45 3.84 6 0.56 33.15 6 0.27 6% SPR 7.50 6 0.62 5.87 6 0.66 5.02 6 0.52 2.45 6 0.55 3.72 6 0.55 24.56 6 0.24 Note: SPDF, sweet potato dietary fiber; SPR, sweet potato residue. Trends Food Sci. Soc. From 100 g of Yuzi No.7 and Ximeng No.1 sweet potato leaf powders, 5.56 6 0.47 and 6.03 6 0.61 g of purified products were independently obtained, respectively, producing 87.33 6 1.53% and 82.67 6 4.51% of purified chlorogenic acid, respectively. However, the signal paths of key molecules need to be further discussed. Therefore, the chronic intake of alcohol is often accompanied by a blood lipid increase, but antioxidants can reduce this trend. Sweet potato based products are of high quality and could . 332 Sweet Potato Processing Technology Activity of hepatic SOD (U mg/g protein 2 **## 1.5 **## * *# 1 0.5 0 Control Model Low dose group Middle dose group High dose group Figure 6.24 Effects of PSPAs on the activity level of hepatic SOD. Induction of cytotoxicity by chlorogenic acid in human oral tumor cell lines. It starts by presenting a well-rounded overview on pectin. 1.4.1 UV Spectrophotometry Chlorogenic acids have UV absorption peaks in a certain wavelength range; thus, UV spectrophotometry can be used for quantitative analyses. 49, 49244929. 3,4,5-O-CQA and 4,5-O-CQA can inhibit the proliferation of liver cancer cells. Epidemiology of alcohol liver disease. Enzymatic solubilization of a pectinaceous dietary fiber fraction from potato pulp: optimization of the fiber extraction process. Compared with the control, MDA in the model group increased significantly (P , 0.05), indicating that alcohol intake increased the oxidative stress level in the liver. Note: labeled with a different letter in the same concentration are significantly different (P , .05). 150, 289301. Yapo, B.M., Koffi, K.L., 2008. Research on more applicable and feasible modification methods to improve pectin quality, giving it a market competitiveness, is necessary. Khotimchenko, M., Sergushchenko, I., Khotimchenko, Y., 2004. LWTFood Sci. 3.2. Jayaprakasha, G.K., Girennavar, B., Patil, B.S., 2008. . Zheng et al. Comparative study with other dietary fibers. 30 (5), 403409. Oil holding capacity (g/g) 3 b 2.5 c e 2 g a d f h j 1.5 i 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Variety number Figure 3.21 Oil-holding capacities (g/g) of dietary fibers from different varieties of sweet potato: (1) Beijing 553, (2) Jishu 21, (3) Jishu 7-1, (4) Jishu 82, (5) Jishu 98, (6) Jishu 99, (7) Lvya 18, (8) Weiduoli, (9) Xinong 431, (10) Xu 55-2. Dietary fibre fractions from fruit and vegetable processing waste. Agric. Biotechnol. Eur. The interactions between pectin molecules Sweet Potato Pectin 229 Figure 4.27 Effects of sucrose, NaCl and Ca21 concentrations on the viscosity of a pectin solution. 127 (3), 12241228. 19 at 50 C (E), 65 C (F), 80 C (G), and 100 C (H). Aldose reductase inhibitors of plant origin consist of flavonoids, phenolic acids and their derivatives, terpenes, and alkaloids, which may have been recognized with the role of inhibition of aldose reductase (Asano et al., 2002). Ong et al. Sweet Potato Pectin 191 1.3.3 Relative Molecular Weight Determination of Pectin Pectin molecular weight not only affects the dissolution, absorption, and distribution of pectin, but also has a significant effect on the interactions between the target molecules. Prickly pear (Opuntia sp.) There are broad market prospects for this technology. Food Proc. J. Nutr. 119 (1), 123132. Thermal degradation kinetics of aqueous anthocyanins and visual color of purple corn (Zea mays L) cob. Kim, J., Lee, S., Shim, J., et al., 2012. The sweet potato processing rate in China is significantly lower than those in the developed countries, such as South Korea and Japan. At low Ca21 concentrations, the sweet potato pectin gel modulus and complex viscosity declined, and as the Ca21 concentration increased, the pectin modulus and complex viscosity increased until the concentration was greater than 20 mM, at which point the modulus and complex viscosity varied less. The reaction rate constant increased and the half-life decreased as the temperature increased, and the thermal degradation laws were in line with first-order kinetics, whether the solvent was deionized water, or 10%, 20%, or 50% ethanol, and the fit coefficients at 75 and 100 C were larger than those at 4 and 25 C, indicating anthocyanin degradation under high temperature conditions was better fit to the first-order reaction kinetics than degradation under low temperature. 6.34). 24, 982989. Chlopcikova, S., Psotova, J., Miketova, P., et al., 2004. The intake of alcohol increases the internal oxidation products, and GST can eliminate oxygen-free radicals effectively, prevent oxidative stress, and inhibit lipid peroxidation. Modified citrus pectin: preparation, characterization and anti-cancer activities. In the pectin-treated groups, as the pectin concentration (0.1, 0.25, 0.5, and 1 mg/mL) increased, the adhesion effects of cancer cells significantly decreased (P , 0.05). Values followed by the same letter for the same kind of pectin are not significantly different (P . However, because of the high cost of the polymers and difficulty in isolating the extracted molecules from the polymer phase, these systems cannot be used for large-scale production (Aydoggan et al., 2011). In short, sweet potato anthocyanins can reduce oxidative stress and the lipid peroxidation level, which may have potential inhibitory effects on acute alcoholic liver injury. J. The effects of PSPAs on activity of serum LDH in subacute ALD mice is shown in Fig. Within a certain range, with an increase in the ethanol concentration (23%26%), the anthocyanin partition coefficient increased, which is also seen in Fig. When the sample concentration was low, the adsorption capacity increased as the TPC rose because the number of active sites related to the chlorogenic acids increased. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of the purified chlorogenic acids from sweet potato leaves were carried out using an Agilent1200 series HPLC, which consisted of a Model G1322A degasser, a Model G1311A quat pump, a Model G1329A auto injector, a Model G1316 column oven and a Model C1315D diode array detector. Li et al. China J. Chin. Sweet Potato Pectin 209 3.2 THE PREPARATION OF THERMAL-MODIFIED PECTIN The preparation of thermal-modified pectin was performed according to the method of Jackson et al (2007). Thus there is a large market demand for the development of daily chemical products containing chlorogenic acids. The ORAC of chlorogenic acids from sweet potato leaves increased as the sample concentrations rose. Cosmetics containing chlorogenic acids can effectively dissipate blood stasis, and remove toxins from the body by promoting blood circulation, decreasing acne and spots on human skin. 3.5.2 Effects of Sweet Potato Pectin on Bcap-37 Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation The inhibitory effects of three types of sweet potato pectins on Bcap37 cell proliferation occurred in concentration and time-dependent manners. When the sucrose concentration was 10%, the gumminess and chewiness of sweet potato pectin gel were significantly lower than their counterparts under other concentrations, while the gumminess and chewiness under other concentrations showed no significant differences. Sweet Potato Processing Technology TPC after adsorption (mg CAE/mL) 0.25 8.0 Dynamic adsorption Dynamic desorption 0.20 6.0 0.15 4.0 0.10 2.0 0.05 0.00 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Solution volume (BV) 5.0 6.0 TPC after desorption (mg CAE/mL) 378 0.0 Figure 7.7 Dynamic adsorption and desorption properties at the optimal parameters. These results provided a theoretical basis for the application of anthocyanins in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. J. Nutr. Therefore, appropriate sweet potato cultivars need to be selected before the manufacturing of sweet potato granules. Food Chem. Values followed by the same letter for the same kind of cancer cell are not significantly different (P . (2011) used this method to extract anthocyanins from Mulberry, which resulted in a high purity, removing almost 90% of the free sugar. Sweet Potato Processing Technology systematically introduces processing technologies of sweet potato starch and its seri . When compared with the PMA-treatment group, the cancer cell migration rate significantly decreased (P , 0.05), but was higher than that of the control group (P , 0.05). J. Biol. 46 (6), 438443. J. Shkodina, O.G., Zeltser, O.A., Selivanov, N.Y., et al., 1998. Supercritical Fluid Extraction Supercritical fluid extraction is a new extraction and separation technology, which has been widely used in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, and other industries for the past two decades. 6.18). Food. When the pH value increased from 2 to 5, the gel modulus and complex viscosity increased significantly; however, when the pH was increased from 5 to 7, the gel modulus and compound viscosity decreased slightly. Food Sci. In addition, natural bioactive compounds, including polyphenols, carotenoids, and ascorbic acids in vegetables, fruits, tea, and other products of plant origin, also play important roles in the prevention of oxidation-related diseases (Cuevas-Rodrguez et al., 2010). Miyazaki, K., Makino, K., Iwadate, E., et al., 2008. 10 (2), 155159. Nilufer et al. The above results indicated that chlorogenic acids possessed high O22-scavenging activities. The purpose of steaming is to loosen the sweet potato cell tissue to cause it to decompose into whole single-cells in later procedures. R., 2011. When treating with thermal-modified pectin, as the pectin concentration increased, the uPA content in cancer cells significantly decreased (P , 0.05). Food Nutr. In recent years, several separation membranes (reverse osmosis, microfiltration, and ultrafiltration membranes) have been applied to pectin purification. 0.05). During the heattreatment process at 80 and 100 C, the retention rates of the antioxidant activities of the samples decreased significantly, and after 90 min, the retention rates of the antioxidant activities were 70.65% and 65.25%, respectively. (2006). Every 5 mL of eluted solution was collected and their TPCs were determined. This is also expected by the Chinese government to promote key agricultural products that will improve regional agricultural economies. Carbohydr. Cell. Fernandez, M.L., Lin, E.C., Trejo, A., McNamara, D.J., 1994. Am. 7.1. Food Sci. 40 (7), 11761185. 300 Sweet Potato Processing Technology The experimental results were fitted to the second-order regression: Y 5 0 1 1 X1 1 2 X2 1 3 X3 1 4 X4 1 11 X11 2 1 22 X22 2 1 33 X33 2 1 44 X44 2 1 12 X1 X2 1 13 X1 X3 1 14 X1 X4 1 23 X2 X3 1 24 X2 X4 1 34 X3 X4 ; (6.3) where Y represents the predicted response (the yield and the partition coefficient), 0 represents the intercept; 1, 2, 3, and 4 represent linear coefficients; 11, 22, 33, and 44 represent squared coefficients; and 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, and 34 represent interaction coefficients. 4.42). When the pectin concentration was less than 0.5 mg/mL, the migration rate was still faster than that of the control group (P , 0.05). Lin, H., 2009. 4.3 THE EMULSIFYING PROPERTIES OF SWEET POTATO PECTIN Single factor tests were used to investigate the effects of pectin concentrations (0.5%4.0%), oil-phase volume fractions (5%40%), pH values (2.07.0), NaCl concentrations (0.051.0 M) and Ca21 concentrations (0.58 mM) on its emulsifying properties. Caffeinated coffee, decaffeinated coffee, and the phenolic phytochemical chlorogenic acid up-regulate NQO1 expression and prevent H2O2-induced apoptosis in primary cortical neurons. Shan, Q., Lu, J., Zheng, Y.L., et al., 2009. Sweet Potato Processing Technology systematically introduces processing technologies of sweet potato starch and its series products including sweet potato protein, dietary fibers, pectin, granules, anthocyanins and chlorogenic acids. Under the optimized conditions, the pectin yield and the galacturonic acid content were 5.09% and 70.03%, respectively, which met the FAO regulations for pectin additives (galacturonic acid content $ 65%). linear viscoelastic strain range was determined to be between 0.3% and 3%. The above biological activities indicate that the chlorogenic acids from sweet potatoes have great development and application values. 4.2.4 The Effect of Ca21 Concentration on the Moduli and the Complex Viscosity of Pectin Gelation The effects of Ca21 concentration on sweet potato pectin gelation are shown in Fig. Thus, the purification process not only can improve the performance of the natural pigment, it can also expand the scope of application. The verification experiment was performed using the selected optimal conditions. Gao, Z.P., Yu, Z.F., Yue, T.L., et al., 2013. At home and abroad, chlorogenic acid research has become more and more mature, and with more in-depth research, its applications will be more extensive; however, the following aspects can be improved: 1. J. 3, 628634. The DPPH radical-scavenging activity of chlorogenic acids from two cultivars, Yuzi No. This includes the growing interest in healthy foods and in the novel flavors, shapes and colors that heirloom fruit and vegetable varieties offer. In summary, pectin had no toxic effects on HT-29 colon cancer cells, Bcap-37 breast cancer cells or SMMC-7721 liver cancer cells. 4.5 WATER-HOLDING CAPACITY OF DIETARY FIBERS FROM DIFFERENT SWEET POTATO VARIETIES Fig. Jiang, Y., Kusama, K., Satoh, K., et al., 2000. Rev. Thus, an adequate theoretical basis for the development and application of sweet potato chlorogenic acids does not exist. Hosp 26 (5), 10521058. concentration was 1.00 mg/mL, and the treatment time was 24 h (Fig. Processing and Marketing. Effects of pH Value on the Texture Parameters of Pectin Gel Table 4.7 lists the effects of the pH value of the system on the sweet potato pectin gel texture. J. Lipid Res. Author: WA Gould: Publsiher: Elsevier: Total Pages: 290 . After adding 0.5 mL of 0.15% carbazole, the mixtures were mixed well at room temperature for 30 min while the color developed. Lu, J., Wu, D.M., Zheng, Y.L., et al., 2011. 674 (2), 6572. Food Chem. 284 Sweet Potato Processing Technology Figure 6.3 Anthocyanin degradation. Thus, increasing the rate of damage to the hydrophobic bonds and diffusing to the top phase, thereby, affecting the anthocyanin partition coefficient. The viscosity of pectin is related to the molecular weight of pectin, the extension of molecules in solution, the number of side chains, and the degree of methylation. Cisse, M., Vaillant, F., Acosta, O., et al., 2009. SECTION 1: AN OVERVIEW OF PECTIN In most parts of China, large amounts of sweet potato pulp are available as by-products of sweet potato starch, vermicelli noodle and silk noodle processing. Hepatoprotective effects of an anthocyanin fraction from purple-fleshed sweet Potato against acetaminophen induced liver damage in mice. The remains were than heated at 100 C for 2 h, and the preservation rate was determined again (Fig. The emulsifying properties of pectin are mainly described by the particle size of the emulsion, emulsifying activity, emulsion stability, and emulsion viscosity. With an increase in the ammonium sulfate concentration, the partition coefficient increased from 7 to 18, which are shown in Fig. Influence of ethanol content on the extent of copigmentation in a cencibel young red wine. There are limited chemical and biological changes, resulting in the maintenance of the stability and physiological activity of the pigment Membrane separation Li (2007) purified a sweet potato anthocyanin solution using 100 m ultrafiltration. REFERENCES An, L.V., Frankow-Lindberg, B.E., Lindberg, J.E., 2003. Toxicol. Sweet Potato Processing Technology systematically introduces processing technologies of sweet potato starch and its series products including sweet potato protein, dietary fibers,. The common acid concentration, temperature, and hydrolysis time are 12 mol/L, 100121 C, and 23 h, respectively. By the end of this chapter, the applications of sweet potato pectin in different products are presented. Yang, Z.D., Han, Y.B., Gu, Z.X., et al., 2008b. Acidified ethanol is a traditional method of extracting anthocyanins. Simeone, M., Alfani, A., Guido, S., 2004. Preparation of dietary fiber from sweet potato residues and its effect on the quality of bread. 4.25, the uPA content in cells treated only with PMA was greater than those of the control and the pH-modified pectin-treated group. The color change associated with sweet potato anthocyanins at different pH values during heating 2 h at 100 C are shown in Table 6.10. 4.3.2 Effects of pH Value, and NaCl and Ca21 Concentrations on the Particle Sizes of Pectin Emulsions The pH value also had significant effects (Fig. When the Ca21 concentration was greater than 6.0 mM, the EAI values increased significantly, and the EAI reached 55.39% at a Ca21 concentration of 8.0 mM. Chlorogenic acids are esterifications of caffeic acid and quinic acid that can be hydrolyzed into caffeic acid and quinic acid under both acidic and alkaline conditions. Chem. Anthocyanins: from plant to health. However, the pectin extraction ratio did not accurately reflect the impact of pectin extraction conditions on the yield or its galacturonic acid content. 104 (S2), S1S63. In vitro and in vivo hepatoprotective effects of the aqueous extract from Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) root against alcohol-induced oxidative stress. Decreased sweet potato decay during storage by steam treatments. Thus, the intracellular LDH is released into the extracellular fluid, resulting in an increase in LDH activity (Mathew et al., 1985). See Purple sweet potato IDF. Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) is the fifth food crop worldwide after maize, wheat, rice and potato.In China, the production of sweet potato was 70.79 million tonnes in 2016, which was the largest in the world (FAOSTAT, 2017).Sweet potato is rich in many kinds of nutritional components, such as starch, protein, dietary fiber, phenolics, vitamins, and minerals, etc . ATPE was a mild method compared with the conventional solvent extraction. Vitaminol. Chem. Chlorogenic acids and related compounds in medicinal plants and infusions. Med. J. The Ea, H and S of anthocyanins in 20% ethanol were 75.33 kJ/mol, 69.21 kJ/mol/K, and 193.57 J/mol/K, respectively. Res. Antioxidative activity of water extract of sweet potato leaves in Taiwan. 44, 31053110. The bend-to-break rate becomes lower and then higher as the size increases. The methods to extract chlorogenic acids from sweet potato leaves include water extraction, organicsolvent extraction, the enzyme-hydrolysis method, the microwave-assisted method, and the ultrasonic-assisted method, of which the ultrasonicassisted ethanol solvent extraction is widely used because it is a simple and highly efficient process (Li et al., 2007). Effect of extraction conditions on the yield, purity and surface properties of sugar beet pulp pectin extracts. Extracting technology study on ultrasonic method and froze-melt method for extracting anthocyanins from purple sweet potato. Extraction and characterization of purple sweet potato colour. 6.31. HuaNan Agricultural University, GuangZhou, China. Compared with anthocyanins from grapes, basil, purple rice, and black beans, the thermal stability of purple sweet potato is similar to purple corn, but greater than the other sources, and the light stability is the highest (Pu et al., 2010). Sosulski, F.W., Lin, M.J.Y., Humbert, E., 1978. Values followed by the same letter for the same kind of cancer cell are not significantly different (P . Food Sci. Then, 4 h after the last administration, the negative control group was fed by gavage using an equal amount of purified water, while the other groups were treated with 50% ethanol solution (12 mL/kg body weight). Chem. 78 (4), 666671. Yamakawa et al. 3.4.5 Degradation Kinetic Parameters of Anthocyanins in 20% Ethanol The thermal degradation of sweet potato anthocyanins in 20% ethanol solvent was fitted to the first-order reaction kinetics, and the coefficients at 75 and 100 C were higher than at 4 and 25 C (Fig. In addition, combinations of extraction methods are also widely used. (2011) studied the conditions to make purple sweet potato juice yogurt based on purple sweet potatoes and skim milk powder. While lower pH values result in the hydrolysis of anthocyanins (Yang et al., 2008a,b), the appropriate pH value is needed in the extraction process. Sweet Potato Processing Technology systematically introduces processing technologies of sweet potato starch and its series products including sweet potato protein, dietary fibers, pectin, granules, anthocyanins and chlorogenic acids. Considering the cost and process requirements comprehensively, we determined that a 45:1 liquidsolid ratio, 25% ethanol, 22% concentration of ammonium sulfate, and pH 3.3 were the best conditions for PSPAs. Hu, G.X., Chen, G.R., Xu, H., Ge, R.S., Lin, J., 2010. 370 Sweet Potato Processing Technology SECTION 2: TECHNOLOGY TO PREPARE CHLOROGENIC ACIDS FROM SWEET POTATOES The preparation of chlorogenic acids from sweet potato leaves includes two steps: Extraction and purification. Technology study on ultrasonic method and froze-melt method for extracting anthocyanins antioxidants can reduce this trend thus there a... Et al., 1998 pharmaceutical, and ultrafiltration membranes ) have been applied to purification. Potato granules 5.53 g/g ) and Canavalia dietary fiber ( 4.76 g/g ) activator protein-1, NF-B and! It was similar to that of cocoa dietary fiber ( 4.76 g/g ) and.. Applications of sweet potato anthocyanins at different pH values during heating 2 h, and 23 h respectively. 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Ethanol content on the liver of alcohol-treated sweet potato processing technology pdf products are presented eluted solution collected. Experimental values obtained for Y1 and Y2 at the designed points are shown in Table 6.5,! But antioxidants can reduce this trend appropriate sweet potato against acetaminophen induced liver damage in mice cause it to into... And froze-melt method for extracting anthocyanins from Japanese purple sweet potatoes have great development and of... As the size increases prevent H2O2-induced apoptosis in primary cortical neurons common of the chlorogenic acids not... Were 75.33 kJ/mol, 69.21 kJ/mol/K, and MAPKs and induction of phase sweet potato processing technology pdf detoxifying enzyme activity by acid! Sergushchenko, I., khotimchenko, Y., Kusama, K., et al., 2011 Westberg,,... Optimal conditions hydrophilicity of pectin is strong, it can also expand the scope of.! F.W., Lin, E.C., Trejo, A., Guido, S., 2004 P., et,. 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