pregnant urine smells like sperm2101 citywest blvd houston, tx 77042

Tips To Help Reduce Urine Odor During Pregnancy. Sperm last up to five days. Consuming sufficient fluids can prevent dehydration and foul-smelling urine . Mouse Deer (Chevrotain) Latin name: Tragulidae Unique weird feature: Resembles a miniature-sized deer with fangs Where theyre found: Asia and Africa Size: Length: 1.7 to 1.8 feet; Weight: 3.6 Shame and modesty still can with many people and prevent them from being able to clear their doubts with the I sniffed it, and it smells like vinegar, which is wierd. This has to do with its makeup of ingredients, in order to provide a pH level where the sperm can thrive. garlic. (: personal expirienceee. You may also see blood in urine, a cloudy or sulfur-like smell in urine, nausea, vomiting, and constant urge to urinate. The condition is called candiduria. During pregnancy women have an increase in a pregnancy hormone called hCG. The walnut-shaped prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the connection to the urinary bladder. In many men, it enlarges enough to interfere with the passage of urine and to prevent the bladder from emptying completely. The following is a description of the main symptoms faced by a patient undergoing IVF treatment with her eggs after an embryo Your urine test should be negative if it is a false pregnancy, however, an ultrasound is the only guaranteed confirmation. I know this sounds funny thick urine, but it had a thickness of a sperm! The most common causes of semen in urine are an enlarged prostate, retrograde ejaculation, or if semen is left over in the urethra from previous intercourse or masturbation. How To Sperm last up to five days. A female is born with a supply of about 250,000 immature ova. Similarly one may ask, why does sperm and urine never mix? Generally, a man wont notice if there is only a small amount of semen in the urine. However, most of these symptoms are more related to the hormonal treatment, administered to prepare her uterus and to the transfer technique itself. If you didn't have sex in your fertile window (or the 5 days before) chances are close to zero. I've noticed that if I'm lazy and just laying around and don't get up right away I always smell rotten because it gets trapped in there. Nasty, like a bitter metallic taste. Many of these substances are alkaline. Urinary tract infections. A. Many vagina owners dont realize that semen can be the cause of unpleasant smells from their lady bits, but t here are actually a few reasons a mans elixir may cause your yoni some distress.. Like anything that contains proteins, the smell of semen changes when it decomposes inside the vagina.. 2 Answers. help please! I don't think electronics have a smell unless they are hot. Other Its generally rare for men to experience sperm in urine, but the two most common reasons this happens are prostatitis, which is a medical issue related to prostate gland swelling, and retrograde ejaculation, which can happen when semen flows backward during ejaculation and gets stuck, usually due to bladder problems. The discharge could be a number of things; it's common for women's discharge to increase right before their periods. I agree with 4timeMama its not likely its semen. I ordered Now Sports 2.2lb L-Arginine powder. Thank. But it didnt smell like sperm. Chloride, potassium, and magnesium can all alter its scent. Maintain good hygiene to help prevent foul smells. Urinary Infections. 1. Semen normally smells like ammonia, bleach, or chlorine. Certain foods contain nutrients and vitamins that may cause urine to smell like ammonia. Diabetic ketoacidosis But persistent infection for 8 years is very unusual. This is a widespread vaginal infection in women between 15 and 44 years old. A 28-year-old female asked: when i go and use the restroom my urine smells like sperm is that a sign of pregnecy ? It can also be due to infection . Urine smells different in pregnancy, yes, but However, women also have a heightened sense of smell during pregnancy which could contribute to any strong urine odor they report. The lack of odor could be as a result of hydration or regular emptying of your bladder. Advanced diabetes can sometimes cause Increase in Vaginal discharge is very common in the last stages of pregnancy its actually a sign that things are moving along. If the pad is soaked within 30 minutes, its likely your waters. If you didn't have sex in your fertile window (or the 5 days before) chances are close to zero. Posted 29/9/12. Add extra flavor to meat or fish by marinating it in sweet juices, sweet and sour sauce, or dressings. The 12-hour mating period is enough to get the female pregnant 90 per cent of the time. I know its not me because it smells like this even when he masterbates. It is not a harmful condition. Could I possibly be pregnant? Is this normal? Vitamins and supplements. Some limited research suggests that hyperosmia may be related to changes in circulating levels of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) during pregnancy. However, you may want to talk to your doctor if your urine smells very different than usual or you also experience some pain while urinating. The walnut-shaped prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the connection to the urinary bladder. Its this nasty bitter-sweet taste and it smells like bleach and its thick gooey and hard to swallow. During pregnancy women have an increase in a pregnancy hormone called hCG. Answer (1 of 9): I suspect its not the urine that has a stronger smell, more that you have a stronger sense of smell. I'm not due for my period till the 28th wish is in like a week. Many women claim not to have had any symptoms after a successful embryo transfer. A bit musty, sometimes a bit acidic or salty. 4. Not all anti-cancer or chemotherapy medications have long-term side effects, but several have been associated with memory difficulties (sometimes called "chemo brain"), heart problems, diabetes, numbness or tingling in hands and feet, fertility problems, or fatigue. You might notice variations in this scent, especially after you have sex. It has been like this since we first started dating. Dr. Douglas Lawson answered. It might be an infection, or it could be diabetes. Whenever I get them the smell is what I'd like to describe as a "horse pee" smell. Urine leakage (aka incontinence) is a common issue in late pregnancy and can last for a few weeks to months after childbirth. My cock was inside her vagina and I am fucking her. Fucking my own mother. Other possible symptoms include frequent or painful urination, fever and back pain, although some pregnant women experience no symptoms despite the presence of bacteria in the urine. Amniotic fluid has a distinct sweet smell to it, unlike semen which we all know what that smells like, but I cannot even describe the smell of semen. Disgusting, but if you've evern been around horses, you will know that smell! It probably is NOT amniotic fluid, but best to ask your midwife. While the urine might smell identical to a womans pre-pregnancy urine to the casual observer, pregnant women smell everything, even urine, to a greater extent than they did prior to pregnancy. Then I settled to a steadier rhythm. This is especially true in early pregnancy. Females can give birth to up to eight babies which is more than any other deer species.. Theyre also excellent swimmers and can even swim several miles at a time. When I was pregnant, I could not Yep. His semen also has chunks in it. i would really like some help please. 9 Popcorn Urine. Because semen is a bodily fluid, it does have a characteristic smell. This is usually due to the speed of urine flow. Some patients who have UTIs actually describe the smell of their urine as sweet, Dr. Agarwal says. Urine smells different in pregnancy, yes, but Urinary tract infections could also cause foul semen smell or urine-like semen smell in rare chances. Urinary tract infections are pertaining to penile discharge tubes that could get disturbed to certain infections that may system default the urine to add onto semen ejaculation causing typical smells and wrecks. signs of pregnancy smell. Heres what may be causing this, other symptoms to watch for, and when you should see your doctor. Maintain good hygiene to help prevent foul smells. The smell of semen is usually faint because it is primarily made up of water. 2. I excitedly opened the box and took out the plastic jar. Even though men's nether regions give off their fair share of smells from sweat, urine, semen, It may smell slightly sweet. Its like swallowing a raw egg with a broken yolk so I prefer to have my husband cum on my face mouth close or on my boobs if giving a blow job. It may smell slightly fleshy or like semen. onions. confused mommy13 on May 15, 2013: Consuming less water can be the cause of dehydration which is not healthy for you or the baby. The smell situation is a little different here. watery discharge smells like sperm not pregnant Sen categora I normally wear pantyliners, and change them 2-3 times a day. I was in the process of changing one today when I noticed it was heavier, and the bulk of the discharge was further south than it normally is (I normally, unfortunately, leak a little wee when I cough etc). Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks and has three phases or stages: the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters. B BeyondTired Urine can foam up briefly every once in a while. Some women may only experience one of these symptoms at first and may have such a strong assumption she is pregnant that her mind tricks her endocrine system into producing more pregnancy-like symptoms. Some people have reported that persimmons smell like sperm or semen. But there are some instances that some women say that it has a sweet smell and by sweet, they mean a smell relatively similar to that of males semen. The American sycamore, Platanus occidentalis, with its distinctive peeling bark, is not well known for its scent, but there are many anecdotal reports from people who find it emits a sweet odor. I usually use Twin Labs L-Arginine with good results but wanted to try some powder in bulk form. and I've never had mine smell like pee. Via: Dogs Breakfast a mess (you know, when the dog looks into his bowl in the morning) Busier than a one toothed man in a corn on the cob eating contest extremely busy Mad Rooter someone who loves sex Shocker someone whos having a bad day Skippy an Australian Yank an American Seppo short rhyming slang for an American Sheep Shagger a New Zealander Urinary tract infection is a common infection that occurs during pregnancy and is often the reason for foul-smelling urine. Symptoms and signs vary from week to week during pregnancy. But some lucky women get a sign before they even get that BFP on that home pregnancy test.Its called implantation bleeding and the process can look different for each woman and Also called an egg cell, not like a chicken egg but instead about the size of a period (dot) or the head of a pin. You might notice variations in this scent, especially after you have sex. mine didn't, was a very strange sweet sort of smell. Dr. Wayne Ingram answered. Diabetes. I finally managed to spread the same legs my father has spread on the same bed. 3. Long-term side effects of anti-cancer medications are specific to each medication. When both urine & semen have this odor it can be due to an infection. Ammonia is found naturally in the urine but does not usually give off a strong smell. I then twist off lid, take a big sniff and to my surprise, the powder smells like ejaculate. He had a vasectomy so that we wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant. ring the midwife for reassurance, it's probably just a bit of discharge but might a well get your mind put at rest. As a result, older men tend to urinate with less force, to take longer to start the stream of urine, to dribble urine at the end of the stream, and to urinate more often. Learn about vaginal discharge before a period, how many days you get discharge before your period, signs and causes of vaginal discharge, and when to see a doctor if there's a problem. This is especially true in early pregnancy. However, women also have a heightened sense of smell during pregnancy which could contribute to any strong urine odor they report. Eating excess citrus fruits or vinegar. Suppose the sperm smells fishy, or this horrible smell is perceived in the male genital area after sexual intercourse. You're pregnant . When it builds up, it begins to look like a white, cheesy substance. It depends on what his diet is like. Its actually stomach turning. Ejaculating: It comes out from the urethra despite being produced by the Skene's glands from the G-spot. Even though the strong smell of urine due to nasal sensitivity doesnt necessarily represent a change in the urine, note the doctors, it does represent a change in the The following tips can help you avoid foul urine smell during pregnancy. Yes it does sometimes. But thats not to say you dont have a healthy vagina or that you should Please help. Early pregnancy can also trigger mild headaches or dizziness because of hormonal changes and fluid volume changes. What does urine smell like in early pregnancy? I also didn't mention backache the other day. It is important to make a distinction between ejaculating, squirting and gushing:. This increase can cause your urine to have a strong odor. If she likes how it smells, then she will mate with him over and over again until he's completely exhausted. The sperm-like substance is actually yeast colonies being passed out of the urinary tract. My sister had a friend who was a Type 1 and she said her breath smelled like real maple syrup. Sorry I meant my discharge smelt like sperm. When couples start trying to conceive, they can be like hound dogs looking for an early sign of pregnant.The two week wait can seem longer than the wait for the next Star Wars sequel! And with women, because of the phases of our fertility cycles, and the changes in our cervical mucus and vaginal discharges during every cycle, that smell isn't always going to be identical. It hurts to push on it. A pregnancy test can easily confirm if you are pregnant. We can influence the smell of semen by what we eat and drink . I stumbled onto this because I started to get jock itch every few months, and that can be caused by yeast infection. 1. The package arrived in yesterdays mail. Drink six to eight glasses, or 1.5 to 2 liters of water or other fluids every day. It is not a harmful condition. "Pregnancy changes your urine and, at the beginning of pregnancy, you might find yourself needing to pee more often," Mendoza explains. It varies with everyone with smell and color. on that one. In that case, it may be due to the female partner suffering from bacterial vaginosis. When united with a male sperm cell can create a baby (fertilization). I've dated men with healthy and unhealthy diets and their semen has all smelled someone like bleach. Brussels sprouts. If red meat is a problem, eat chicken, turkey, eggs, dairy products, and fish without a strong smell. My boyfriend now was a virgin when we met and his semen smells at best rotten. Once the chemical starts building up in your body, you will develop a strong odor in your urine, sweat, saliva, etc. Not likely: Not impossible, but its more likely that you have an infection starting. Not a PG sign: This is not a sign of pregnancy, however the vaginal discharge is a combination of semen and vaginal/cervical secretions. I have a question. Ugh gross. Im only like 96 pounds so im wandering if the symptoms are kicking in earlier due to my size. This is especially true in early pregnancy. Since your sense of smell is extra keen when youre expecting, you may also have strong aversions to certain foods and smells. Avoid any food that you think smells or tastes bad. During pregnancy women have an increase in a pregnancy hormone called hCG. Foamy urine is more likely to be a sign of disease if However, women also have a heightened sense of smell during pregnancy which could contribute to any strong urine odor they report. These foods include: asparagus. discharge smells like sperm!! If its always been that way, then there is a genetic condition called Trimethylaminuria, which causes your body to be unable to process trimethylamine, which is produced in your gut, especially after you consume choline-rich foods. The doubts surrounding sexual health are many. During intercourse, the smooth muscle sphincters at the opening to the renal bladder close and prevent urine from entering the penis. The fishy smell after intercourse due to bacterial vaginosis. This increase can cause your urine to have a strong odor. Suppose the sperm smells fishy, or this horrible smell is perceived in the male genital area after sexual intercourse. ; Gushing: It involves the expulsion of clear fluid from the urinary bladder. Causes of fishy odor smell . 3. I am 16, male and today I had sort of strange urine. In men, the prostate gland tends to enlarge. I agree that it is a normal scent, and every man is different. Both of these conditions can typically be treated, although I only notice a nasty smell after masturbating. If you had sex in your fertile window, you know there's a chance of pregnancy. 4. The following tips can help you avoid foul urine smell during pregnancy. Ive noticed it a month ago and just wear liners. The fishy smell after intercourse due to bacterial vaginosis. He is only 24 years old. Unlike the vagina, which naturally I am fucking the same cunt my father quuenches his lust and flooded it with his sperm to create me. During intercourse, the smooth muscle sphincters at the opening to the renal bladder close and prevent urine from entering the penis. Many factors may contribute to the vinegar smell in your urine; these include; diet, dehydration, or diseases. Like think urine. Sweaty over-the-counter Cetaphil face wash. In fact he says it always smells like this. You should have tests of urine & semen to exclude any abnormality. A UTI can cause a strong and unpleasant urine odor. The good thing is that you usually do not need to worry about a subtle change in urine smell during pregnancy. A UTI can cause a strong and unpleasant urine odor. Ketogenic diet also makes urine, breath and sweat smell different. All body odors are not created equal. Whenever I get them the smell is what I'd like to describe as a "horse pee" smell. The morning part of this pregnancy symptom, however, is quite a misnomer. I really think fresh semen smells exactly like pancake batter. Your diet can change the smell of semen . Hope this information will help you. If he eats mostly fruits and veggies, it will be more of a sweet scent. My husband's semen smells so strong like ammonia, that I can smell it when he has an erection, fully clothed, when I am two feet away. 1.2k views Answered >2 years ago. However, if urine smells like vinegar, or has a very strong odor, it should not be ignored. Consuming sufficient fluids can prevent dehydration and foul-smelling urine . This means that theyre above a Alexapoo Guest. Answer #3. no. It is said that eating pineapples and other sweet fruits can make your cum smell and taste sweet . Smegma or preputial sebum is a natural lubricant that is found around the head of the penis and under the foreskin. The abnormal urine odor may be due to concentred urine. Also I'm extremely bloated. An infection of the vagina called bacterial vaginosis (BV) can also cause an unpleasant, sometimes fishy odor. These can cause the kidney to excrete the excess acid through ammonia. Uterine cancer; Pancreatic cancer; Prostate cancer; Skin cancer; Stomach cancer 8 yr. ago. Sometimes cold food has less of an odor. This heightened sense of smell is called hyperosmia. Click to see full answer. This usually indicates a bladder infection. So having gone to the bathroom twice earlier today i felt as though I could smell sperm but it was just my usual discharge just a bit stringier (sorry (tmi) but now after using the bathroom again my discharge smells like sperm, is this normal? For example, if he eats a lot of garlic, spicy, or fatty foods, it may have a scanty, bleach-like smell to it. If youre concerned your waters have broken, put on a pad. Other possible symptoms include frequent or painful urination, fever and back pain, although some pregnant women experience no symptoms despite the presence of bacteria in the urine. I had achieved what I wanted. There are a few things that can make your semen smell fishy, rotten, or foul-smelling. even if its "not wiped right" LOL. Early symptoms of pregnancy may include constipation, headache, heartburn, extreme tiredness, and upset stomach. Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Body is made up of trillions how long does chemo keep working in your body cells, can cause joint is., urine, vomit or stool keep testosterone ( which contributes to prostate cancer: cancer /a! Sweat and urine also contain numerous other substances that can react with the alkaline substances in semen. The response, the cells that grow fast, like cancer cells to and. Im worried also that my urine is cloudy and smells different and stronger and also ive always had white discharge inbetween periods but it seems to be a lot more than usual. Popcorn smells in urine is another thing that sounds nice, but can have dangerous implications. These symptoms occur because of changes in blood volume and blood circulation. Strong smelling urine is one of the early symptoms of pregnancy (as your hormones change, causing urine to become more pungent), so this could be a sign that you're expecting. This increase can cause your urine to have a strong odor. It occurs in both male and female mammalian genitals. Try limiting them if possible so see how well things go without it! Heather Corinna replies: You know, genitals smell like genitals smell like genitals. Morning sickness describes the nausea and vomiting that can happen when youre pregnant. I also must say that I was masturbating before I went to 21/05/14. A thick yellow If you had sex in your fertile window, you know there's a chance of pregnancy. Vaginal discharge is the fluid secreted from the uterus, cervix (neck of the uterus) and vagina. Pregnant women seem to be able to smell things that others miss, and are more often affected by it. Drink six to eight glasses, or 1.5 to 2 liters of water or other fluids every day. Similarly one may ask, why does sperm and urine never mix? 3. Check with your midwife tho. 28 years experience Obstetrics and Gynecology. Tips To Help Reduce Urine Odor During Pregnancy. other compounds, enzymes, proteins, and minerals. Disgusting, but if you've evern been around horses, you will know that smell! For those men and women who have tasted and smelled semen time and again can tell that its taste differs depending on what the man is eating. Some women go to the bathroom and then, suddenly, catch a whiff of what smells like the snack counter of a movie house. In that case, it may be due to the female partner suffering from bacterial vaginosis. The discharge could be a number of things; it's common for women's discharge to increase right before their periods. The sodium left behind on your skin after sweat or urine dries can make your semen smell even more like bleach or chlorine if it gets mixed in. It doesnt have the ammonia or acidic smell of urine. Generally, amniotic fluid is colorless and odorless. mind you mine went with a pop and a gush so there was no mistaking it. Anti-aging treatments; Cancer. Semen typically smells like substances that have a similar pH level, which is a An infection of the vagina called bacterial vaginosis (BV) can also cause an unpleasant, sometimes fishy odor. The strong ammonia smell produces sulfur-like smell in your urine. The smell is actually like the semen dying inside you (almost like a rotten smell). Chances are if the tumor is receptive to chemo the tumor awake but to. Vaginal discharge is a normal part of a woman's menstrual cycle. Make sure that you don't have a urine infection. In both trees, and in many other odoriferous species, the chemical source of the scent may be the same. It happens when you have sex and don't get up right away to let it come out and clean up. More commonly, this might be a sign of diabetes. The largest cell in a females body. This is a widespread vaginal infection in women between 15 and 44 years old. rotten smelling semen. Dehydration: Water is very important to the human body, and if you do not stay hydrated, your body will try and hold on to as much water as